+This repository contains the Speaker Encoder model of <a href="https://github.com/mozilla/TTS">Mozilla TTS</a> repository without additional modules for easy-to-use computation of speech embeddings.
+### Steps
+- Clone the repository<br>
+- Download a pretrained speaker encoder model from here: https://github.com/mozilla/TTS/wiki/Released-Models <br>
+**Preferred**: Speaker-Encoder by @mueller91
+- Copy files `config.json` and `best_model.pth.tar` to the folder `pretrained_model`
+- Run `python compute_embedding.py --input_type "single_file" --input_path "WAV_PATH" --output_name "out.pkl"` by specifying path to a wav file
+It prints the embedding vector and also saves it in a pickle file with the key `default`
+** To compute embedding vectors for wav files inside a folder, please check the bash script `./scripts/batch_folder.sh`