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diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/FFTImplementationCallback.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/FFTImplementationCallback.cpp
index def8499..8e08b67 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/FFTImplementationCallback.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/FFTImplementationCallback.cpp
@@ -1,968 +1,968 @@
// File: FFTImplementationCallback.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "FFTImplementationCallback.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include <cmath>
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x
// int xoffInit
// ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &y
// int nrowsx
// int nRows
// int nfft
// const ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &wwc
// const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab
// const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab
// const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costabinv
// const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintabinv
// Return Type : void
namespace coder {
namespace internal {
void FFTImplementationCallback::doHalfLengthBluestein(
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x, int xoffInit,
::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &y, int nrowsx, int nRows, int nfft,
const ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &wwc,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costabinv,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintabinv)
array<creal_T, 1U> fv;
array<creal_T, 1U> fy;
array<creal_T, 1U> reconVar1;
array<creal_T, 1U> reconVar2;
array<creal_T, 1U> ytmp;
array<double, 2U> b_costab;
array<double, 2U> b_sintab;
array<double, 2U> costab1q;
array<double, 2U> hcostabinv;
array<double, 2U> hsintab;
array<double, 2U> hsintabinv;
array<int, 2U> wrapIndex;
double b_temp_re_tmp;
double re_tmp;
double temp_im;
double temp_re;
double twid_im;
double twid_re;
double z_tmp;
int hnRows;
int i;
int iDelta2;
int ihi;
int istart;
int j;
int ju;
int k;
int nRowsD2;
int nd2;
int temp_re_tmp;
boolean_T tst;
hnRows = nRows / 2;
if (hnRows > nrowsx) {
for (iDelta2 = 0; iDelta2 < hnRows; iDelta2++) {
ytmp[iDelta2].re = 0.0;
ytmp[iDelta2].im = 0.0;
if ((x.size(0) & 1) == 0) {
tst = true;
ihi = x.size(0);
} else if (x.size(0) >= nRows) {
tst = true;
ihi = nRows;
} else {
tst = false;
ihi = x.size(0) - 1;
if (ihi > nRows) {
ihi = nRows;
nd2 = nRows << 1;
temp_im = 6.2831853071795862 / static_cast<double>(nd2);
j = nd2 / 2 / 2;
costab1q.set_size(1, j + 1);
costab1q[0] = 1.0;
nd2 = j / 2 - 1;
for (k = 0; k <= nd2; k++) {
costab1q[k + 1] = std::cos(temp_im * (static_cast<double>(k) + 1.0));
iDelta2 = nd2 + 2;
nd2 = j - 1;
for (k = iDelta2; k <= nd2; k++) {
costab1q[k] = std::sin(temp_im * static_cast<double>(j - k));
costab1q[j] = 0.0;
j = costab1q.size(1) - 1;
nd2 = (costab1q.size(1) - 1) << 1;
b_costab.set_size(1, nd2 + 1);
b_sintab.set_size(1, nd2 + 1);
b_costab[0] = 1.0;
b_sintab[0] = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < j; k++) {
b_costab[k + 1] = costab1q[k + 1];
b_sintab[k + 1] = -costab1q[(j - k) - 1];
iDelta2 = costab1q.size(1);
for (k = iDelta2; k <= nd2; k++) {
b_costab[k] = -costab1q[nd2 - k];
b_sintab[k] = -costab1q[k - j];
nd2 = costab.size(1) / 2;
costab1q.set_size(1, nd2);
hsintab.set_size(1, nd2);
hcostabinv.set_size(1, nd2);
hsintabinv.set_size(1, nd2);
for (i = 0; i < nd2; i++) {
iDelta2 = ((i + 1) << 1) - 2;
costab1q[i] = costab[iDelta2];
hsintab[i] = sintab[iDelta2];
hcostabinv[i] = costabinv[iDelta2];
hsintabinv[i] = sintabinv[iDelta2];
wrapIndex.set_size(1, hnRows);
for (i = 0; i < hnRows; i++) {
iDelta2 = i << 1;
temp_im = b_sintab[iDelta2];
temp_re = b_costab[iDelta2];
reconVar1[i].re = temp_im + 1.0;
reconVar1[i].im = -temp_re;
reconVar2[i].re = 1.0 - temp_im;
reconVar2[i].im = temp_re;
if (i + 1 != 1) {
wrapIndex[i] = (hnRows - i) + 1;
} else {
wrapIndex[0] = 1;
z_tmp = static_cast<double>(ihi) / 2.0;
iDelta2 = static_cast<int>(z_tmp);
for (ju = 0; ju < iDelta2; ju++) {
temp_re_tmp = (hnRows + ju) - 1;
temp_re = wwc[temp_re_tmp].re;
temp_im = wwc[temp_re_tmp].im;
nd2 = xoffInit + (ju << 1);
twid_re = x[nd2];
twid_im = x[nd2 + 1];
ytmp[ju].re = temp_re * twid_re + temp_im * twid_im;
ytmp[ju].im = temp_re * twid_im - temp_im * twid_re;
if (!tst) {
temp_re_tmp = (hnRows + static_cast<int>(z_tmp)) - 1;
temp_re = wwc[temp_re_tmp].re;
temp_im = wwc[temp_re_tmp].im;
twid_re = x[xoffInit + (static_cast<int>(z_tmp) << 1)];
ytmp[static_cast<int>(z_tmp)].re = temp_re * twid_re + temp_im * 0.0;
ytmp[static_cast<int>(z_tmp)].im = temp_re * 0.0 - temp_im * twid_re;
if (static_cast<int>(z_tmp) + 2 <= hnRows) {
iDelta2 = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(ihi) / 2.0) + 2;
for (i = iDelta2; i <= hnRows; i++) {
ytmp[i - 1].re = 0.0;
ytmp[i - 1].im = 0.0;
} else if (static_cast<int>(z_tmp) + 1 <= hnRows) {
iDelta2 = static_cast<int>(static_cast<double>(ihi) / 2.0) + 1;
for (i = iDelta2; i <= hnRows; i++) {
ytmp[i - 1].re = 0.0;
ytmp[i - 1].im = 0.0;
z_tmp = static_cast<double>(nfft) / 2.0;
nd2 = static_cast<int>(z_tmp);
if (static_cast<int>(z_tmp) > ytmp.size(0)) {
for (iDelta2 = 0; iDelta2 < nd2; iDelta2++) {
fy[iDelta2].re = 0.0;
fy[iDelta2].im = 0.0;
ihi = ytmp.size(0);
istart = static_cast<int>(z_tmp);
if (ihi <= istart) {
istart = ihi;
iDelta2 = static_cast<int>(z_tmp) - 2;
nRowsD2 = static_cast<int>(z_tmp) / 2;
k = nRowsD2 / 2;
nd2 = 0;
ju = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= istart - 2; i++) {
fy[nd2] = ytmp[i];
j = static_cast<int>(z_tmp);
tst = true;
while (tst) {
j >>= 1;
ju ^= j;
tst = ((ju & j) == 0);
nd2 = ju;
fy[nd2] = ytmp[istart - 1];
if (static_cast<int>(z_tmp) > 1) {
for (i = 0; i <= iDelta2; i += 2) {
b_temp_re_tmp = fy[i + 1].re;
temp_re = fy[i + 1].im;
re_tmp = fy[i].re;
twid_re = fy[i].im;
fy[i + 1].re = re_tmp - b_temp_re_tmp;
fy[i + 1].im = twid_re - temp_re;
fy[i].re = re_tmp + b_temp_re_tmp;
fy[i].im = twid_re + temp_re;
nd2 = 2;
iDelta2 = 4;
ju = ((k - 1) << 2) + 1;
while (k > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < ju; i += iDelta2) {
temp_re_tmp = i + nd2;
temp_re = fy[temp_re_tmp].re;
temp_im = fy[temp_re_tmp].im;
fy[temp_re_tmp].re = fy[i].re - temp_re;
fy[temp_re_tmp].im = fy[i].im - temp_im;
fy[i].re = fy[i].re + temp_re;
fy[i].im = fy[i].im + temp_im;
istart = 1;
for (j = k; j < nRowsD2; j += k) {
twid_re = costab1q[j];
twid_im = hsintab[j];
i = istart;
ihi = istart + ju;
while (i < ihi) {
temp_re_tmp = i + nd2;
b_temp_re_tmp = fy[temp_re_tmp].im;
temp_im = fy[temp_re_tmp].re;
temp_re = twid_re * temp_im - twid_im * b_temp_re_tmp;
temp_im = twid_re * b_temp_re_tmp + twid_im * temp_im;
fy[temp_re_tmp].re = fy[i].re - temp_re;
fy[temp_re_tmp].im = fy[i].im - temp_im;
fy[i].re = fy[i].re + temp_re;
fy[i].im = fy[i].im + temp_im;
i += iDelta2;
k /= 2;
nd2 = iDelta2;
iDelta2 += iDelta2;
ju -= nd2;
FFTImplementationCallback::r2br_r2dit_trig_impl(wwc, static_cast<int>(z_tmp),
costab1q, hsintab, fv);
nd2 = fy.size(0);
for (iDelta2 = 0; iDelta2 < nd2; iDelta2++) {
re_tmp = fy[iDelta2].re;
twid_im = fv[iDelta2].im;
temp_im = fy[iDelta2].im;
temp_re = fv[iDelta2].re;
fy[iDelta2].re = re_tmp * temp_re - temp_im * twid_im;
fy[iDelta2].im = re_tmp * twid_im + temp_im * temp_re;
FFTImplementationCallback::r2br_r2dit_trig_impl(fy, static_cast<int>(z_tmp),
hcostabinv, hsintabinv, fv);
if (fv.size(0) > 1) {
temp_im = 1.0 / static_cast<double>(fv.size(0));
nd2 = fv.size(0);
for (iDelta2 = 0; iDelta2 < nd2; iDelta2++) {
fv[iDelta2].re = temp_im * fv[iDelta2].re;
fv[iDelta2].im = temp_im * fv[iDelta2].im;
iDelta2 = wwc.size(0);
for (k = hnRows; k <= iDelta2; k++) {
temp_im = wwc[k - 1].re;
temp_re = fv[k - 1].im;
twid_re = wwc[k - 1].im;
twid_im = fv[k - 1].re;
nd2 = k - hnRows;
ytmp[nd2].re = temp_im * twid_im + twid_re * temp_re;
ytmp[nd2].im = temp_im * temp_re - twid_re * twid_im;
for (i = 0; i < hnRows; i++) {
double ytmp_re_tmp;
iDelta2 = wrapIndex[i];
temp_im = ytmp[i].re;
temp_re = reconVar1[i].im;
twid_re = ytmp[i].im;
twid_im = reconVar1[i].re;
re_tmp = ytmp[iDelta2 - 1].re;
b_temp_re_tmp = -ytmp[iDelta2 - 1].im;
z_tmp = reconVar2[i].im;
ytmp_re_tmp = reconVar2[i].re;
y[i].re = 0.5 * ((temp_im * twid_im - twid_re * temp_re) +
(re_tmp * ytmp_re_tmp - b_temp_re_tmp * z_tmp));
y[i].im = 0.5 * ((temp_im * temp_re + twid_re * twid_im) +
(re_tmp * z_tmp + b_temp_re_tmp * ytmp_re_tmp));
iDelta2 = hnRows + i;
y[iDelta2].re = 0.5 * ((temp_im * ytmp_re_tmp - twid_re * z_tmp) +
(re_tmp * twid_im - b_temp_re_tmp * temp_re));
y[iDelta2].im = 0.5 * ((temp_im * z_tmp + twid_re * ytmp_re_tmp) +
(re_tmp * temp_re + b_temp_re_tmp * twid_im));
// Arguments : const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x
// int xoffInit
// ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &y
// int unsigned_nRows
// const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab
// const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab
// Return Type : void
void FFTImplementationCallback::doHalfLengthRadix2(
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x, int xoffInit,
::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &y, int unsigned_nRows,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab)
array<creal_T, 1U> reconVar1;
array<creal_T, 1U> reconVar2;
array<double, 2U> hcostab;
array<double, 2U> hsintab;
array<int, 2U> wrapIndex;
array<int, 1U> bitrevIndex;
double b_y_re_tmp;
double c_y_re_tmp;
double d_y_re_tmp;
double temp2_im;
double temp2_re;
double temp_im;
double temp_im_tmp;
double temp_re;
double temp_re_tmp;
double y_re_tmp;
double z_tmp;
int hszCostab;
int i;
int istart;
int iy;
int j;
int ju;
int k;
int nRows;
int nRowsD2;
int nRowsM2;
boolean_T tst;
nRows = unsigned_nRows / 2;
j = y.size(0);
if (j > nRows) {
j = nRows;
nRowsM2 = nRows - 2;
nRowsD2 = nRows / 2;
k = nRowsD2 / 2;
hszCostab = costab.size(1) / 2;
hcostab.set_size(1, hszCostab);
hsintab.set_size(1, hszCostab);
for (i = 0; i < hszCostab; i++) {
iy = ((i + 1) << 1) - 2;
hcostab[i] = costab[iy];
hsintab[i] = sintab[iy];
wrapIndex.set_size(1, nRows);
for (i = 0; i < nRows; i++) {
temp_re = sintab[i];
temp2_re = costab[i];
reconVar1[i].re = temp_re + 1.0;
reconVar1[i].im = -temp2_re;
reconVar2[i].re = 1.0 - temp_re;
reconVar2[i].im = temp2_re;
if (i + 1 != 1) {
wrapIndex[i] = (nRows - i) + 1;
} else {
wrapIndex[0] = 1;
z_tmp = static_cast<double>(unsigned_nRows) / 2.0;
ju = 0;
iy = 1;
hszCostab = static_cast<int>(z_tmp);
for (istart = 0; istart < hszCostab; istart++) {
bitrevIndex[istart] = 0;
for (istart = 0; istart <= j - 2; istart++) {
bitrevIndex[istart] = iy;
hszCostab = static_cast<int>(z_tmp);
tst = true;
while (tst) {
hszCostab >>= 1;
ju ^= hszCostab;
tst = ((ju & hszCostab) == 0);
iy = ju + 1;
bitrevIndex[j - 1] = iy;
if ((x.size(0) & 1) == 0) {
tst = true;
j = x.size(0);
} else if (x.size(0) >= unsigned_nRows) {
tst = true;
j = unsigned_nRows;
} else {
tst = false;
j = x.size(0) - 1;
if (j > unsigned_nRows) {
j = unsigned_nRows;
temp_re = static_cast<double>(j) / 2.0;
istart = static_cast<int>(temp_re);
for (i = 0; i < istart; i++) {
iy = xoffInit + (i << 1);
y[bitrevIndex[i] - 1].re = x[iy];
y[bitrevIndex[i] - 1].im = x[iy + 1];
if (!tst) {
istart = bitrevIndex[static_cast<int>(temp_re)] - 1;
y[istart].re = x[xoffInit + (static_cast<int>(temp_re) << 1)];
y[istart].im = 0.0;
if (nRows > 1) {
for (i = 0; i <= nRowsM2; i += 2) {
temp_re_tmp = y[i + 1].re;
temp_im_tmp = y[i + 1].im;
y[i + 1].re = y[i].re - temp_re_tmp;
y[i + 1].im = y[i].im - y[i + 1].im;
y[i].re = y[i].re + temp_re_tmp;
y[i].im = y[i].im + temp_im_tmp;
hszCostab = 2;
iy = 4;
ju = ((k - 1) << 2) + 1;
while (k > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < ju; i += iy) {
nRowsM2 = i + hszCostab;
temp_re = y[nRowsM2].re;
temp_im = y[nRowsM2].im;
y[nRowsM2].re = y[i].re - temp_re;
y[nRowsM2].im = y[i].im - temp_im;
y[i].re = y[i].re + temp_re;
y[i].im = y[i].im + temp_im;
istart = 1;
for (j = k; j < nRowsD2; j += k) {
temp2_re = hcostab[j];
temp2_im = hsintab[j];
i = istart;
nRows = istart + ju;
while (i < nRows) {
nRowsM2 = i + hszCostab;
temp_re_tmp = y[nRowsM2].im;
y_re_tmp = y[nRowsM2].re;
temp_re = temp2_re * y_re_tmp - temp2_im * temp_re_tmp;
temp_im = temp2_re * temp_re_tmp + temp2_im * y_re_tmp;
y[nRowsM2].re = y[i].re - temp_re;
y[nRowsM2].im = y[i].im - temp_im;
y[i].re = y[i].re + temp_re;
y[i].im = y[i].im + temp_im;
i += iy;
k /= 2;
hszCostab = iy;
iy += iy;
ju -= hszCostab;
hszCostab = static_cast<int>(z_tmp) / 2;
temp_re_tmp = y[0].re;
temp_im_tmp = y[0].im;
y[0].re =
0.5 * ((temp_re_tmp * reconVar1[0].re - temp_im_tmp * reconVar1[0].im) +
(temp_re_tmp * reconVar2[0].re - -temp_im_tmp * reconVar2[0].im));
y[0].im =
0.5 * ((temp_re_tmp * reconVar1[0].im + temp_im_tmp * reconVar1[0].re) +
(temp_re_tmp * reconVar2[0].im + -temp_im_tmp * reconVar2[0].re));
y[static_cast<int>(z_tmp)].re =
0.5 * ((temp_re_tmp * reconVar2[0].re - temp_im_tmp * reconVar2[0].im) +
(temp_re_tmp * reconVar1[0].re - -temp_im_tmp * reconVar1[0].im));
y[static_cast<int>(z_tmp)].im =
0.5 * ((temp_re_tmp * reconVar2[0].im + temp_im_tmp * reconVar2[0].re) +
(temp_re_tmp * reconVar1[0].im + -temp_im_tmp * reconVar1[0].re));
for (i = 2; i <= hszCostab; i++) {
double temp2_im_tmp;
temp_re_tmp = y[i - 1].re;
temp_im_tmp = y[i - 1].im;
istart = wrapIndex[i - 1];
temp2_im = y[istart - 1].re;
temp2_im_tmp = y[istart - 1].im;
y_re_tmp = reconVar1[i - 1].im;
b_y_re_tmp = reconVar1[i - 1].re;
c_y_re_tmp = reconVar2[i - 1].im;
d_y_re_tmp = reconVar2[i - 1].re;
y[i - 1].re = 0.5 * ((temp_re_tmp * b_y_re_tmp - temp_im_tmp * y_re_tmp) +
(temp2_im * d_y_re_tmp - -temp2_im_tmp * c_y_re_tmp));
y[i - 1].im = 0.5 * ((temp_re_tmp * y_re_tmp + temp_im_tmp * b_y_re_tmp) +
(temp2_im * c_y_re_tmp + -temp2_im_tmp * d_y_re_tmp));
iy = (static_cast<int>(z_tmp) + i) - 1;
y[iy].re = 0.5 * ((temp_re_tmp * d_y_re_tmp - temp_im_tmp * c_y_re_tmp) +
(temp2_im * b_y_re_tmp - -temp2_im_tmp * y_re_tmp));
y[iy].im = 0.5 * ((temp_re_tmp * c_y_re_tmp + temp_im_tmp * d_y_re_tmp) +
(temp2_im * y_re_tmp + -temp2_im_tmp * b_y_re_tmp));
temp_im = reconVar1[istart - 1].im;
temp_re = reconVar1[istart - 1].re;
y_re_tmp = reconVar2[istart - 1].im;
temp2_re = reconVar2[istart - 1].re;
y[istart - 1].re =
0.5 * ((temp2_im * temp_re - temp2_im_tmp * temp_im) +
(temp_re_tmp * temp2_re - -temp_im_tmp * y_re_tmp));
y[istart - 1].im =
0.5 * ((temp2_im * temp_im + temp2_im_tmp * temp_re) +
(temp_re_tmp * y_re_tmp + -temp_im_tmp * temp2_re));
istart = (istart + static_cast<int>(z_tmp)) - 1;
y[istart].re = 0.5 * ((temp2_im * temp2_re - temp2_im_tmp * y_re_tmp) +
(temp_re_tmp * temp_re - -temp_im_tmp * temp_im));
y[istart].im = 0.5 * ((temp2_im * y_re_tmp + temp2_im_tmp * temp2_re) +
(temp_re_tmp * temp_im + -temp_im_tmp * temp_re));
temp_re_tmp = y[hszCostab].re;
temp_im_tmp = y[hszCostab].im;
y_re_tmp = reconVar1[hszCostab].im;
b_y_re_tmp = reconVar1[hszCostab].re;
c_y_re_tmp = reconVar2[hszCostab].im;
d_y_re_tmp = reconVar2[hszCostab].re;
temp_re = temp_re_tmp * d_y_re_tmp;
temp2_re = temp_re_tmp * b_y_re_tmp;
y[hszCostab].re = 0.5 * ((temp2_re - temp_im_tmp * y_re_tmp) +
(temp_re - -temp_im_tmp * c_y_re_tmp));
temp2_im = temp_re_tmp * c_y_re_tmp;
temp_im = temp_re_tmp * y_re_tmp;
y[hszCostab].im = 0.5 * ((temp_im + temp_im_tmp * b_y_re_tmp) +
(temp2_im + -temp_im_tmp * d_y_re_tmp));
istart = static_cast<int>(z_tmp) + hszCostab;
y[istart].re = 0.5 * ((temp_re - temp_im_tmp * c_y_re_tmp) +
(temp2_re - -temp_im_tmp * y_re_tmp));
y[istart].im = 0.5 * ((temp2_im + temp_im_tmp * d_y_re_tmp) +
(temp_im + -temp_im_tmp * b_y_re_tmp));
// Arguments : const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x
// int n2blue
// int nfft
// const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab
// const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab
// const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintabinv
// ::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &y
// Return Type : void
void FFTImplementationCallback::dobluesteinfft(
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x, int n2blue, int nfft,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintabinv, ::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &y)
array<creal_T, 1U> b_fv;
array<creal_T, 1U> fv;
array<creal_T, 1U> r;
array<creal_T, 1U> wwc;
double b_re_tmp;
double c_re_tmp;
double d_re_tmp;
double re_tmp;
int b_k;
int b_y;
int i;
int i1;
int minNrowsNx;
int nInt2m1;
int u0;
int xoff;
if ((nfft & 1) == 0) {
int k;
int nInt2;
int nRows;
int rt;
nRows = nfft / 2;
nInt2m1 = (nRows + nRows) - 1;
rt = 0;
wwc[nRows - 1].re = 1.0;
wwc[nRows - 1].im = 0.0;
nInt2 = nRows << 1;
for (k = 0; k <= nRows - 2; k++) {
double nt_im;
double nt_re;
b_y = ((k + 1) << 1) - 1;
if (nInt2 - rt <= b_y) {
rt += b_y - nInt2;
} else {
rt += b_y;
nt_im = -3.1415926535897931 * static_cast<double>(rt) /
if (nt_im == 0.0) {
nt_re = 1.0;
nt_im = 0.0;
} else {
nt_re = std::cos(nt_im);
nt_im = std::sin(nt_im);
i = (nRows - k) - 2;
wwc[i].re = nt_re;
wwc[i].im = -nt_im;
i = nInt2m1 - 1;
for (k = i; k >= nRows; k--) {
wwc[k] = wwc[(nInt2m1 - k) - 1];
} else {
int k;
int nInt2;
int rt;
nInt2m1 = (nfft + nfft) - 1;
rt = 0;
wwc[nfft - 1].re = 1.0;
wwc[nfft - 1].im = 0.0;
nInt2 = nfft << 1;
for (k = 0; k <= nfft - 2; k++) {
double nt_im;
double nt_re;
b_y = ((k + 1) << 1) - 1;
if (nInt2 - rt <= b_y) {
rt += b_y - nInt2;
} else {
rt += b_y;
nt_im = -3.1415926535897931 * static_cast<double>(rt) /
if (nt_im == 0.0) {
nt_re = 1.0;
nt_im = 0.0;
} else {
nt_re = std::cos(nt_im);
nt_im = std::sin(nt_im);
i = (nfft - k) - 2;
wwc[i].re = nt_re;
wwc[i].im = -nt_im;
i = nInt2m1 - 1;
for (k = i; k >= nfft; k--) {
wwc[k] = wwc[(nInt2m1 - k) - 1];
nInt2m1 = x.size(0);
y.set_size(nfft, x.size(1));
if (nfft > x.size(0)) {
y.set_size(nfft, x.size(1));
b_y = nfft * x.size(1);
for (i = 0; i < b_y; i++) {
y[i].re = 0.0;
y[i].im = 0.0;
b_y = x.size(1) - 1;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(omp_get_max_threads()) private( \
fv, b_fv, r, xoff, i1, minNrowsNx, u0, b_k, re_tmp, b_re_tmp, c_re_tmp, \
for (int chan = 0; chan <= b_y; chan++) {
xoff = chan * nInt2m1;
if (nfft > x.size(0)) {
for (i1 = 0; i1 < nfft; i1++) {
r[i1].re = 0.0;
r[i1].im = 0.0;
if ((n2blue != 1) && ((nfft & 1) == 0)) {
x, xoff, r, x.size(0), nfft, n2blue, wwc, costab, sintab, costab,
} else {
minNrowsNx = x.size(0);
if (nfft <= minNrowsNx) {
minNrowsNx = nfft;
for (b_k = 0; b_k < minNrowsNx; b_k++) {
u0 = (nfft + b_k) - 1;
i1 = xoff + b_k;
r[b_k].re = wwc[u0].re * x[i1];
r[b_k].im = wwc[u0].im * -x[i1];
i1 = minNrowsNx + 1;
for (b_k = i1; b_k <= nfft; b_k++) {
r[b_k - 1].re = 0.0;
r[b_k - 1].im = 0.0;
FFTImplementationCallback::r2br_r2dit_trig_impl(r, n2blue, costab, sintab,
FFTImplementationCallback::r2br_r2dit_trig_impl(wwc, n2blue, costab,
sintab, fv);
u0 = b_fv.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < u0; i1++) {
re_tmp = b_fv[i1].re;
b_re_tmp = fv[i1].im;
c_re_tmp = b_fv[i1].im;
d_re_tmp = fv[i1].re;
fv[i1].re = re_tmp * d_re_tmp - c_re_tmp * b_re_tmp;
fv[i1].im = re_tmp * b_re_tmp + c_re_tmp * d_re_tmp;
FFTImplementationCallback::r2br_r2dit_trig_impl(fv, n2blue, costab,
sintabinv, b_fv);
if (b_fv.size(0) > 1) {
re_tmp = 1.0 / static_cast<double>(b_fv.size(0));
u0 = b_fv.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < u0; i1++) {
b_fv[i1].re = re_tmp * b_fv[i1].re;
b_fv[i1].im = re_tmp * b_fv[i1].im;
i1 = wwc.size(0);
for (b_k = nfft; b_k <= i1; b_k++) {
re_tmp = wwc[b_k - 1].re;
b_re_tmp = b_fv[b_k - 1].im;
c_re_tmp = wwc[b_k - 1].im;
d_re_tmp = b_fv[b_k - 1].re;
u0 = b_k - nfft;
r[u0].re = re_tmp * d_re_tmp + c_re_tmp * b_re_tmp;
r[u0].im = re_tmp * b_re_tmp - c_re_tmp * d_re_tmp;
u0 = r.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < u0; i1++) {
y[i1 + y.size(0) * chan] = r[i1];
// Arguments : int nfft
// boolean_T useRadix2
// int *n2blue
// int *nRows
// Return Type : void
void FFTImplementationCallback::get_algo_sizes(int nfft, boolean_T useRadix2,
int *n2blue, int *nRows)
*n2blue = 1;
if (useRadix2) {
*nRows = nfft;
} else {
if (nfft > 0) {
int n;
int pmax;
n = (nfft + nfft) - 1;
pmax = 31;
if (n <= 1) {
pmax = 0;
} else {
int pmin;
boolean_T exitg1;
pmin = 0;
exitg1 = false;
while ((!exitg1) && (pmax - pmin > 1)) {
int k;
int pow2p;
k = (pmin + pmax) >> 1;
pow2p = 1 << k;
if (pow2p == n) {
pmax = k;
exitg1 = true;
} else if (pow2p > n) {
pmax = k;
} else {
pmin = k;
*n2blue = 1 << pmax;
*nRows = *n2blue;
// Arguments : const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x
// int n1_unsigned
// const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab
// const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab
// ::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &y
// Return Type : void
void FFTImplementationCallback::r2br_r2dit_trig(
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x, int n1_unsigned,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab, ::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &y)
array<creal_T, 1U> r;
int i1;
int loop_ub;
int nrows;
int xoff;
nrows = x.size(0);
y.set_size(n1_unsigned, x.size(1));
if (n1_unsigned > x.size(0)) {
y.set_size(n1_unsigned, x.size(1));
loop_ub = n1_unsigned * x.size(1);
for (int i{0}; i < loop_ub; i++) {
y[i].re = 0.0;
y[i].im = 0.0;
loop_ub = x.size(1) - 1;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(omp_get_max_threads()) private(r, xoff, i1)
for (int chan = 0; chan <= loop_ub; chan++) {
xoff = chan * nrows;
if (n1_unsigned > x.size(0)) {
for (i1 = 0; i1 < n1_unsigned; i1++) {
r[i1].re = 0.0;
r[i1].im = 0.0;
FFTImplementationCallback::doHalfLengthRadix2(x, xoff, r, n1_unsigned,
costab, sintab);
xoff = r.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < xoff; i1++) {
y[i1 + y.size(0) * chan] = r[i1];
// Arguments : const ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &x
// int unsigned_nRows
// const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab
// const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab
// ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &y
// Return Type : void
void FFTImplementationCallback::r2br_r2dit_trig_impl(
const ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &x, int unsigned_nRows,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab, ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &y)
double temp_im;
double temp_re;
double temp_re_tmp;
double twid_re;
int i;
int iDelta2;
int iheight;
int iy;
int ju;
int k;
int nRowsD2;
if (unsigned_nRows > x.size(0)) {
for (iy = 0; iy < unsigned_nRows; iy++) {
y[iy].re = 0.0;
y[iy].im = 0.0;
iDelta2 = x.size(0);
if (iDelta2 > unsigned_nRows) {
iDelta2 = unsigned_nRows;
iheight = unsigned_nRows - 2;
nRowsD2 = unsigned_nRows / 2;
k = nRowsD2 / 2;
iy = 0;
ju = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= iDelta2 - 2; i++) {
boolean_T tst;
y[iy] = x[i];
iy = unsigned_nRows;
tst = true;
while (tst) {
iy >>= 1;
ju ^= iy;
tst = ((ju & iy) == 0);
iy = ju;
y[iy] = x[iDelta2 - 1];
if (unsigned_nRows > 1) {
for (i = 0; i <= iheight; i += 2) {
temp_re_tmp = y[i + 1].re;
temp_im = y[i + 1].im;
temp_re = y[i].re;
twid_re = y[i].im;
y[i + 1].re = temp_re - temp_re_tmp;
y[i + 1].im = twid_re - temp_im;
y[i].re = temp_re + temp_re_tmp;
y[i].im = twid_re + temp_im;
iy = 2;
iDelta2 = 4;
iheight = ((k - 1) << 2) + 1;
while (k > 0) {
int b_temp_re_tmp;
for (i = 0; i < iheight; i += iDelta2) {
b_temp_re_tmp = i + iy;
temp_re = y[b_temp_re_tmp].re;
temp_im = y[b_temp_re_tmp].im;
y[b_temp_re_tmp].re = y[i].re - temp_re;
y[b_temp_re_tmp].im = y[i].im - temp_im;
y[i].re = y[i].re + temp_re;
y[i].im = y[i].im + temp_im;
ju = 1;
for (int j{k}; j < nRowsD2; j += k) {
double twid_im;
int ihi;
twid_re = costab[j];
twid_im = sintab[j];
i = ju;
ihi = ju + iheight;
while (i < ihi) {
b_temp_re_tmp = i + iy;
temp_re_tmp = y[b_temp_re_tmp].im;
temp_im = y[b_temp_re_tmp].re;
temp_re = twid_re * temp_im - twid_im * temp_re_tmp;
temp_im = twid_re * temp_re_tmp + twid_im * temp_im;
y[b_temp_re_tmp].re = y[i].re - temp_re;
y[b_temp_re_tmp].im = y[i].im - temp_im;
y[i].re = y[i].re + temp_re;
y[i].im = y[i].im + temp_im;
i += iDelta2;
k /= 2;
iy = iDelta2;
iDelta2 += iDelta2;
iheight -= iy;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for FFTImplementationCallback.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/FFTImplementationCallback.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/FFTImplementationCallback.h
index 2abb496..7ef16d8 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/FFTImplementationCallback.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/FFTImplementationCallback.h
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
// File: FFTImplementationCallback.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Type Definitions
namespace coder {
namespace internal {
class FFTImplementationCallback {
static void get_algo_sizes(int nfft, boolean_T useRadix2, int *n2blue,
int *nRows);
static void r2br_r2dit_trig(const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x,
int n1_unsigned,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab,
::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &y);
static void dobluesteinfft(const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x, int n2blue,
int nfft, const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintabinv,
::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &y);
static void r2br_r2dit_trig_impl(const ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &x,
int unsigned_nRows,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab,
::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &y);
static void doHalfLengthRadix2(const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x,
int xoffInit, ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &y,
int unsigned_nRows,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab);
static void
doHalfLengthBluestein(const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x, int xoffInit,
::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &y, int nrowsx, int nRows,
int nfft, const ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &wwc,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costab,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintab,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &costabinv,
const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &sintabinv);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for FFTImplementationCallback.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/OverflowLimit.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/OverflowLimit.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd46714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/OverflowLimit.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// File: OverflowLimit.cpp
+// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
+// Include Files
+#include "OverflowLimit.h"
+#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
+#include <cmath>
+// Function Definitions
+// Arguments : const double inputAudios1[220500]
+// double mix_out[220500]
+// Return Type : void
+void OverflowLimit(const double inputAudios1[220500], double mix_out[220500])
+ static double varargin_1[220500];
+ double MAX;
+ double f;
+ int MIN;
+ int idx;
+ int k;
+ for (k = 0; k < 220500; k++) {
+ varargin_1[k] = std::abs(inputAudios1[k]);
+ }
+ if (!std::isnan(varargin_1[0])) {
+ idx = 1;
+ } else {
+ boolean_T exitg1;
+ idx = 0;
+ k = 2;
+ exitg1 = false;
+ while ((!exitg1) && (k < 220501)) {
+ if (!std::isnan(varargin_1[k - 1])) {
+ idx = k;
+ exitg1 = true;
+ } else {
+ k++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (idx == 0) {
+ MAX = varargin_1[0];
+ } else {
+ MAX = varargin_1[idx - 1];
+ MIN = idx + 1;
+ for (k = MIN; k < 220501; k++) {
+ f = varargin_1[k - 1];
+ if (MAX < f) {
+ MAX = f;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (MAX > 1.0) {
+ MAX = 32767.0;
+ MIN = -32768;
+ } else {
+ MAX = 0.9999;
+ MIN = -1;
+ }
+ f = 1.0;
+ // 不存在溢出,一直是1
+ // SETPSIZE 为f的变化步长,通常的取值为(1-f)/VALUE,此处取SETPSIZE 为 32
+ // VALUE值可以取 8, 16, 32,64,128.
+ // 32;
+ for (idx = 0; idx < 220500; idx++) {
+ double mixVal;
+ mixVal = inputAudios1[idx] * f;
+ if (mixVal > MAX) {
+ f = MAX / mixVal;
+ //
+ mixVal = MAX;
+ }
+ if (mixVal < MIN) {
+ f = static_cast<double>(MIN) / mixVal;
+ mixVal = MIN;
+ }
+ if (f < 1.0) {
+ f += (1.0 - f) / 128.0;
+ // 每次缩放以后就逐渐回归
+ }
+ mix_out[idx] = mixVal;
+ }
+// File trailer for OverflowLimit.cpp
+// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/OverflowLimit.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/OverflowLimit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81a4903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/OverflowLimit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// File: OverflowLimit.h
+// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
+// Include Files
+#include "rtwtypes.h"
+#include "omp.h"
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdlib>
+// Function Declarations
+void OverflowLimit(const double inputAudios1[220500], double mix_out[220500]);
+// File trailer for OverflowLimit.h
+// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/codedescriptor.dmr b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/codedescriptor.dmr
index 137b03a..4fb2e5e 100644
Binary files a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/codedescriptor.dmr and b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/codedescriptor.dmr differ
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/computeDFT.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/computeDFT.cpp
index 3cb20de..ec21b22 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/computeDFT.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/computeDFT.cpp
@@ -1,252 +1,252 @@
// File: computeDFT.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "computeDFT.h"
#include "FFTImplementationCallback.h"
#include "dereveb_c_rtwutil.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include <cmath>
// Function Declarations
static int div_s32(int numerator, int denominator);
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : int numerator
// int denominator
// Return Type : int
static int div_s32(int numerator, int denominator)
int quotient;
if (denominator == 0) {
if (numerator >= 0) {
quotient = MAX_int32_T;
} else {
quotient = MIN_int32_T;
} else {
unsigned int b_denominator;
unsigned int b_numerator;
if (numerator < 0) {
b_numerator = ~static_cast<unsigned int>(numerator) + 1U;
} else {
b_numerator = static_cast<unsigned int>(numerator);
if (denominator < 0) {
b_denominator = ~static_cast<unsigned int>(denominator) + 1U;
} else {
b_denominator = static_cast<unsigned int>(denominator);
b_numerator /= b_denominator;
if ((numerator < 0) != (denominator < 0)) {
quotient = -static_cast<int>(b_numerator);
} else {
quotient = static_cast<int>(b_numerator);
return quotient;
// Arguments : const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &xin
// double nfft
// ::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &Xx
// ::coder::array<double, 1U> &f
// Return Type : void
namespace coder {
void computeDFT(const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &xin, double nfft,
::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &Xx, ::coder::array<double, 1U> &f)
array<double, 2U> costab;
array<double, 2U> costab1q;
array<double, 2U> sintab;
array<double, 2U> sintabinv;
array<double, 2U> wrappedData;
array<double, 2U> xw;
double freq_res;
double half_res;
int b_remainder;
int i;
int i1;
int k;
int loop_ub_tmp;
int nFullPasses;
int offset;
loop_ub_tmp = static_cast<int>(nfft);
xw.set_size(loop_ub_tmp, xin.size(1));
offset = static_cast<int>(nfft) * xin.size(1);
for (i = 0; i < offset; i++) {
xw[i] = 0.0;
if (xin.size(0) > nfft) {
i = xin.size(1);
for (int j{0}; j < i; j++) {
if (xin.size(0) == 1) {
wrappedData.set_size(1, loop_ub_tmp);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub_tmp; i1++) {
wrappedData[i1] = 0.0;
} else {
wrappedData.set_size(loop_ub_tmp, 1);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub_tmp; i1++) {
wrappedData[i1] = 0.0;
nFullPasses = div_s32(xin.size(0), static_cast<int>(nfft));
offset = nFullPasses * static_cast<int>(nfft);
b_remainder = (xin.size(0) - offset) - 1;
for (k = 0; k <= b_remainder; k++) {
wrappedData[k] = xin[(offset + k) + xin.size(0) * j];
i1 = b_remainder + 2;
for (k = i1; k <= loop_ub_tmp; k++) {
wrappedData[k - 1] = 0.0;
for (b_remainder = 0; b_remainder < nFullPasses; b_remainder++) {
offset = b_remainder * static_cast<int>(nfft);
for (k = 0; k < loop_ub_tmp; k++) {
wrappedData[k] = wrappedData[k] + xin[(offset + k) + xin.size(0) * j];
offset = wrappedData.size(0) * wrappedData.size(1);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < offset; i1++) {
xw[i1 + xw.size(0) * j] = wrappedData[i1];
} else {
xw.set_size(xin.size(0), xin.size(1));
offset = xin.size(0) * xin.size(1);
for (i = 0; i < offset; i++) {
xw[i] = xin[i];
if ((xw.size(0) == 0) || (xw.size(1) == 0)) {
Xx.set_size(loop_ub_tmp, xw.size(1));
offset = static_cast<int>(nfft) * xw.size(1);
for (i = 0; i < offset; i++) {
Xx[i].re = 0.0;
Xx[i].im = 0.0;
} else {
boolean_T useRadix2;
useRadix2 =
((static_cast<int>(nfft) > 0) &&
((static_cast<int>(nfft) & (static_cast<int>(nfft) - 1)) == 0));
static_cast<int>(nfft), useRadix2, &nFullPasses, &offset);
freq_res = 6.2831853071795862 / static_cast<double>(offset);
b_remainder = offset / 2 / 2;
costab1q.set_size(1, b_remainder + 1);
costab1q[0] = 1.0;
offset = b_remainder / 2 - 1;
for (k = 0; k <= offset; k++) {
costab1q[k + 1] = std::cos(freq_res * (static_cast<double>(k) + 1.0));
i = offset + 2;
i1 = b_remainder - 1;
for (k = i; k <= i1; k++) {
costab1q[k] = std::sin(freq_res * static_cast<double>(b_remainder - k));
costab1q[b_remainder] = 0.0;
if (!useRadix2) {
b_remainder = costab1q.size(1) - 1;
offset = (costab1q.size(1) - 1) << 1;
costab.set_size(1, offset + 1);
sintab.set_size(1, offset + 1);
costab[0] = 1.0;
sintab[0] = 0.0;
sintabinv.set_size(1, offset + 1);
for (k = 0; k < b_remainder; k++) {
sintabinv[k + 1] = costab1q[(b_remainder - k) - 1];
i = costab1q.size(1);
for (k = i; k <= offset; k++) {
sintabinv[k] = costab1q[k - b_remainder];
for (k = 0; k < b_remainder; k++) {
costab[k + 1] = costab1q[k + 1];
sintab[k + 1] = -costab1q[(b_remainder - k) - 1];
i = costab1q.size(1);
for (k = i; k <= offset; k++) {
costab[k] = -costab1q[offset - k];
sintab[k] = -costab1q[k - b_remainder];
} else {
b_remainder = costab1q.size(1) - 1;
offset = (costab1q.size(1) - 1) << 1;
costab.set_size(1, offset + 1);
sintab.set_size(1, offset + 1);
costab[0] = 1.0;
sintab[0] = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < b_remainder; k++) {
costab[k + 1] = costab1q[k + 1];
sintab[k + 1] = -costab1q[(b_remainder - k) - 1];
i = costab1q.size(1);
for (k = i; k <= offset; k++) {
costab[k] = -costab1q[offset - k];
sintab[k] = -costab1q[k - b_remainder];
sintabinv.set_size(1, 0);
if (useRadix2) {
xw, static_cast<int>(nfft), costab, sintab, Xx);
} else {
xw, nFullPasses, static_cast<int>(nfft), costab, sintab, sintabinv,
freq_res = 6.2831853071795862 / nfft;
if (nfft - 1.0 < 0.0) {
costab1q.set_size(costab1q.size(0), 0);
} else if (std::isinf(nfft - 1.0) && (0.0 == nfft - 1.0)) {
costab1q.set_size(1, 1);
costab1q[0] = rtNaN;
} else {
offset = static_cast<int>(std::floor(nfft - 1.0));
costab1q.set_size(1, offset + 1);
for (i = 0; i <= offset; i++) {
costab1q[i] = i;
costab1q.set_size(1, costab1q.size(1));
offset = costab1q.size(1) - 1;
for (i = 0; i <= offset; i++) {
costab1q[i] = freq_res * costab1q[i];
half_res = freq_res / 2.0;
if (rt_remd_snf(nfft, 2.0) != 0.0) {
double halfNPTS;
halfNPTS = (nfft + 1.0) / 2.0;
costab1q[static_cast<int>(halfNPTS) - 1] = 3.1415926535897931 - half_res;
costab1q[static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned int>(halfNPTS))] =
half_res + 3.1415926535897931;
} else {
costab1q[static_cast<int>(nfft / 2.0 + 1.0) - 1] = 3.1415926535897931;
costab1q[static_cast<int>(nfft) - 1] = 6.2831853071795862 - freq_res;
offset = costab1q.size(1);
for (i = 0; i < offset; i++) {
f[i] = costab1q[i];
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for computeDFT.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/computeDFT.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/computeDFT.h
index f0bf894..5179abe 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/computeDFT.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/computeDFT.h
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
// File: computeDFT.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
namespace coder {
void computeDFT(const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &xin, double nfft,
::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &Xx, ::coder::array<double, 1U> &f);
// File trailer for computeDFT.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c.cpp
index b4ad4bb..f20e9d9 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c.cpp
@@ -1,1598 +1,1574 @@
// File: dereveb_c.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "dereveb_c.h"
+#include "OverflowLimit.h"
#include "dereveb_c_data.h"
#include "dereveb_c_initialize.h"
#include "div.h"
#include "hann.h"
#include "ifft.h"
#include "ixfun.h"
#include "minOrMax.h"
#include "ref.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "spectrogram.h"
#include "sum.h"
#include "unsafeSxfun.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
+#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
// Function Declarations
static void b_binary_expand_op(coder::array<boolean_T, 1U> &unchanged,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates,
const coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow,
int blockIndex);
static void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow, int blockIndex,
const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M,
const coder::array<double, 2U> &C);
static void binary_expand_op(coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &vocal_reverb,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &G_R,
const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M,
int inputFrameIndex);
static void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow_sm,
const coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow);
static void
binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates,
const coder::array<double, 2U> &previousSFramesPower_vc,
const coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow_sm);
static void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &G_Rxx,
const coder::captured_var frequencyCount,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &G_Sxx);
-static void binary_expand_op(coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &bk_revertant,
+static void binary_expand_op(coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &G_R_vc,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &G_Rxx,
- const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M,
+ const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M_vc,
+ int inputFrameIndex,
+ const coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &vocal_reverb);
+static void binary_expand_op(coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &R_vc,
int inputFrameIndex,
- const coder::array<double, 1U> &r);
+ const coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &G_R_vc,
+ const coder::array<double, 1U> &y);
static void binary_expand_op(double output[220500],
const coder::array<int, 2U> &r,
const coder::array<double, 2U> &sampleRange,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &window,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &r1);
static void c_binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &G_Sxx,
const coder::captured_var frequencyCount,
- const coder::array<double, 1U> &r1);
+ const coder::array<double, 1U> &y);
static void reconstruct(coder::captured_var *stftWindowSize,
coder::captured_var *frequencyCount,
coder::captured_var *frameCount,
const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &spectrumx,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &window,
double overlapSamples, double output[220500]);
static double rt_hypotd_snf(double u0, double u1);
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : coder::array<boolean_T, 1U> &unchanged
// const coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates
// const coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow
// int blockIndex
// Return Type : void
static void b_binary_expand_op(coder::array<boolean_T, 1U> &unchanged,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates,
const coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow,
int blockIndex)
int i;
int loop_ub;
int stride_0_0;
int stride_1_0;
i = H_pow.size(0);
if (i == 1) {
stride_0_0 = newEstimates.size(0);
} else {
stride_0_0 = i;
stride_0_0 = (newEstimates.size(0) != 1);
stride_1_0 = (i != 1);
if (i == 1) {
loop_ub = newEstimates.size(0);
} else {
loop_ub = i;
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
unchanged[i] = (newEstimates[i * stride_0_0] >=
H_pow[i * stride_1_0 + H_pow.size(0) * blockIndex]);
// Arguments : coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow
// int blockIndex
// const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M
// const coder::array<double, 2U> &C
// Return Type : void
static void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow, int blockIndex,
const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M,
const coder::array<double, 2U> &C)
coder::array<double, 1U> r;
int b_H_pow;
int i;
int i1;
int i2;
int i3;
int stride_1_0;
int stride_3_0;
b_H_pow = H_pow.size(0) - 1;
i = M.size(0);
i1 = M.size(0);
i2 = C.size(0);
if (i2 == 1) {
i3 = i1;
} else {
i3 = i2;
if (i3 == 1) {
if (b_H_pow + 1 == 1) {
i3 = i;
} else {
i3 = b_H_pow + 1;
} else if (i2 == 1) {
i3 = i1;
} else {
i3 = i2;
stride_1_0 = (b_H_pow + 1 != 1);
stride_3_0 = (i2 != 1);
if (i2 == 1) {
i3 = i1;
} else {
i3 = i2;
if (i3 == 1) {
if (b_H_pow + 1 == 1) {
b_H_pow = i;
} else {
} else if (i2 == 1) {
b_H_pow = i1;
} else {
b_H_pow = i2;
for (i = 0; i < b_H_pow; i++) {
r[i] = 0.2 * H_pow[i * stride_1_0 + H_pow.size(0) * blockIndex] +
0.8 * C[i * stride_3_0 + C.size(0) * blockIndex];
b_H_pow = r.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < b_H_pow; i++) {
H_pow[i + H_pow.size(0) * blockIndex] = r[i];
// Arguments : coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &vocal_reverb
// const coder::array<double, 1U> &G_R
// const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M
// int inputFrameIndex
// Return Type : void
static void binary_expand_op(coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &vocal_reverb,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &G_R,
const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M,
int inputFrameIndex)
int i;
int i1;
int loop_ub;
int stride_0_0;
int stride_1_0;
i = M.size(0);
if (i == 1) {
i1 = G_R.size(0);
} else {
i1 = i;
stride_0_0 = (G_R.size(0) != 1);
stride_1_0 = (i != 1);
if (i == 1) {
loop_ub = G_R.size(0);
} else {
loop_ub = i;
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
double d;
i1 = i * stride_1_0;
d = G_R[i * stride_0_0];
vocal_reverb[i].re = d * M[i1 + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re;
vocal_reverb[i].im = d * M[i1 + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im;
// Arguments : coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow_sm
// const coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow
// Return Type : void
static void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow_sm,
const coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow)
coder::array<double, 2U> r;
int i;
int i1;
int loop_ub;
int stride_0_0;
int stride_1_0;
if (H_pow.size(0) == 1) {
i = H_pow_sm.size(0);
} else {
i = H_pow.size(0);
r.set_size(i, 400);
stride_0_0 = (H_pow_sm.size(0) != 1);
stride_1_0 = (H_pow.size(0) != 1);
if (H_pow.size(0) == 1) {
loop_ub = H_pow_sm.size(0);
} else {
loop_ub = H_pow.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
r[i1 + r.size(0) * i] =
- 0.95 * H_pow_sm[i1 * stride_0_0 + H_pow_sm.size(0) * i] +
- 0.05 * H_pow[i1 * stride_1_0 + H_pow.size(0) * i];
+ 0.5 * H_pow_sm[i1 * stride_0_0 + H_pow_sm.size(0) * i] +
+ 0.5 * H_pow[i1 * stride_1_0 + H_pow.size(0) * i];
H_pow_sm.set_size(r.size(0), 400);
loop_ub = r.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
H_pow_sm[i1 + H_pow_sm.size(0) * i] = r[i1 + r.size(0) * i];
// Arguments : coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates
// const coder::array<double, 2U> &previousSFramesPower_vc
// const coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow_sm
// Return Type : void
static void
binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates,
const coder::array<double, 2U> &previousSFramesPower_vc,
const coder::array<double, 2U> &H_pow_sm)
coder::array<double, 2U> b_previousSFramesPower_vc;
int i;
int loop_ub;
int stride_0_0;
int stride_1_0;
if (H_pow_sm.size(0) == 1) {
i = previousSFramesPower_vc.size(0);
} else {
i = H_pow_sm.size(0);
b_previousSFramesPower_vc.set_size(i, 400);
stride_0_0 = (previousSFramesPower_vc.size(0) != 1);
stride_1_0 = (H_pow_sm.size(0) != 1);
if (H_pow_sm.size(0) == 1) {
loop_ub = previousSFramesPower_vc.size(0);
} else {
loop_ub = H_pow_sm.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
for (int i1{0}; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
b_previousSFramesPower_vc[i1 + b_previousSFramesPower_vc.size(0) * i] =
previousSFramesPower_vc[i1 * stride_0_0 +
previousSFramesPower_vc.size(0) * i] *
H_pow_sm[i1 * stride_1_0 + H_pow_sm.size(0) * i];
coder::sum(b_previousSFramesPower_vc, newEstimates);
// Arguments : coder::array<double, 1U> &G_Rxx
// const coder::captured_var frequencyCount
// const coder::array<double, 1U> &G_Sxx
// Return Type : void
static void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &G_Rxx,
const coder::captured_var frequencyCount,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &G_Sxx)
coder::array<double, 1U> r;
int i;
int loop_ub;
int stride_1_0;
int stride_3_0;
if (G_Sxx.size(0) == 1) {
i = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
} else {
i = G_Sxx.size(0);
if (i == 1) {
if (G_Rxx.size(0) == 1) {
i = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
} else {
i = G_Rxx.size(0);
} else if (G_Sxx.size(0) == 1) {
i = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
} else {
i = G_Sxx.size(0);
stride_1_0 = (G_Rxx.size(0) != 1);
stride_3_0 = (G_Sxx.size(0) != 1);
if (G_Sxx.size(0) == 1) {
i = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
} else {
i = G_Sxx.size(0);
if (i == 1) {
if (G_Rxx.size(0) == 1) {
loop_ub = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
} else {
loop_ub = G_Rxx.size(0);
} else if (G_Sxx.size(0) == 1) {
loop_ub = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
} else {
loop_ub = G_Sxx.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
r[i] = 0.7 * G_Rxx[i * stride_1_0] + 0.3 * (1.0 - G_Sxx[i * stride_3_0]);
loop_ub = r.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
G_Rxx[i] = r[i];
-// Arguments : coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &bk_revertant
+// Arguments : coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &G_R_vc
// const coder::array<double, 1U> &G_Rxx
-// const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M
+// const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M_vc
// int inputFrameIndex
-// const coder::array<double, 1U> &r
+// const coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &vocal_reverb
// Return Type : void
-static void binary_expand_op(coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &bk_revertant,
+static void binary_expand_op(coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &G_R_vc,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &G_Rxx,
- const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M,
+ const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M_vc,
int inputFrameIndex,
- const coder::array<double, 1U> &r)
+ const coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &vocal_reverb)
int i;
int loop_ub;
int stride_0_0;
int stride_1_0;
int stride_2_0;
- i = M.size(0);
- if (r.size(0) == 1) {
- if (i == 1) {
- stride_0_0 = G_Rxx.size(0);
- } else {
- stride_0_0 = i;
- }
+ i = M_vc.size(0);
+ if (vocal_reverb.size(0) == 1) {
+ loop_ub = i;
} else {
- stride_0_0 = r.size(0);
+ loop_ub = vocal_reverb.size(0);
- bk_revertant.set_size(stride_0_0);
+ if (loop_ub == 1) {
+ loop_ub = G_Rxx.size(0);
+ } else if (vocal_reverb.size(0) == 1) {
+ loop_ub = i;
+ } else {
+ loop_ub = vocal_reverb.size(0);
+ }
+ G_R_vc.set_size(loop_ub);
stride_0_0 = (G_Rxx.size(0) != 1);
stride_1_0 = (i != 1);
- stride_2_0 = (r.size(0) != 1);
- if (r.size(0) == 1) {
- if (i == 1) {
- loop_ub = G_Rxx.size(0);
- } else {
- loop_ub = i;
- }
+ stride_2_0 = (vocal_reverb.size(0) != 1);
+ if (vocal_reverb.size(0) == 1) {
+ loop_ub = i;
} else {
- loop_ub = r.size(0);
+ loop_ub = vocal_reverb.size(0);
+ }
+ if (loop_ub == 1) {
+ loop_ub = G_Rxx.size(0);
+ } else if (vocal_reverb.size(0) == 1) {
+ loop_ub = i;
+ } else {
+ loop_ub = vocal_reverb.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
- double b_G_Rxx_re_tmp;
double d;
- int G_Rxx_re_tmp;
- G_Rxx_re_tmp = i * stride_1_0;
- b_G_Rxx_re_tmp = G_Rxx[i * stride_0_0];
- d = r[i * stride_2_0];
- bk_revertant[i].re =
- d * (b_G_Rxx_re_tmp * M[G_Rxx_re_tmp + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re);
- bk_revertant[i].im =
- d * (b_G_Rxx_re_tmp * M[G_Rxx_re_tmp + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im);
+ int M_vc_re_tmp;
+ int b_M_vc_re_tmp;
+ M_vc_re_tmp = i * stride_1_0;
+ b_M_vc_re_tmp = i * stride_2_0;
+ d = G_Rxx[i * stride_0_0];
+ G_R_vc[i].re = d * (M_vc[M_vc_re_tmp + M_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re +
+ vocal_reverb[b_M_vc_re_tmp].re);
+ G_R_vc[i].im = d * (M_vc[M_vc_re_tmp + M_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im +
+ vocal_reverb[b_M_vc_re_tmp].im);
+ }
+// Arguments : coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &R_vc
+// int inputFrameIndex
+// const coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &G_R_vc
+// const coder::array<double, 1U> &y
+// Return Type : void
+static void binary_expand_op(coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &R_vc,
+ int inputFrameIndex,
+ const coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &G_R_vc,
+ const coder::array<double, 1U> &y)
+ int loop_ub;
+ int stride_0_0;
+ int stride_1_0;
+ stride_0_0 = (G_R_vc.size(0) != 1);
+ stride_1_0 = (y.size(0) != 1);
+ if (y.size(0) == 1) {
+ loop_ub = G_R_vc.size(0);
+ } else {
+ loop_ub = y.size(0);
+ }
+ for (int i{0}; i < loop_ub; i++) {
+ double d;
+ d = y[i * stride_1_0];
+ R_vc[i + R_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re = d * G_R_vc[i * stride_0_0].re;
+ R_vc[i + R_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im = d * G_R_vc[i * stride_0_0].im;
// Arguments : double output[220500]
// const coder::array<int, 2U> &r
// const coder::array<double, 2U> &sampleRange
// const coder::array<double, 1U> &window
// const coder::array<double, 1U> &r1
// Return Type : void
static void binary_expand_op(double output[220500],
const coder::array<int, 2U> &r,
const coder::array<double, 2U> &sampleRange,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &window,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &r1)
coder::array<double, 2U> b_output;
int i;
int loop_ub;
int stride_0_1;
int stride_1_1;
int stride_2_1;
b_output.set_size(1, r.size(1));
stride_0_1 = (sampleRange.size(1) != 1);
stride_1_1 = (window.size(0) != 1);
stride_2_1 = (r1.size(0) != 1);
loop_ub = r.size(1);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
b_output[i] = output[static_cast<int>(sampleRange[i * stride_0_1]) - 1] +
window[i * stride_1_1] * r1[i * stride_2_1];
loop_ub = b_output.size(1);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
output[r[i] - 1] = b_output[i];
// Arguments : coder::array<double, 1U> &G_Sxx
// const coder::captured_var frequencyCount
-// const coder::array<double, 1U> &r1
+// const coder::array<double, 1U> &y
// Return Type : void
static void c_binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &G_Sxx,
const coder::captured_var frequencyCount,
- const coder::array<double, 1U> &r1)
+ const coder::array<double, 1U> &y)
coder::array<double, 1U> r;
int i;
int loop_ub;
int stride_1_0;
int stride_3_0;
- if (r1.size(0) == 1) {
+ if (y.size(0) == 1) {
i = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
} else {
- i = r1.size(0);
+ i = y.size(0);
if (i == 1) {
if (G_Sxx.size(0) == 1) {
i = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
} else {
i = G_Sxx.size(0);
- } else if (r1.size(0) == 1) {
+ } else if (y.size(0) == 1) {
i = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
} else {
- i = r1.size(0);
+ i = y.size(0);
stride_1_0 = (G_Sxx.size(0) != 1);
- stride_3_0 = (r1.size(0) != 1);
- if (r1.size(0) == 1) {
+ stride_3_0 = (y.size(0) != 1);
+ if (y.size(0) == 1) {
i = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
} else {
- i = r1.size(0);
+ i = y.size(0);
if (i == 1) {
if (G_Sxx.size(0) == 1) {
loop_ub = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
} else {
loop_ub = G_Sxx.size(0);
- } else if (r1.size(0) == 1) {
+ } else if (y.size(0) == 1) {
loop_ub = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
} else {
- loop_ub = r1.size(0);
+ loop_ub = y.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
- r[i] = 0.7 * G_Sxx[i * stride_1_0] + 0.3 * r1[i * stride_3_0];
+ r[i] = 0.7 * G_Sxx[i * stride_1_0] + 0.3 * y[i * stride_3_0];
loop_ub = r.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
G_Sxx[i] = r[i];
// Arguments : coder::captured_var *stftWindowSize
// coder::captured_var *frequencyCount
// coder::captured_var *frameCount
// const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &spectrumx
// const coder::array<double, 1U> &window
// double overlapSamples
// double output[220500]
// Return Type : void
static void reconstruct(coder::captured_var *stftWindowSize,
coder::captured_var *frequencyCount,
coder::captured_var *frameCount,
const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &spectrumx,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &window,
double overlapSamples, double output[220500])
coder::array<creal_T, 2U> r;
coder::array<creal_T, 2U> spectrum;
coder::array<creal_T, 1U> b_spectrum;
coder::array<creal_T, 1U> r1;
coder::array<double, 2U> b_output;
coder::array<double, 2U> sampleRange;
coder::array<double, 1U> r2;
coder::array<int, 2U> r3;
double xtmp_im;
double xtmp_re;
int b_i;
int i;
int i1;
int loop_ub;
int m;
int md2;
int n;
boolean_T exitg1;
- // scalex = sum(abs(dry_vc))/(sum(abs(reverberated_vc))+ 1e-4);
- // scalex = min(1,scalex);
- // reverberated_vc = scalex*reverberated_vc;
- // reverberated_vc = OverflowLimit(reverberated_vc);
// Helper functions
stftWindowSize->contents = window.size(0);
frameCount->contents = spectrumx.size(1);
frequencyCount->contents = spectrumx.size(0);
i = static_cast<int>(stftWindowSize->contents);
loop_ub = static_cast<int>(frameCount->contents);
spectrum.set_size(i, loop_ub);
md2 = i * loop_ub;
for (i = 0; i < md2; i++) {
spectrum[i].re = 0.0;
spectrum[i].im = 1.0E-5;
// spectrum(frequencyCount+1:stftWindowSize, :) =
// conj(flipud(spectrum(1:frequencyCount-2, :)));
xtmp_re = frequencyCount->contents;
if (2.0 > xtmp_re) {
i = 0;
i1 = -1;
} else {
i = 1;
i1 = static_cast<int>(xtmp_re) - 1;
md2 = spectrumx.size(1);
for (n = 0; n < md2; n++) {
m = spectrumx.size(0);
for (b_i = 0; b_i < m; b_i++) {
spectrum[b_i + spectrum.size(0) * n] =
spectrumx[b_i + spectrumx.size(0) * n];
sampleRange.set_size(1, loop_ub);
for (n = 0; n < loop_ub; n++) {
sampleRange[n] = 0.0;
loop_ub = sampleRange.size(1);
for (n = 0; n < loop_ub; n++) {
spectrum[spectrum.size(0) * n].re = 0.0;
spectrum[spectrum.size(0) * n].im = 0.0;
i1 -= i;
if (1 > i1) {
loop_ub = -1;
} else {
loop_ub = i1 - 1;
xtmp_re = frequencyCount->contents + 1.0;
if (xtmp_re > stftWindowSize->contents) {
i1 = 1;
} else {
i1 = static_cast<int>(xtmp_re);
md2 = spectrumx.size(1) - 1;
r.set_size(loop_ub + 1, spectrumx.size(1));
for (n = 0; n <= md2; n++) {
for (b_i = 0; b_i <= loop_ub; b_i++) {
m = i + b_i;
r[b_i + r.size(0) * n].re = spectrumx[m + spectrumx.size(0) * n].re;
r[b_i + r.size(0) * n].im = -spectrumx[m + spectrumx.size(0) * n].im;
m = r.size(0) - 1;
n = r.size(1);
md2 = r.size(0) >> 1;
for (loop_ub = 0; loop_ub < n; loop_ub++) {
for (b_i = 0; b_i < md2; b_i++) {
xtmp_re = r[b_i + r.size(0) * loop_ub].re;
xtmp_im = r[b_i + r.size(0) * loop_ub].im;
i = m - b_i;
r[b_i + r.size(0) * loop_ub] = r[i + r.size(0) * loop_ub];
r[i + r.size(0) * loop_ub].re = xtmp_re;
r[i + r.size(0) * loop_ub].im = xtmp_im;
loop_ub = r.size(1);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
md2 = r.size(0);
for (n = 0; n < md2; n++) {
spectrum[((i1 + n) + spectrum.size(0) * i) - 1] = r[n + r.size(0) * i];
std::memset(&output[0], 0, 220500U * sizeof(double));
xtmp_im = stftWindowSize->contents - overlapSamples;
xtmp_re = frameCount->contents;
md2 = 0;
exitg1 = false;
while ((!exitg1) && (md2 <= static_cast<int>(xtmp_re) - 1)) {
double b;
double frameStart;
frameStart = ((static_cast<double>(md2) + 1.0) - 1.0) * xtmp_im;
b = frameStart + stftWindowSize->contents;
if (b > 220500.0) {
exitg1 = true;
} else {
if (std::isnan(frameStart + 1.0) || std::isnan(b)) {
sampleRange.set_size(1, 1);
sampleRange[0] = rtNaN;
} else if (b < frameStart + 1.0) {
sampleRange.set_size(1, 0);
} else if ((std::isinf(frameStart + 1.0) || std::isinf(b)) &&
(frameStart + 1.0 == b)) {
sampleRange.set_size(1, 1);
sampleRange[0] = rtNaN;
} else if (std::floor(frameStart + 1.0) == frameStart + 1.0) {
loop_ub = static_cast<int>(std::floor(b - (frameStart + 1.0)));
sampleRange.set_size(1, loop_ub + 1);
for (i = 0; i <= loop_ub; i++) {
sampleRange[i] = (frameStart + 1.0) + static_cast<double>(i);
} else {
double apnd;
double cdiff;
double ndbl;
ndbl = std::floor((b - (frameStart + 1.0)) + 0.5);
apnd = (frameStart + 1.0) + ndbl;
cdiff = apnd - b;
if (std::abs(cdiff) <
4.4408920985006262E-16 *
std::fmax(std::abs(frameStart + 1.0), std::abs(b))) {
apnd = b;
} else if (cdiff > 0.0) {
apnd = (frameStart + 1.0) + (ndbl - 1.0);
} else {
if (ndbl >= 0.0) {
n = static_cast<int>(ndbl);
} else {
n = 0;
sampleRange.set_size(1, n);
if (n > 0) {
sampleRange[0] = frameStart + 1.0;
if (n > 1) {
sampleRange[n - 1] = apnd;
m = (n - 1) / 2;
for (loop_ub = 0; loop_ub <= m - 2; loop_ub++) {
sampleRange[loop_ub + 1] =
(frameStart + 1.0) + (static_cast<double>(loop_ub) + 1.0);
sampleRange[(n - loop_ub) - 2] =
apnd - (static_cast<double>(loop_ub) + 1.0);
if (m << 1 == n - 1) {
sampleRange[m] = ((frameStart + 1.0) + apnd) / 2.0;
} else {
sampleRange[m] = (frameStart + 1.0) + static_cast<double>(m);
sampleRange[m + 1] = apnd - static_cast<double>(m);
// reconstructedFrame(:) = window .* ifft(spectrum(:, frameIndex),
// 'symmetric');
// v = spectrum(:, frameIndex);
// v_conj= conj(v([1,end:-1:2]));
loop_ub = spectrum.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
b_spectrum[i] = spectrum[i + spectrum.size(0) * md2];
coder::ifft(b_spectrum, r1);
loop_ub = r1.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
r2[i] = r1[i].re;
r3.set_size(1, sampleRange.size(1));
loop_ub = sampleRange.size(1);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
r3[i] = static_cast<int>(sampleRange[i]);
if (window.size(0) == 1) {
i = r2.size(0);
} else {
i = window.size(0);
if ((window.size(0) == r2.size(0)) && (sampleRange.size(1) == i)) {
b_output.set_size(1, r3.size(1));
loop_ub = r3.size(1);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
b_output[i] =
output[static_cast<int>(sampleRange[i]) - 1] + window[i] * r2[i];
loop_ub = b_output.size(1);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
output[r3[i] - 1] = b_output[i];
} else {
binary_expand_op(output, r3, sampleRange, window, r2);
// Arguments : double u0
// double u1
// Return Type : double
static double rt_hypotd_snf(double u0, double u1)
double a;
double y;
a = std::abs(u0);
y = std::abs(u1);
if (a < y) {
a /= y;
y *= std::sqrt(a * a + 1.0);
} else if (a > y) {
y /= a;
y = a * std::sqrt(y * y + 1.0);
} else if (!std::isnan(y)) {
y = a * 1.4142135623730951;
return y;
// % inputFilename = 'audio/EchoSample.mp3';
// inputFilename =
// '/Volumes/T7_2/starmaker_files/音效提取算法/effect_files/2/vocal_left_16k.wav';
// inputFilename =
// '/Volumes/T7_2/starmaker_files/音效提取算法/effect_files/1/vocla_left.wav';
// % inputFilename = 'audio/stalbans_omni_sing.mp3';
// % inputFilename = 'audio/mozart_reverb_short.mp3';
// [signal, fs] = audioread(inputFilename);
// signal= signal(1:fs*30);
// % Take only the left channel from the stereo recording
// signal = signal(:, 1);
// Arguments : const double b_signal[220500]
// const double signal_vc[220500]
// double fs
// const double impulseResponse[264600]
// double reverberated_vc[220500]
// Return Type : void
void dereveb_c(const double b_signal[220500], const double signal_vc[220500],
double fs, const double impulseResponse[264600],
double reverberated_vc[220500])
+ static double c_y[220500];
+ static double d_y[220500];
coder::captured_var frameCount;
coder::captured_var frequencyCount;
coder::captured_var stftWindowSize;
coder::array<creal_T, 2U> M;
coder::array<creal_T, 2U> M_vc;
coder::array<creal_T, 2U> R_vc;
coder::array<creal_T, 2U> S_vc;
coder::array<creal_T, 2U> allBlocks;
coder::array<creal_T, 2U> x;
- coder::array<creal_T, 1U> bk_revertant;
+ coder::array<creal_T, 1U> G_R_vc;
coder::array<creal_T, 1U> vocal_dry;
coder::array<creal_T, 1U> vocal_reverb;
coder::array<double, 2U> C;
coder::array<double, 2U> H_pow;
coder::array<double, 2U> H_pow_sm;
coder::array<double, 2U> b_previousSFramesPower;
coder::array<double, 2U> c_previousSFramesPower;
coder::array<double, 2U> previousMFramesPower;
coder::array<double, 2U> previousSFramesPower;
coder::array<double, 2U> previousSFramesPower_vc;
- coder::array<double, 2U> r1;
+ coder::array<double, 2U> r;
coder::array<double, 2U> y;
coder::array<double, 1U> G_R;
coder::array<double, 1U> G_Rxx;
coder::array<double, 1U> G_S;
coder::array<double, 1U> G_Sxx;
coder::array<double, 1U> b_y;
+ coder::array<double, 1U> e_y;
coder::array<double, 1U> inputFramePower;
coder::array<double, 1U> newEstimates;
- coder::array<double, 1U> r;
coder::array<double, 1U> window;
- coder::array<int, 1U> r2;
+ coder::array<int, 1U> r1;
coder::array<boolean_T, 1U> unchanged;
double overlapSamples;
- double scale_cl;
+ double varargin_1;
+ double varargin_2;
+ int hi;
int i;
int i1;
int i2;
int k;
int loop_ub;
int nx;
+ int xblockoffset;
if (!isInitialized_dereveb_c) {
// Dereverberation
// inputFilename_vc =
// '/Volumes/T7_2/starmaker_files/音效提取算法/effect_files/2/611752105030248995_8162774327817435_dv_44100_16k.wav';
// inputFilename_vc =
// '/Volumes/T7_2/starmaker_files/音效提取算法/effect_files/1/611752105030249000_8162774329368194_dv_44100.wav';
// [signal_vc, fs] = audioread(inputFilename_vc);
// signal_vc= signal_vc(1:fs*30);
// % Take only the left channel from the stereo recording
// signal_vc = signal_vc(:, 1);
// Compute the signal's STFT
stftWindowSize.contents = 1024.0 * std::floor(fs / 16000.0);
// In the paper he used 0.5 (50% overlap).
overlapSamples = std::floor(0.75 * stftWindowSize.contents);
// TODO: zero padding?
coder::hann(stftWindowSize.contents, window);
+ // window = ones(stftWindowSize,1);
// Specify empty Fs so that t is returned in samples and w in rad/sample.
// figure;
// [M,~,~] = spectrogram(signal, window, overlapSamples, [], []);
coder::spectrogram(b_signal, window, overlapSamples, M);
// M ('microphone') - input signal (reverberated) frequency-domain vectors.
// Rows - frequencies, Columns - time frames (middle time-
// point)
frequencyCount.contents = M.size(0);
// [M_vc,~,~] = spectrogram(signal_vc, window, overlapSamples, [], []);
coder::spectrogram(signal_vc, window, overlapSamples, M_vc);
+ // [output_fft,output_win] = myspectrum(signal_vc, window, overlapSamples);
// M ('microphone') - input signal (reverberated) frequency-domain vectors.
// Rows - frequencies, Columns - time frames (middle time-point)
frameCount.contents = std::fmin(static_cast<double>(M.size(1)),
// Constants
// Impulse response block length - has to be 'sufficiently small'
// TODO: experiment with value. Is this really the same as the window size?
// Number of impulse response blocks. TODO: experiment.
// Minimum gain per frequency. TODO: Experiment.
// Maximum magnitude estimate per impulse response block and frequency.
// Should 'reflect real world systems'. (Page 11 - MaxValue.)
// maxHEstimate(:) = readImpulseResponse('audio/stalbans_a_mono.wav', B,
// window, overlapSamples);
// impulseResponse = audioread(irFilename);
// assert(irFs == fs);
// function image = spectrogramPlot(spectrum, t, w)
// figure;
// image = imagesc(t, w, 10*log10(abs(spectrum)+eps));
// image.Parent.YDir = 'normal';
// colorbar();
// end
coder::b_spectrogram(impulseResponse, window, overlapSamples, allBlocks);
// pow = @(x) abs(x).^2;
loop_ub = allBlocks.size(0);
x.set_size(allBlocks.size(0), 400);
for (i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
x[i1 + x.size(0) * i] = allBlocks[i1 + allBlocks.size(0) * i];
nx = allBlocks.size(0) * 400;
y.set_size(allBlocks.size(0), 400);
for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) {
y[k] = rt_hypotd_snf(x[k].re, x[k].im);
loop_ub = y.size(0) * 400;
y.set_size(y.size(0), 400);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
- scale_cl = y[i];
- y[i] = scale_cl * scale_cl;
+ varargin_1 = y[i];
+ y[i] = varargin_1 * varargin_1;
// maxHEstimate(:) = 0.9;
// Bias used to keep the magnitude estimate from getting stuck on a wrong
// minimum.
// TODO: Experiment
// From the paper - gamma (Page 10). Lower means more smoothing between
// gains vectors of consecutive frames. Value 0-1 (1 = no smoothing).
// From the paper - alpha (Page 11). Lower means less smoothing between
// magnitude response block estimates on consecutive frames.
// Value 0-1 (0 = no smoothing).
// Algorithm implementation: block-wise signal dereverberation.
allBlocks.set_size(M.size(0), M.size(1));
loop_ub = M.size(0) * M.size(1);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
allBlocks[i].re = 0.0;
allBlocks[i].im = 1.0E-5;
// Dry signal frequency-domain vectors.
// Reverberated components frequency-domain vectors.
S_vc.set_size(M.size(0), M.size(1));
loop_ub = M.size(0) * M.size(1);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
S_vc[i].re = 0.0;
S_vc[i].im = 1.0E-5;
R_vc.set_size(M.size(0), M.size(1));
loop_ub = M.size(0) * M.size(1);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
R_vc[i].re = 0.0;
R_vc[i].im = 1.0E-5;
// Reverberant system frequency response estimate blocks - power.
// H_pow = zeros(frequencyCount, B);
// Set initial estimates to half of the maximum.
+ // H_pow = maxHEstimate / 2;
H_pow.set_size(y.size(0), 400);
loop_ub = y.size(0) * 400;
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
- H_pow[i] = y[i] / 2.0;
+ H_pow[i] = y[i] / 15.0;
// pow = @(x) abs(x).^2;
previousSFramesPower.set_size(M.size(0), 400);
loop_ub = M.size(0) * 400;
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
previousSFramesPower[i] = 0.0;
// Most recent previous frame is first.
previousMFramesPower.set_size(M.size(0), 400);
loop_ub = M.size(0) * 400;
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
previousMFramesPower[i] = 1.0;
// Most recent previous frame is first.
// Reverberant system frequency response power estimate blocks - temporary.
C.set_size(H_pow.size(0), 400);
loop_ub = H_pow.size(0) * 400;
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
C[i] = 0.0;
// Matrix to keep all estimates over time (not needed by algorithm - just
// for visualization purposes).
// H_pow_all = zeros([HisCount size(H_pow)]);
// Initially, all components are estimated to belong to the dry signal.
loop_ub = M.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
G_S[i] = 1.0;
loop_ub = M.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
G_R[i] = 0.0;
loop_ub = M.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
G_Sxx[i] = 1.0;
loop_ub = M.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
G_Rxx[i] = 0.0;
previousSFramesPower_vc.set_size(M.size(0), 400);
loop_ub = M.size(0) * 400;
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
previousSFramesPower_vc[i] = 0.0;
// Most recent previous frame is first.
// Most recent previous frame is first.
H_pow_sm.set_size(H_pow.size(0), 400);
loop_ub = H_pow.size(0) * 400;
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
H_pow_sm[i] = H_pow[i];
i = static_cast<int>(frameCount.contents);
if (0.0 <= i - 1) {
i2 = y.size(0);
for (int inputFrameIndex{0}; inputFrameIndex < i; inputFrameIndex++) {
- double varargin_2;
- int b_i;
// X = sprintf('frameidx: %d / %d \r',inputFrameIndex,frameCount);
// disp(X)
loop_ub = M.size(0);
- newEstimates.set_size(M.size(0));
+ b_y.set_size(M.size(0));
for (k = 0; k < loop_ub; k++) {
- newEstimates[k] = rt_hypotd_snf(M[k + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re,
- M[k + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im);
+ b_y[k] = rt_hypotd_snf(M[k + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re,
+ M[k + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im);
- inputFramePower.set_size(newEstimates.size(0));
- loop_ub = newEstimates.size(0);
+ inputFramePower.set_size(b_y.size(0));
+ loop_ub = b_y.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
- scale_cl = newEstimates[i1];
- inputFramePower[i1] = scale_cl * scale_cl;
+ varargin_1 = b_y[i1];
+ inputFramePower[i1] = varargin_1 * varargin_1;
// Update system frequency response estimates.
loop_ub = inputFramePower.size(0);
- for (int blockIndex{0}; blockIndex < 400; blockIndex++) {
+ for (k = 0; k < 400; k++) {
if (inputFramePower.size(0) == previousMFramesPower.size(0)) {
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
newEstimates[i1] =
inputFramePower[i1] /
- previousMFramesPower[i1 +
- previousMFramesPower.size(0) * blockIndex];
+ previousMFramesPower[i1 + previousMFramesPower.size(0) * k];
} else {
binary_expand_op(newEstimates, inputFramePower, previousMFramesPower,
- blockIndex);
+ k);
if (newEstimates.size(0) == H_pow.size(0)) {
- nx = newEstimates.size(0);
- for (i1 = 0; i1 < nx; i1++) {
- unchanged[i1] =
- (newEstimates[i1] >= H_pow[i1 + H_pow.size(0) * blockIndex]);
+ xblockoffset = newEstimates.size(0);
+ for (i1 = 0; i1 < xblockoffset; i1++) {
+ unchanged[i1] = (newEstimates[i1] >= H_pow[i1 + H_pow.size(0) * k]);
} else {
- b_binary_expand_op(unchanged, newEstimates, H_pow, blockIndex);
+ b_binary_expand_op(unchanged, newEstimates, H_pow, k);
- k = unchanged.size(0) - 1;
- nx = 0;
- for (b_i = 0; b_i <= k; b_i++) {
- if (unchanged[b_i]) {
- nx++;
+ hi = unchanged.size(0) - 1;
+ xblockoffset = 0;
+ for (nx = 0; nx <= hi; nx++) {
+ if (unchanged[nx]) {
+ xblockoffset++;
- r2.set_size(nx);
- nx = 0;
- for (b_i = 0; b_i <= k; b_i++) {
- if (unchanged[b_i]) {
- r2[nx] = b_i + 1;
- nx++;
+ r1.set_size(xblockoffset);
+ xblockoffset = 0;
+ for (nx = 0; nx <= hi; nx++) {
+ if (unchanged[nx]) {
+ r1[xblockoffset] = nx + 1;
+ xblockoffset++;
- nx = r2.size(0);
- r.set_size(r2.size(0));
- for (i1 = 0; i1 < nx; i1++) {
- r[i1] = H_pow[(r2[i1] + H_pow.size(0) * blockIndex) - 1] * 1.01;
+ xblockoffset = r1.size(0);
+ b_y.set_size(r1.size(0));
+ for (i1 = 0; i1 < xblockoffset; i1++) {
+ b_y[i1] = H_pow[(r1[i1] + H_pow.size(0) * k) - 1] * 1.01;
- k = unchanged.size(0);
- nx = 0;
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < k; b_i++) {
- if (unchanged[b_i]) {
- newEstimates[b_i] = r[nx] + 2.2204460492503131E-16;
- nx++;
+ hi = unchanged.size(0);
+ xblockoffset = 0;
+ for (nx = 0; nx < hi; nx++) {
+ if (unchanged[nx]) {
+ newEstimates[nx] = b_y[xblockoffset] + 2.2204460492503131E-16;
+ xblockoffset++;
if (newEstimates.size(0) == i2) {
- nx = newEstimates.size(0);
- for (i1 = 0; i1 < nx; i1++) {
- scale_cl = newEstimates[i1];
- varargin_2 = y[i1 + y.size(0) * blockIndex];
- C[i1 + C.size(0) * blockIndex] = std::fmin(scale_cl, varargin_2);
+ xblockoffset = newEstimates.size(0);
+ for (i1 = 0; i1 < xblockoffset; i1++) {
+ varargin_1 = newEstimates[i1];
+ varargin_2 = y[i1 + y.size(0) * k];
+ C[i1 + C.size(0) * k] = std::fmin(varargin_1, varargin_2);
} else {
- nx = y.size(0);
- b_y.set_size(y.size(0));
- for (i1 = 0; i1 < nx; i1++) {
- b_y[i1] = y[i1 + y.size(0) * blockIndex];
+ xblockoffset = y.size(0);
+ e_y.set_size(y.size(0));
+ for (i1 = 0; i1 < xblockoffset; i1++) {
+ e_y[i1] = y[i1 + y.size(0) * k];
- coder::internal::expand_min(newEstimates, b_y, r);
- nx = r.size(0);
- for (i1 = 0; i1 < nx; i1++) {
- C[i1 + C.size(0) * blockIndex] = r[i1];
+ coder::internal::expand_min(newEstimates, e_y, b_y);
+ xblockoffset = b_y.size(0);
+ for (i1 = 0; i1 < xblockoffset; i1++) {
+ C[i1 + C.size(0) * k] = b_y[i1];
- nx = M.size(0);
+ xblockoffset = M.size(0);
if (M.size(0) == 1) {
i1 = H_pow.size(0);
} else {
i1 = M.size(0);
if (M.size(0) == 1) {
- k = C.size(0);
+ nx = C.size(0);
} else {
- k = M.size(0);
+ nx = M.size(0);
if ((M.size(0) == H_pow.size(0)) && (M.size(0) == C.size(0)) &&
- (i1 == k)) {
- r.set_size(M.size(0));
- for (i1 = 0; i1 < nx; i1++) {
- r[i1] = 0.2 * H_pow[i1 + H_pow.size(0) * blockIndex] +
- 0.8 * C[i1 + C.size(0) * blockIndex];
+ (i1 == nx)) {
+ b_y.set_size(M.size(0));
+ for (i1 = 0; i1 < xblockoffset; i1++) {
+ b_y[i1] =
+ 0.2 * H_pow[i1 + H_pow.size(0) * k] + 0.8 * C[i1 + C.size(0) * k];
- nx = r.size(0);
- for (i1 = 0; i1 < nx; i1++) {
- H_pow[i1 + H_pow.size(0) * blockIndex] = r[i1];
+ xblockoffset = b_y.size(0);
+ for (i1 = 0; i1 < xblockoffset; i1++) {
+ H_pow[i1 + H_pow.size(0) * k] = b_y[i1];
} else {
- binary_expand_op(H_pow, blockIndex, M, C);
+ binary_expand_op(H_pow, k, M, C);
// % H_pow_all(inputFrameIndex, :, :) = H_pow;
// H_pow_all(2:end,:,:) = H_pow_all( 1:end-1,:,:);
// H_pow_all(1,:, :) = H_pow; %%放在最开始位置
// TODO: ?? G_S = sqrt(G_S);
// Enforce a minimum gain for each frequency.
if (previousSFramesPower.size(0) == H_pow.size(0)) {
b_previousSFramesPower.set_size(previousSFramesPower.size(0), 400);
loop_ub = previousSFramesPower.size(0) * 400;
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
b_previousSFramesPower[i1] = previousSFramesPower[i1] * H_pow[i1];
- coder::sum(b_previousSFramesPower, r);
+ coder::sum(b_previousSFramesPower, b_y);
} else {
- binary_expand_op(r, previousSFramesPower, H_pow);
+ binary_expand_op(b_y, previousSFramesPower, H_pow);
- if (r.size(0) == inputFramePower.size(0)) {
- r1.set_size(r.size(0), 2);
- loop_ub = r.size(0);
+ if (b_y.size(0) == inputFramePower.size(0)) {
+ r.set_size(b_y.size(0), 2);
+ loop_ub = b_y.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
- r1[i1] = 1.0 - r[i1] / inputFramePower[i1];
+ r[i1] = 1.0 - b_y[i1] / inputFramePower[i1];
loop_ub = M.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
- r1[i1 + r1.size(0)] = 0.0;
+ r[i1 + r.size(0)] = 0.0;
- coder::internal::maximum(r1, r);
+ coder::internal::maximum(r, b_y);
} else {
- c_binary_expand_op(r, inputFramePower, M);
+ c_binary_expand_op(b_y, inputFramePower, M);
loop_ub = G_S.size(0);
i1 = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
if (frequencyCount.contents == 1.0) {
- k = G_S.size(0);
+ nx = G_S.size(0);
} else {
- k = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
+ nx = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
if (frequencyCount.contents == 1.0) {
- nx = r.size(0);
+ xblockoffset = b_y.size(0);
} else {
- nx = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
+ xblockoffset = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
- if ((i1 == G_S.size(0)) && (i1 == r.size(0)) && (k == nx)) {
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < loop_ub; b_i++) {
- G_S[b_i] = 0.7 * G_S[b_i] + 0.3 * r[b_i];
+ if ((i1 == G_S.size(0)) && (i1 == b_y.size(0)) && (nx == xblockoffset)) {
+ for (nx = 0; nx < loop_ub; nx++) {
+ G_S[nx] = 0.7 * G_S[nx] + 0.3 * b_y[nx];
} else {
- c_binary_expand_op(G_S, frequencyCount, r);
+ c_binary_expand_op(G_S, frequencyCount, b_y);
loop_ub = G_R.size(0);
if (frequencyCount.contents == 1.0) {
- k = G_R.size(0);
+ nx = G_R.size(0);
} else {
- k = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
+ nx = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
if (frequencyCount.contents == 1.0) {
- nx = G_S.size(0);
+ xblockoffset = G_S.size(0);
} else {
- nx = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
+ xblockoffset = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
- if ((i1 == G_R.size(0)) && (i1 == G_S.size(0)) && (k == nx)) {
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < loop_ub; b_i++) {
- G_R[b_i] = 0.7 * G_R[b_i] + 0.3 * (1.0 - G_S[b_i]);
+ if ((i1 == G_R.size(0)) && (i1 == G_S.size(0)) && (nx == xblockoffset)) {
+ for (nx = 0; nx < loop_ub; nx++) {
+ G_R[nx] = 0.7 * G_R[nx] + 0.3 * (1.0 - G_S[nx]);
} else {
binary_expand_op(G_R, frequencyCount, G_S);
loop_ub = G_S.size(0);
if (G_S.size(0) == M.size(0)) {
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < loop_ub; b_i++) {
- vocal_dry[b_i].re = G_S[b_i] * M[b_i + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re;
- vocal_dry[b_i].im = G_S[b_i] * M[b_i + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im;
+ for (nx = 0; nx < loop_ub; nx++) {
+ vocal_dry[nx].re = G_S[nx] * M[nx + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re;
+ vocal_dry[nx].im = G_S[nx] * M[nx + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im;
} else {
binary_expand_op(vocal_dry, G_S, M, inputFrameIndex);
loop_ub = vocal_dry.size(0);
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < loop_ub; b_i++) {
- allBlocks[b_i + allBlocks.size(0) * inputFrameIndex] = vocal_dry[b_i];
+ for (nx = 0; nx < loop_ub; nx++) {
+ allBlocks[nx + allBlocks.size(0) * inputFrameIndex] = vocal_dry[nx];
// G_S .* real(inputFrame) + 1j*G_S .* imag(inputFrame); % %%干声
loop_ub = G_R.size(0);
if (G_R.size(0) == M.size(0)) {
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < loop_ub; b_i++) {
- vocal_reverb[b_i].re =
- G_R[b_i] * M[b_i + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re;
- vocal_reverb[b_i].im =
- G_R[b_i] * M[b_i + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im;
+ for (nx = 0; nx < loop_ub; nx++) {
+ vocal_reverb[nx].re = G_R[nx] * M[nx + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re;
+ vocal_reverb[nx].im = G_R[nx] * M[nx + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im;
} else {
binary_expand_op(vocal_reverb, G_R, M, inputFrameIndex);
// G_R .* real(inputFrame) + 1j*G_R .* imag(inputFrame); % %%混响
// Shift all previous frames one column to the right, and insert the
// current frame at the beginning.
- nx = previousSFramesPower.size(0) - 1;
+ xblockoffset = previousSFramesPower.size(0) - 1;
c_previousSFramesPower.set_size(previousSFramesPower.size(0), 399);
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < 399; b_i++) {
- for (k = 0; k <= nx; k++) {
- c_previousSFramesPower[k + c_previousSFramesPower.size(0) * b_i] =
- previousSFramesPower[k + previousSFramesPower.size(0) * b_i];
+ for (nx = 0; nx < 399; nx++) {
+ for (hi = 0; hi <= xblockoffset; hi++) {
+ c_previousSFramesPower[hi + c_previousSFramesPower.size(0) * nx] =
+ previousSFramesPower[hi + previousSFramesPower.size(0) * nx];
loop_ub = c_previousSFramesPower.size(0);
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < 399; b_i++) {
- for (k = 0; k < loop_ub; k++) {
- previousSFramesPower[k + previousSFramesPower.size(0) * (b_i + 1)] =
- c_previousSFramesPower[k + c_previousSFramesPower.size(0) * b_i];
+ for (nx = 0; nx < 399; nx++) {
+ for (hi = 0; hi < loop_ub; hi++) {
+ previousSFramesPower[hi + previousSFramesPower.size(0) * (nx + 1)] =
+ c_previousSFramesPower[hi + c_previousSFramesPower.size(0) * nx];
loop_ub = allBlocks.size(0);
- newEstimates.set_size(allBlocks.size(0));
+ b_y.set_size(allBlocks.size(0));
for (k = 0; k < loop_ub; k++) {
- newEstimates[k] =
+ b_y[k] =
rt_hypotd_snf(allBlocks[k + allBlocks.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re,
allBlocks[k + allBlocks.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im);
- loop_ub = newEstimates.size(0);
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < loop_ub; b_i++) {
- scale_cl = newEstimates[b_i];
- previousSFramesPower[b_i] = scale_cl * scale_cl;
+ loop_ub = b_y.size(0);
+ for (nx = 0; nx < loop_ub; nx++) {
+ varargin_1 = b_y[nx];
+ previousSFramesPower[nx] = varargin_1 * varargin_1;
- nx = previousMFramesPower.size(0) - 1;
+ xblockoffset = previousMFramesPower.size(0) - 1;
c_previousSFramesPower.set_size(previousMFramesPower.size(0), 399);
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < 399; b_i++) {
- for (k = 0; k <= nx; k++) {
- c_previousSFramesPower[k + c_previousSFramesPower.size(0) * b_i] =
- previousMFramesPower[k + previousMFramesPower.size(0) * b_i];
+ for (nx = 0; nx < 399; nx++) {
+ for (hi = 0; hi <= xblockoffset; hi++) {
+ c_previousSFramesPower[hi + c_previousSFramesPower.size(0) * nx] =
+ previousMFramesPower[hi + previousMFramesPower.size(0) * nx];
loop_ub = c_previousSFramesPower.size(0);
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < 399; b_i++) {
- for (k = 0; k < loop_ub; k++) {
- previousMFramesPower[k + previousMFramesPower.size(0) * (b_i + 1)] =
- c_previousSFramesPower[k + c_previousSFramesPower.size(0) * b_i];
+ for (nx = 0; nx < 399; nx++) {
+ for (hi = 0; hi < loop_ub; hi++) {
+ previousMFramesPower[hi + previousMFramesPower.size(0) * (nx + 1)] =
+ c_previousSFramesPower[hi + c_previousSFramesPower.size(0) * nx];
loop_ub = inputFramePower.size(0);
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < loop_ub; b_i++) {
- previousMFramesPower[b_i] = inputFramePower[b_i];
+ for (nx = 0; nx < loop_ub; nx++) {
+ previousMFramesPower[nx] = inputFramePower[nx];
// %%%%%%%%%%%添加新的部分%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
loop_ub = M_vc.size(0);
- bk_revertant.set_size(M_vc.size(0));
- inputFramePower.set_size(M_vc.size(0));
+ G_R_vc.set_size(M_vc.size(0));
+ e_y.set_size(M_vc.size(0));
for (k = 0; k < loop_ub; k++) {
- bk_revertant[k] = M_vc[k + M_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex];
- inputFramePower[k] =
- rt_hypotd_snf(M_vc[k + M_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re,
- M_vc[k + M_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im);
- }
- // %%%% 方法4,借鉴aec的方法;
- // CNT = 50;%10;%
- // H_pow_sm = (1- 1/CNT)*H_pow_sm + (1/CNT)*H_pow;
- // newG_R_vc = (sum(previousSFramesPower_vc .* H_pow_sm, 2)) ;
- // yfk = newG_R_vc; %sum(YFb,2);%%将YFb按行求和,得到65*1的矩阵
- // N = stftWindowSize/2;
- // tmp = [yfk ; flipud(conj(yfk(2:N)))];
- // ykt = real(ifft(tmp));
- // ykfb = ykt(end-N+1:end);%%得到回声信号时域,为64*1矩阵
- //
- // % ---------------------- Error estimation
- // ekfb = dk + ykfb;%%时域误差信号
- //
- //
- // scale_cl = sum(abs(bk_revertant)) / (sum(abs(inputFrame_vc)) +
- // 1e-10); scale_cl = min(1,scale_cl); S_vc(:, inputFrameIndex) =
- // (1-scale_cl) * real(inputFrame_vc) + 1j * (1-scale_cl) *
- // imag(inputFrame_vc); %%vc 干声 R_vc(:, inputFrameIndex) =
- // bk_revertant; %%混响
- // %%方法5:
- // 直接使用vc文件,不计算增益,直接相加,rir做平滑,增加下限(rir平滑没问题)
- // CNT = 50;%10;%
- // % st = max(1,inputFrameIndex-CNT);
- // % en = inputFrameIndex;
- // % H_pow = squeeze(mean(H_pow_all(st:en, :, :),1));
- // % newG_R_vc = (sum(previousSFramesPower_vc .* H_pow, 2)) ;
- // H_pow_sm = (1- 1/CNT)*H_pow_sm + (1/CNT)*H_pow;
- // newG_R_vc = (sum(previousSFramesPower_vc .* H_pow_sm, 2)) ;
- // G_R_vc = (1-gainSmoothingFactor_vc).*G_R_vc +
- // gainSmoothingFactor_vc.*newG_R_vc;
- //
- // % vocal_effect = G_R .* inputFrame;
- // % % bk_revertant = min(G_R_vc,vocal_effect);
- // % % bk_revertant = max(bk_revertant,0.2*vocal_effect);
- // % G_R_vc_abs = abs(G_R_vc);
- // % vocal_effect_abs = abs(vocal_effect);
- // % idx_change = G_R_vc_abs > vocal_effect_abs;
- // % G_R_vc(idx_change,:)= vocal_effect(idx_change,:);
- // % idx_change = G_R_vc_abs < 0.2*vocal_effect_abs;
- // % G_R_vc(idx_change,:)= vocal_effect(idx_change,:);
- // bk_revertant = G_R_vc;
- //
- //
- // % S_vc(:, inputFrameIndex) = inputFrame_vc; %%vc 干声
- // % R_vc(:, inputFrameIndex) = bk_revertant; %%混响
- // 方法6:rir做平滑,背景混响(平滑)和当前混响直接相加 (第一版本c的算法)
- // %%%%%当前混响
- // CNT = 50;%10;%
- // H_pow_sm = (1- 1/CNT)*H_pow_sm + (1/CNT)*H_pow;
- // newG_R_vc = (sum(previousSFramesPower_vc .* H_pow_sm, 2)) ;
- // G_R_vc = (1-gainSmoothingFactor).*G_R_vc +
- // gainSmoothingFactor.*newG_R_vc;
- // %%%%%得到backgroud混响
- // vocal_effect = G_R .* inputFrame;
- // vocal_effect_abs = abs(vocal_effect);
- // vocal_effect_sm = vocal_effect_abs;
- // N1 = 10;
- // for ii = 1:length(vocal_effect_abs)
- // st = max(ii-N1,1);
- // en = min(ii+N1,length(vocal_effect_abs));
- // vocal_effect_sm(ii) = mean(vocal_effect_abs(st:en));
- // end
- // vocal_effect_sm_final = vocal_effect_sm .*(vocal_effect ./
- // (vocal_effect_abs+1e-5)); %混响相加,并做限制
- // %%复数谱直接相加,效果不错
- // G_R_vc = G_R_vc + vocal_effect_sm_final;
- //
- // G_R_vc_abs = abs(G_R_vc);
- // vocal_effect_abs = abs(vocal_effect);
- // idx_change = G_R_vc_abs > vocal_effect_abs;
- // G_R_vc(idx_change,:)= vocal_effect(idx_change,:);
- // idx_change = G_R_vc_abs < 0.2*vocal_effect_abs;
- // G_R_vc(idx_change,:)= vocal_effect(idx_change,:);
- // bk_revertant = G_R_vc;
- //
- // scale_cl = sum(abs(bk_revertant)) / (sum(abs(inputFrame_vc)) +
- // 1e-10); scale_cl = min(1,scale_cl); S_vc(:, inputFrameIndex) =
- // (1-scale_cl) * real(inputFrame_vc) + 1j * (1-scale_cl) *
- // imag(inputFrame_vc); %%vc 干声 R_vc(:, inputFrameIndex) =
- // bk_revertant; %%混响
- //
- // %%% 第二版本c的算法
- // CNT = 50;%10;%
- // H_pow_sm = (1- 1/CNT)*H_pow_sm + (1/CNT)*H_pow;
- // % newG_R_vc = (sum(previousSFramesPower_vc .* H_pow_sm, 2)) ;
- // tmp_reverb =(sum(previousSFramesPower_vc .* H_pow_sm, 2));
- // newG_Sxx = 1 - tmp_reverb./ (inputFramePower_vc + tmp_reverb);
- // newG_Sxx = max([newG_Sxx minGain], [], 2);
- // G_Sxx = (1-gainSmoothingFactor).*G_Sxx +
- // gainSmoothingFactor.*newG_Sxx; newG_Rxx = 1 - G_Sxx; G_Rxx =
- // (1-gainSmoothingFactor).*G_Rxx + gainSmoothingFactor.*newG_Rxx;
- // G_R_vc = G_Rxx .* inputFrame;
- //
- // %%%%%平滑后作为基础混响
- // G_R_vc = G_Rxx .* (inputFrame_vc + G_R_vc); %%%gain*混响
- // N1 = 3;
- // G_R_vc_abs = abs(G_R_vc);
- // G_R_vc_sm = G_R_vc_abs;
- // for ii = 1:length(G_R_vc_abs)
- // st = max(ii-N1,1);
- // en = min(ii+N1,length(G_R_vc_abs));
- // G_R_vc_sm(ii) = mean(G_R_vc_abs(st:en));
- // end
- // G_R_vc = G_R_vc_sm .*(G_R_vc ./ (G_R_vc_abs+1e-5));
- // G_R_vc = G_Rxx.*inputFrame_vc + G_R_vc;
- // bk_revertant = G_R_vc;
- //
- // scale_cl = sum(abs(bk_revertant)) / (sum(abs(inputFrame_vc)) +
- // 1e-10); scale_cl = min(1,scale_cl); S_vc(:, inputFrameIndex) =
- // (1-scale_cl) * real(inputFrame_vc) + 1j * (1-scale_cl) *
- // imag(inputFrame_vc); %%vc 干声 R_vc(:, inputFrameIndex) =
- // bk_revertant; %%混响
- // %%%方法8:在方法8的基础上,使用vc计算混响比例,然后在乘以原始比例,加个限制min(1.0,scale)
- // %%%%%% ==》 (能听到环绕声,有拖尾)
+ G_R_vc[k] = M_vc[k + M_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex];
+ e_y[k] = rt_hypotd_snf(M_vc[k + M_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re,
+ M_vc[k + M_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im);
+ }
+ // %%%方法8_1:第二版本c的算法基础上修改.
// 10;%
if (H_pow_sm.size(0) == H_pow.size(0)) {
loop_ub = H_pow_sm.size(0) * 400;
H_pow_sm.set_size(H_pow_sm.size(0), 400);
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < loop_ub; b_i++) {
- H_pow_sm[b_i] = 0.95 * H_pow_sm[b_i] + 0.05 * H_pow[b_i];
+ for (nx = 0; nx < loop_ub; nx++) {
+ H_pow_sm[nx] = 0.5 * H_pow_sm[nx] + 0.5 * H_pow[nx];
} else {
binary_expand_op(H_pow_sm, H_pow);
if (previousSFramesPower_vc.size(0) == H_pow_sm.size(0)) {
b_previousSFramesPower.set_size(previousSFramesPower_vc.size(0), 400);
loop_ub = previousSFramesPower_vc.size(0) * 400;
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < loop_ub; b_i++) {
- b_previousSFramesPower[b_i] =
- previousSFramesPower_vc[b_i] * H_pow_sm[b_i];
+ for (nx = 0; nx < loop_ub; nx++) {
+ b_previousSFramesPower[nx] = previousSFramesPower_vc[nx] * H_pow_sm[nx];
coder::sum(b_previousSFramesPower, newEstimates);
} else {
binary_expand_op(newEstimates, previousSFramesPower_vc, H_pow_sm);
- r.set_size(inputFramePower.size(0));
- loop_ub = inputFramePower.size(0);
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < loop_ub; b_i++) {
- scale_cl = inputFramePower[b_i];
- r[b_i] = scale_cl * scale_cl;
+ b_y.set_size(e_y.size(0));
+ loop_ub = e_y.size(0);
+ for (nx = 0; nx < loop_ub; nx++) {
+ varargin_1 = e_y[nx];
+ b_y[nx] = varargin_1 * varargin_1;
- if (r.size(0) == 1) {
- k = newEstimates.size(0);
+ if (b_y.size(0) == 1) {
+ nx = newEstimates.size(0);
} else {
- k = r.size(0);
+ nx = b_y.size(0);
- if ((r.size(0) == newEstimates.size(0)) && (newEstimates.size(0) == k)) {
- r1.set_size(newEstimates.size(0), 2);
+ if ((b_y.size(0) == newEstimates.size(0)) && (newEstimates.size(0) == nx)) {
+ r.set_size(newEstimates.size(0), 2);
loop_ub = newEstimates.size(0);
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < loop_ub; b_i++) {
- r1[b_i] = 1.0 - newEstimates[b_i] / (r[b_i] + newEstimates[b_i]);
+ for (nx = 0; nx < loop_ub; nx++) {
+ r[nx] = 1.0 - newEstimates[nx] / (b_y[nx] + newEstimates[nx]);
loop_ub = M.size(0);
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < loop_ub; b_i++) {
- r1[b_i + r1.size(0)] = 0.0;
+ for (nx = 0; nx < loop_ub; nx++) {
+ r[nx + r.size(0)] = 0.0;
- coder::internal::maximum(r1, r);
+ coder::internal::maximum(r, b_y);
} else {
- binary_expand_op(r, newEstimates, M);
+ binary_expand_op(b_y, newEstimates, M);
loop_ub = G_Sxx.size(0);
if (frequencyCount.contents == 1.0) {
- k = G_Sxx.size(0);
+ nx = G_Sxx.size(0);
} else {
- k = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
+ nx = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
if (frequencyCount.contents == 1.0) {
- nx = r.size(0);
+ xblockoffset = b_y.size(0);
} else {
- nx = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
+ xblockoffset = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
- if ((i1 == G_Sxx.size(0)) && (i1 == r.size(0)) && (k == nx)) {
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < loop_ub; b_i++) {
- G_Sxx[b_i] = 0.7 * G_Sxx[b_i] + 0.3 * r[b_i];
+ if ((i1 == G_Sxx.size(0)) && (i1 == b_y.size(0)) && (nx == xblockoffset)) {
+ for (nx = 0; nx < loop_ub; nx++) {
+ G_Sxx[nx] = 0.7 * G_Sxx[nx] + 0.3 * b_y[nx];
} else {
- c_binary_expand_op(G_Sxx, frequencyCount, r);
+ c_binary_expand_op(G_Sxx, frequencyCount, b_y);
loop_ub = G_Rxx.size(0);
if (frequencyCount.contents == 1.0) {
- k = G_Rxx.size(0);
+ nx = G_Rxx.size(0);
} else {
- k = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
+ nx = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
if (frequencyCount.contents == 1.0) {
- nx = G_Sxx.size(0);
+ xblockoffset = G_Sxx.size(0);
} else {
- nx = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
+ xblockoffset = static_cast<int>(frequencyCount.contents);
- if ((i1 == G_Rxx.size(0)) && (i1 == G_Sxx.size(0)) && (k == nx)) {
+ if ((i1 == G_Rxx.size(0)) && (i1 == G_Sxx.size(0)) &&
+ (nx == xblockoffset)) {
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
G_Rxx[i1] = 0.7 * G_Rxx[i1] + 0.3 * (1.0 - G_Sxx[i1]);
} else {
binary_expand_op(G_Rxx, frequencyCount, G_Sxx);
+ // G_R_vc = G_Rxx .* inputFrame ;
+ loop_ub = G_Rxx.size(0);
+ if (M_vc.size(0) == 1) {
+ i1 = vocal_reverb.size(0);
+ } else {
+ i1 = M_vc.size(0);
+ }
+ if ((M_vc.size(0) == vocal_reverb.size(0)) && (G_Rxx.size(0) == i1)) {
+ G_R_vc.set_size(G_Rxx.size(0));
+ for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
+ G_R_vc[i1].re =
+ G_Rxx[i1] * (M_vc[i1 + M_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re +
+ vocal_reverb[i1].re);
+ G_R_vc[i1].im =
+ G_Rxx[i1] * (M_vc[i1 + M_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im +
+ vocal_reverb[i1].im);
+ }
+ } else {
+ binary_expand_op(G_R_vc, G_Rxx, M_vc, inputFrameIndex, vocal_reverb);
+ }
// 修正了能量以后copy的vocal混响
// G_R_vc =G_Rxx .* (inputFrame_vc + G_R_vc);
// 混响
// 干声
- // vocal_dry_sm = (1 - dryMagnitudeSmoothingFactor) .* vocal_dry_sm +
- // dryMagnitudeSmoothingFactor.* abs(vocal_dry ); vc_dray_sm = (1 -
- // dryMagnitudeSmoothingFactor) .* vc_dray_sm +
- // dryMagnitudeSmoothingFactor.* abs(inputFrame_vc );
- nx = vocal_reverb.size(0);
- r.set_size(vocal_reverb.size(0));
+ // vc_dray_sm = (1 - dryMagnitudeSmoothingFactor) .* vc_dray_sm +
+ // dryMagnitudeSmoothingFactor.* abs(inputFrame_vc ); vocal_dry_sm = (1
+ // - dryMagnitudeSmoothingFactor) .* vocal_dry_sm +
+ // dryMagnitudeSmoothingFactor.* abs(vocal_dry );
+ // vc_dray_sm = vc_dray_sm + abs(vocal_reverb); %混响大一些
+ // scale = min(1,(vocal_dry_sm./( vc_dray_sm + 1e-8)));
+ // scale = max(min(1,(vc_dray_sm./(vocal_dry_sm + 1e-8))),0.5);
+ // S_vc(:, inputFrameIndex) = (1-scale_cl) * real(inputFrame_vc) + 1j *
+ // (1-scale_cl) * imag(inputFrame_vc); %%vc 干声
+ loop_ub = M_vc.size(0);
+ for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
+ S_vc[i1 + S_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex] =
+ M_vc[i1 + M_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex];
+ }
+ nx = G_R_vc.size(0);
+ b_y.set_size(G_R_vc.size(0));
for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) {
- r[k] = rt_hypotd_snf(vocal_reverb[k].re, vocal_reverb[k].im);
+ b_y[k] = rt_hypotd_snf(G_R_vc[k].re, G_R_vc[k].im);
nx = vocal_dry.size(0);
for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) {
newEstimates[k] = rt_hypotd_snf(vocal_dry[k].re, vocal_dry[k].im);
- if (inputFramePower.size(0) == 1) {
- i1 = r.size(0);
+ nx = vocal_reverb.size(0);
+ inputFramePower.set_size(vocal_reverb.size(0));
+ for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) {
+ inputFramePower[k] =
+ rt_hypotd_snf(vocal_reverb[k].re, vocal_reverb[k].im);
+ }
+ if (e_y.size(0) == 1) {
+ i1 = b_y.size(0);
} else {
- i1 = inputFramePower.size(0);
+ i1 = e_y.size(0);
if (newEstimates.size(0) == 1) {
- k = r.size(0);
+ nx = inputFramePower.size(0);
} else {
- k = newEstimates.size(0);
+ nx = newEstimates.size(0);
- if ((inputFramePower.size(0) == r.size(0)) &&
- (newEstimates.size(0) == r.size(0)) && (i1 == k)) {
- r.set_size(inputFramePower.size(0));
- loop_ub = inputFramePower.size(0);
+ if ((e_y.size(0) == b_y.size(0)) &&
+ (newEstimates.size(0) == inputFramePower.size(0)) && (i1 == nx)) {
+ b_y.set_size(e_y.size(0));
+ loop_ub = e_y.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
- varargin_2 = (inputFramePower[i1] + r[i1]) /
- ((newEstimates[i1] + r[i1]) + 1.0E-8);
- r[i1] = std::fmin(1.0, varargin_2);
+ varargin_2 = (e_y[i1] + b_y[i1]) /
+ ((newEstimates[i1] + inputFramePower[i1]) + 1.0E-8);
+ b_y[i1] = std::fmin(1.0, varargin_2);
} else {
- binary_expand_op(r, inputFramePower, newEstimates);
- }
- loop_ub = G_Rxx.size(0);
- if (G_Rxx.size(0) == 1) {
- i1 = M.size(0);
- } else {
- i1 = G_Rxx.size(0);
+ binary_expand_op(b_y, e_y, newEstimates, inputFramePower);
- if ((G_Rxx.size(0) == M.size(0)) && (i1 == r.size(0))) {
- bk_revertant.set_size(G_Rxx.size(0));
+ if (G_R_vc.size(0) == b_y.size(0)) {
+ loop_ub = G_R_vc.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
- bk_revertant[i1].re =
- r[i1] * (G_Rxx[i1] * M[i1 + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re);
- bk_revertant[i1].im =
- r[i1] * (G_Rxx[i1] * M[i1 + M.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im);
+ R_vc[i1 + R_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re = b_y[i1] * G_R_vc[i1].re;
+ R_vc[i1 + R_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im = b_y[i1] * G_R_vc[i1].im;
} else {
- binary_expand_op(bk_revertant, G_Rxx, M, inputFrameIndex, r);
- }
- nx = bk_revertant.size(0);
- newEstimates.set_size(bk_revertant.size(0));
- for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) {
- newEstimates[k] = rt_hypotd_snf(bk_revertant[k].re, bk_revertant[k].im);
- }
- scale_cl = std::fmin(1.0, coder::sum(newEstimates) /
- (coder::sum(inputFramePower) + 1.0E-10));
- varargin_2 = (1.0 - scale_cl) * 0.0;
- loop_ub = M_vc.size(0);
- for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
- double d;
- d = M_vc[i1 + M_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im;
- S_vc[i1 + S_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re =
- (1.0 - scale_cl) * M_vc[i1 + M_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re +
- varargin_2 * d;
- S_vc[i1 + S_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im = (1.0 - scale_cl) * d;
- }
- // vc 干声
- loop_ub = bk_revertant.size(0);
- for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
- R_vc[i1 + R_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex] = bk_revertant[i1];
+ binary_expand_op(R_vc, inputFrameIndex, G_R_vc, b_y);
// 混响
// Shift all previous frames one column to the right, and insert the
// current frame at the beginning.
- nx = previousSFramesPower_vc.size(0) - 1;
+ xblockoffset = previousSFramesPower_vc.size(0) - 1;
c_previousSFramesPower.set_size(previousSFramesPower_vc.size(0), 399);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < 399; i1++) {
- for (b_i = 0; b_i <= nx; b_i++) {
- c_previousSFramesPower[b_i + c_previousSFramesPower.size(0) * i1] =
- previousSFramesPower_vc[b_i + previousSFramesPower_vc.size(0) * i1];
+ for (nx = 0; nx <= xblockoffset; nx++) {
+ c_previousSFramesPower[nx + c_previousSFramesPower.size(0) * i1] =
+ previousSFramesPower_vc[nx + previousSFramesPower_vc.size(0) * i1];
loop_ub = c_previousSFramesPower.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < 399; i1++) {
- for (b_i = 0; b_i < loop_ub; b_i++) {
- previousSFramesPower_vc[b_i +
+ for (nx = 0; nx < loop_ub; nx++) {
+ previousSFramesPower_vc[nx +
previousSFramesPower_vc.size(0) * (i1 + 1)] =
- c_previousSFramesPower[b_i + c_previousSFramesPower.size(0) * i1];
+ c_previousSFramesPower[nx + c_previousSFramesPower.size(0) * i1];
loop_ub = S_vc.size(0);
- newEstimates.set_size(S_vc.size(0));
+ b_y.set_size(S_vc.size(0));
for (k = 0; k < loop_ub; k++) {
- newEstimates[k] =
- rt_hypotd_snf(S_vc[k + S_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re,
- S_vc[k + S_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im);
+ b_y[k] = rt_hypotd_snf(S_vc[k + S_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].re,
+ S_vc[k + S_vc.size(0) * inputFrameIndex].im);
- loop_ub = newEstimates.size(0);
+ loop_ub = b_y.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
- scale_cl = newEstimates[i1];
- previousSFramesPower_vc[i1] = scale_cl * scale_cl;
+ varargin_1 = b_y[i1];
+ previousSFramesPower_vc[i1] = varargin_1 * varargin_1;
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// Reconstruct and play dry signal
// dry_vc = zeros(inputLength_vc,1);
// dry_vc(:) = reconstruct(S_vc, window, overlapSamples, inputLength_vc);
// Reconstruct and play reverberant components
reconstruct(&stftWindowSize, &frequencyCount, &frameCount, R_vc, window,
overlapSamples, reverberated_vc);
// Reconstruct and play original reverberant signal using both components
// reverbConstant = 5;
+ for (k = 0; k < 220500; k++) {
+ overlapSamples = signal_vc[k];
+ varargin_1 = reverberated_vc[k] + overlapSamples;
+ reverberated_vc[k] = varargin_1;
+ c_y[k] = std::abs(overlapSamples);
+ d_y[k] = std::abs(varargin_1);
+ }
+ varargin_1 = c_y[0];
+ for (k = 0; k < 1023; k++) {
+ varargin_1 += c_y[k + 1];
+ }
+ for (nx = 0; nx < 215; nx++) {
+ xblockoffset = (nx + 1) << 10;
+ overlapSamples = c_y[xblockoffset];
+ if (nx + 2 == 216) {
+ hi = 340;
+ } else {
+ hi = 1024;
+ }
+ for (k = 2; k <= hi; k++) {
+ overlapSamples += c_y[(xblockoffset + k) - 1];
+ }
+ varargin_1 += overlapSamples;
+ }
+ varargin_2 = d_y[0];
+ for (k = 0; k < 1023; k++) {
+ varargin_2 += d_y[k + 1];
+ }
+ for (nx = 0; nx < 215; nx++) {
+ xblockoffset = (nx + 1) << 10;
+ overlapSamples = d_y[xblockoffset];
+ if (nx + 2 == 216) {
+ hi = 340;
+ } else {
+ hi = 1024;
+ }
+ for (k = 2; k <= hi; k++) {
+ overlapSamples += d_y[(xblockoffset + k) - 1];
+ }
+ varargin_2 += overlapSamples;
+ }
+ overlapSamples = std::fmin(1.0, varargin_1 / (varargin_2 + 0.0001));
for (i = 0; i < 220500; i++) {
- reverberated_vc[i] += signal_vc[i];
+ reverberated_vc[i] *= overlapSamples;
+ std::copy(&reverberated_vc[0], &reverberated_vc[220500], &c_y[0]);
+ OverflowLimit(c_y, reverberated_vc);
// File trailer for dereveb_c.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c.h
index 8da900e..6766615 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c.h
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
// File: dereveb_c.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
#ifndef DEREVEB_C_H
#define DEREVEB_C_H
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
extern void dereveb_c(const double b_signal[220500],
const double signal_vc[220500], double fs,
const double impulseResponse[264600],
double reverberated_vc[220500]);
// File trailer for dereveb_c.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_data.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_data.cpp
index 26aef6e..66e7093 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_data.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_data.cpp
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
// File: dereveb_c_data.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "dereveb_c_data.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
// Variable Definitions
omp_nest_lock_t dereveb_c_nestLockGlobal;
boolean_T isInitialized_dereveb_c{false};
// File trailer for dereveb_c_data.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_data.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_data.h
index b59bf85..c00d58f 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_data.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_data.h
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
// File: dereveb_c_data.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Variable Declarations
extern omp_nest_lock_t dereveb_c_nestLockGlobal;
extern boolean_T isInitialized_dereveb_c;
// File trailer for dereveb_c_data.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_initialize.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_initialize.cpp
index 7aa56d2..f63baeb 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_initialize.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_initialize.cpp
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
// File: dereveb_c_initialize.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "dereveb_c_initialize.h"
#include "dereveb_c_data.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : void
// Return Type : void
void dereveb_c_initialize()
isInitialized_dereveb_c = true;
// File trailer for dereveb_c_initialize.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_initialize.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_initialize.h
index 29c2c40..4c47af4 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_initialize.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_initialize.h
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
// File: dereveb_c_initialize.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
extern void dereveb_c_initialize();
// File trailer for dereveb_c_initialize.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/
index 32c41f0..639fe6c 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/
@@ -1,475 +1,479 @@
## Makefile generated for component 'dereveb_c'.
## Makefile :
-## Generated on : Tue Mar 28 21:20:32 2023
+## Generated on : Fri Mar 31 11:35:11 2023
## Final product: ./dereveb_c.a
## Product type : static-library
# Macro Descriptions:
# PRODUCT_NAME Name of the system to build
# MAKEFILE Name of this makefile
# MODELLIB Static library target
PRODUCT_NAME = dereveb_c
MATLAB_ROOT = /Applications/
MATLAB_BIN = /Applications/
START_DIR = /Volumes/T7_2/starmaker_files/音效提取算法/dereverberate
C_STANDARD_OPTS = -fno-common -fexceptions
CPP_STANDARD_OPTS = -std=c++14 -fno-common -fexceptions
MODELLIB = dereveb_c.a
# Toolchain Name: Clang v3.1 | gmake (64-bit Mac)
# Supported Version(s): 3.1
# ToolchainInfo Version: 2021b
# Specification Revision: 1.0
# Macros assumed to be defined elsewhere
ARCHS = x86_64
XCODE_SDK_VER = $(shell perl $(MATLAB_ROOT)/rtw/c/tools/
XCODE_DEVEL_DIR = $(shell xcode-select -print-path)
XCODE_SDK_ROOT = $(XCODE_DEVEL_DIR)/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/$(XCODE_SDK)
# C Compiler: Clang C Compiler
CC = xcrun clang
# Linker: Clang Linker
LD = xcrun clang++
# C++ Compiler: Clang C++ Compiler
CPP = xcrun clang++
# C++ Linker: Clang C++ Linker
CPP_LD = xcrun clang++
# Archiver: Clang Archiver
AR = xcrun ar
# MEX Tool: MEX Tool
MEX = "$(MEX_PATH)/mex"
# Download: Download
# Execute: Execute
# Builder: GMAKE Utility
MAKE_PATH = %MATLAB%/bin/maci64
MAKE = "$(MAKE_PATH)/gmake"
# Directives/Utilities
RM = @rm -f
ECHO = @echo
MV = @mv
# "Faster Runs" Build Configuration
ARFLAGS = ruvs
CFLAGS = -c -isysroot $(XCODE_SDK_ROOT) -arch $(ARCHS) $(C_STANDARD_OPTS) -mmacosx-version-min=10.15 \
CPPFLAGS = -c -isysroot $(XCODE_SDK_ROOT) -arch $(ARCHS) $(CPP_STANDARD_OPTS) -mmacosx-version-min=10.15 \
CPP_LDFLAGS = -arch $(ARCHS) -isysroot $(XCODE_SDK_ROOT) -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/$(RELATIVE_PATH_TO_ANCHOR)
CPP_SHAREDLIB_LDFLAGS = -dynamiclib -install_name @rpath/$(notdir $(PRODUCT)) -isysroot $(XCODE_SDK_ROOT) \
LDFLAGS = -arch $(ARCHS) -isysroot $(XCODE_SDK_ROOT) -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path -Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/$(RELATIVE_PATH_TO_ANCHOR)
SHAREDLIB_LDFLAGS = -dynamiclib -install_name @rpath/$(notdir $(PRODUCT)) -isysroot $(XCODE_SDK_ROOT) \
PRODUCT = ./dereveb_c.a
PRODUCT_TYPE = "static-library"
BUILD_TYPE = "Static Library"
INCLUDES_BUILDINFO = -I$(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c -I$(START_DIR) -I$(MATLAB_ROOT)/extern/include
-SRCS = $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_data.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/rt_nonfinite.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/rtGetNaN.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/rtGetInf.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_initialize.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_terminate.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/hann.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/iseven.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/gencoswin.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/spectrogram.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/hamming.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/ixfun.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/sum.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/minOrMax.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/ifft.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/computeDFT.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/welchparse.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/pspectrogram.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/div.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/unsafeSxfun.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/FFTImplementationCallback.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_rtwutil.cpp
+SRCS = $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_data.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/rt_nonfinite.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/rtGetNaN.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/rtGetInf.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_initialize.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_terminate.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/hann.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/iseven.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/gencoswin.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/spectrogram.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/hamming.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/ixfun.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/sum.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/minOrMax.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/ifft.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/OverflowLimit.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/computeDFT.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/welchparse.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/pspectrogram.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/div.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/unsafeSxfun.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/FFTImplementationCallback.cpp $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_rtwutil.cpp
-OBJS = dereveb_c_data.o rt_nonfinite.o rtGetNaN.o rtGetInf.o dereveb_c_initialize.o dereveb_c_terminate.o dereveb_c.o hann.o iseven.o gencoswin.o spectrogram.o hamming.o ixfun.o sum.o minOrMax.o ifft.o computeDFT.o welchparse.o pspectrogram.o div.o unsafeSxfun.o FFTImplementationCallback.o dereveb_c_rtwutil.o
+OBJS = dereveb_c_data.o rt_nonfinite.o rtGetNaN.o rtGetInf.o dereveb_c_initialize.o dereveb_c_terminate.o dereveb_c.o hann.o iseven.o gencoswin.o spectrogram.o hamming.o ixfun.o sum.o minOrMax.o ifft.o OverflowLimit.o computeDFT.o welchparse.o pspectrogram.o div.o unsafeSxfun.o FFTImplementationCallback.o dereveb_c_rtwutil.o
SYSTEM_LIBS = -L"$(MATLAB_ROOT)/sys/os/maci64" -lm -lstdc++ -liomp5
# C Compiler
CFLAGS_OPTS = -Xpreprocessor -fopenmp -I/Applications/ -DOpenMP_omp_LIBRARY=/Applications/
# C++ Compiler
CPPFLAGS_OPTS = -Xpreprocessor -fopenmp -I/Applications/ -DOpenMP_omp_LIBRARY=/Applications/
# C++ Linker
CPP_LDFLAGS_ = -Wl,-rpath,$(MATLAB_ROOT)/sys/os/$(ARCH)/
# C++ Shared Library Linker
# Linker
LDFLAGS_ = -Wl,-rpath,$(MATLAB_ROOT)/sys/os/$(ARCH)/
# Shared Library Linker
SHAREDLIB_LDFLAGS_ = -Wl,-rpath,$(MATLAB_ROOT)/sys/os/$(ARCH)/
.PHONY : all build clean info prebuild download execute
all : build
@echo "### Successfully generated all binary outputs."
build : prebuild $(PRODUCT)
prebuild :
download : $(PRODUCT)
execute : download
# Create a static library
@echo "### Creating static library "$(PRODUCT)" ..."
@echo "### Created: $(PRODUCT)"
%.o : %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
%.o : %.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
%.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/%.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
%.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/%.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
%.o : $(START_DIR)/%.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
%.o : $(START_DIR)/%.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
dereveb_c_data.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_data.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
rt_nonfinite.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/rt_nonfinite.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
rtGetNaN.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/rtGetNaN.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
rtGetInf.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/rtGetInf.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
dereveb_c_initialize.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_initialize.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
dereveb_c_terminate.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_terminate.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
dereveb_c.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
hann.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/hann.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
iseven.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/iseven.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
gencoswin.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/gencoswin.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
spectrogram.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/spectrogram.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
hamming.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/hamming.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
ixfun.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/ixfun.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
sum.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/sum.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
minOrMax.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/minOrMax.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
ifft.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/ifft.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
+OverflowLimit.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/OverflowLimit.cpp
+ $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
computeDFT.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/computeDFT.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
welchparse.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/welchparse.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
pspectrogram.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/pspectrogram.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
div.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/div.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
unsafeSxfun.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/unsafeSxfun.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
FFTImplementationCallback.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/FFTImplementationCallback.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
dereveb_c_rtwutil.o : $(START_DIR)/codegen/lib/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_rtwutil.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -o "$@" "$<"
$(ALL_OBJS) : rtw_proj.tmw $(MAKEFILE)
info :
@echo "### PRODUCT = $(PRODUCT)"
@echo "### BUILD_TYPE = $(BUILD_TYPE)"
@echo "### INCLUDES = $(INCLUDES)"
@echo "### DEFINES = $(DEFINES)"
@echo "### ALL_SRCS = $(ALL_SRCS)"
@echo "### ALL_OBJS = $(ALL_OBJS)"
@echo "### LIBS = $(LIBS)"
@echo "### SYSTEM_LIBS = $(SYSTEM_LIBS)"
@echo "### CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS)"
@echo "### LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS)"
@echo "### CPPFLAGS = $(CPPFLAGS)"
@echo "### CPP_LDFLAGS = $(CPP_LDFLAGS)"
@echo "### ARFLAGS = $(ARFLAGS)"
@echo "### MEX_CFLAGS = $(MEX_CFLAGS)"
@echo "### MEX_LDFLAGS = $(MEX_LDFLAGS)"
@echo "### MAKE_FLAGS = $(MAKE_FLAGS)"
clean :
$(ECHO) "### Deleting all derived files..."
$(ECHO) "### Deleted all derived files."
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_rtwutil.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_rtwutil.cpp
index 86fe70d..4d66c50 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_rtwutil.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_rtwutil.cpp
@@ -1,89 +1,89 @@
// File: dereveb_c_rtwutil.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "dereveb_c_rtwutil.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include <cfloat>
#include <cmath>
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : int numerator
// int denominator
// Return Type : int
int div_s32_floor(int numerator, int denominator)
int quotient;
if (denominator == 0) {
if (numerator >= 0) {
quotient = MAX_int32_T;
} else {
quotient = MIN_int32_T;
} else {
unsigned int absDenominator;
unsigned int absNumerator;
unsigned int tempAbsQuotient;
boolean_T quotientNeedsNegation;
if (numerator < 0) {
absNumerator = ~static_cast<unsigned int>(numerator) + 1U;
} else {
absNumerator = static_cast<unsigned int>(numerator);
if (denominator < 0) {
absDenominator = ~static_cast<unsigned int>(denominator) + 1U;
} else {
absDenominator = static_cast<unsigned int>(denominator);
quotientNeedsNegation = ((numerator < 0) != (denominator < 0));
tempAbsQuotient = absNumerator / absDenominator;
if (quotientNeedsNegation) {
absNumerator %= absDenominator;
if (absNumerator > 0U) {
quotient = -static_cast<int>(tempAbsQuotient);
} else {
quotient = static_cast<int>(tempAbsQuotient);
return quotient;
// Arguments : double u0
// double u1
// Return Type : double
double rt_remd_snf(double u0, double u1)
double y;
if (std::isnan(u0) || std::isnan(u1) || std::isinf(u0)) {
y = rtNaN;
} else if (std::isinf(u1)) {
y = u0;
} else if ((u1 != 0.0) && (u1 != std::trunc(u1))) {
double q;
q = std::abs(u0 / u1);
if (!(std::abs(q - std::floor(q + 0.5)) > DBL_EPSILON * q)) {
y = 0.0 * u0;
} else {
y = std::fmod(u0, u1);
} else {
y = std::fmod(u0, u1);
return y;
// File trailer for dereveb_c_rtwutil.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_rtwutil.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_rtwutil.h
index 9de1959..2b47d78 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_rtwutil.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_rtwutil.h
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
// File: dereveb_c_rtwutil.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
extern int div_s32_floor(int numerator, int denominator);
extern double rt_remd_snf(double u0, double u1);
// File trailer for dereveb_c_rtwutil.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_terminate.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_terminate.cpp
index 317b83f..b0dc77a 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_terminate.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_terminate.cpp
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
// File: dereveb_c_terminate.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "dereveb_c_terminate.h"
#include "dereveb_c_data.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : void
// Return Type : void
void dereveb_c_terminate()
isInitialized_dereveb_c = false;
// File trailer for dereveb_c_terminate.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_terminate.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_terminate.h
index 898ed28..399445a 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_terminate.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_terminate.h
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
// File: dereveb_c_terminate.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
extern void dereveb_c_terminate();
// File trailer for dereveb_c_terminate.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_types.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_types.h
index 535ed01..1669ce9 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_types.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/dereveb_c_types.h
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
// File: dereveb_c_types.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#define MAX_THREADS omp_get_max_threads()
// File trailer for dereveb_c_types.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/div.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/div.cpp
index 329b7db..ed37fa1 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/div.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/div.cpp
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
// File: div.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "div.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates
// const coder::array<double, 1U> &inputFramePower
// const coder::array<double, 2U> &previousMFramesPower
// int blockIndex
// Return Type : void
void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &inputFramePower,
const coder::array<double, 2U> &previousMFramesPower,
int blockIndex)
int i;
int loop_ub;
int stride_0_0;
int stride_1_0;
i = previousMFramesPower.size(0);
if (i == 1) {
stride_0_0 = inputFramePower.size(0);
} else {
stride_0_0 = i;
stride_0_0 = (inputFramePower.size(0) != 1);
stride_1_0 = (i != 1);
if (i == 1) {
loop_ub = inputFramePower.size(0);
} else {
loop_ub = i;
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
newEstimates[i] =
inputFramePower[i * stride_0_0] /
previousMFramesPower[i * stride_1_0 +
previousMFramesPower.size(0) * blockIndex];
// File trailer for div.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/div.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/div.h
index da1b9c2..eef0fde 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/div.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/div.h
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
// File: div.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
#ifndef DIV_H
#define DIV_H
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &inputFramePower,
const coder::array<double, 2U> &previousMFramesPower,
int blockIndex);
// File trailer for div.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/gencoswin.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/gencoswin.cpp
index bd5fe8c..2d3e99f 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/gencoswin.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/gencoswin.cpp
@@ -1,104 +1,104 @@
// File: gencoswin.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "gencoswin.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include <cmath>
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : double m
// double n
// ::coder::array<double, 1U> &w
// Return Type : void
namespace coder {
void b_calc_window(double m, double n, ::coder::array<double, 1U> &w)
array<double, 2U> y;
int k;
int nx;
if (std::isnan(m - 1.0)) {
y.set_size(1, 1);
y[0] = rtNaN;
} else if (m - 1.0 < 0.0) {
y.set_size(1, 0);
} else if (std::isinf(m - 1.0) && (0.0 == m - 1.0)) {
y.set_size(1, 1);
y[0] = rtNaN;
} else {
nx = static_cast<int>(std::floor(m - 1.0));
y.set_size(1, nx + 1);
for (k = 0; k <= nx; k++) {
y[k] = k;
nx = y.size(1);
for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) {
w[k] = 6.2831853071795862 * (y[k] / (n - 1.0));
nx = w.size(0);
for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) {
w[k] = std::cos(w[k]);
nx = w.size(0);
for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) {
w[k] = 0.54 - 0.46 * w[k];
// Arguments : double m
// double n
// ::coder::array<double, 1U> &w
// Return Type : void
void calc_window(double m, double n, ::coder::array<double, 1U> &w)
array<double, 2U> y;
int k;
int nx;
if (std::isnan(m - 1.0)) {
y.set_size(1, 1);
y[0] = rtNaN;
} else if (m - 1.0 < 0.0) {
y.set_size(1, 0);
} else if (std::isinf(m - 1.0) && (0.0 == m - 1.0)) {
y.set_size(1, 1);
y[0] = rtNaN;
} else {
nx = static_cast<int>(std::floor(m - 1.0));
y.set_size(1, nx + 1);
for (k = 0; k <= nx; k++) {
y[k] = k;
nx = y.size(1);
for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) {
w[k] = 6.2831853071795862 * (y[k] / (n - 1.0));
nx = w.size(0);
for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) {
w[k] = std::cos(w[k]);
nx = w.size(0);
for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) {
w[k] = 0.5 - 0.5 * w[k];
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for gencoswin.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/gencoswin.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/gencoswin.h
index 0671c6b..14546c5 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/gencoswin.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/gencoswin.h
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
// File: gencoswin.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
namespace coder {
void b_calc_window(double m, double n, ::coder::array<double, 1U> &w);
void calc_window(double m, double n, ::coder::array<double, 1U> &w);
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for gencoswin.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hamming.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hamming.cpp
index f637f06..aa8c332 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hamming.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hamming.cpp
@@ -1,116 +1,116 @@
// File: hamming.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "hamming.h"
#include "dereveb_c_rtwutil.h"
#include "gencoswin.h"
#include "iseven.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include <cmath>
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : double varargin_1
// ::coder::array<double, 1U> &w
// Return Type : void
namespace coder {
void hamming(double varargin_1, ::coder::array<double, 1U> &w)
array<double, 1U> b_w;
double L;
int i;
int trivialwin;
int w_size;
signed char w_data;
w_size = 1;
w_data = 0;
trivialwin = 0;
if (varargin_1 == std::floor(varargin_1)) {
L = varargin_1;
} else {
L = std::round(varargin_1);
if (L == 0.0) {
w_size = 0;
trivialwin = 1;
} else if (L == 1.0) {
w_data = 1;
trivialwin = 1;
for (i = 0; i < w_size; i++) {
w[0] = w_data;
if (trivialwin == 0) {
if (iseven(L)) {
int i1;
int loop_ub;
b_calc_window(L / 2.0, L, w);
if (1 > w.size(0)) {
i = 0;
w_size = 1;
i1 = -1;
} else {
i = w.size(0) - 1;
w_size = -1;
i1 = 0;
trivialwin = div_s32_floor(i1 - i, w_size);
b_w.set_size((w.size(0) + trivialwin) + 1);
loop_ub = w.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
b_w[i1] = w[i1];
for (i1 = 0; i1 <= trivialwin; i1++) {
b_w[i1 + w.size(0)] = w[i + w_size * i1];
trivialwin = b_w.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < trivialwin; i++) {
w[i] = b_w[i];
} else {
int i1;
int loop_ub;
b_calc_window((L + 1.0) / 2.0, L, w);
if (1 > w.size(0) - 1) {
i = 0;
w_size = 1;
i1 = -1;
} else {
i = w.size(0) - 2;
w_size = -1;
i1 = 0;
trivialwin = div_s32_floor(i1 - i, w_size);
b_w.set_size((w.size(0) + trivialwin) + 1);
loop_ub = w.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
b_w[i1] = w[i1];
for (i1 = 0; i1 <= trivialwin; i1++) {
b_w[i1 + w.size(0)] = w[i + w_size * i1];
trivialwin = b_w.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < trivialwin; i++) {
w[i] = b_w[i];
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for hamming.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hamming.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hamming.h
index 44c49e3..292238f 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hamming.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hamming.h
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
// File: hamming.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
#ifndef HAMMING_H
#define HAMMING_H
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
namespace coder {
void hamming(double varargin_1, ::coder::array<double, 1U> &w);
// File trailer for hamming.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hann.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hann.cpp
index 21f76f4..bdcea75 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hann.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hann.cpp
@@ -1,116 +1,116 @@
// File: hann.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "hann.h"
#include "dereveb_c_rtwutil.h"
#include "gencoswin.h"
#include "iseven.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include <cmath>
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : double varargin_1
// ::coder::array<double, 1U> &w
// Return Type : void
namespace coder {
void hann(double varargin_1, ::coder::array<double, 1U> &w)
array<double, 1U> b_w;
double L;
int i;
int trivialwin;
int w_size;
signed char w_data;
w_size = 1;
w_data = 0;
trivialwin = 0;
if (varargin_1 == std::floor(varargin_1)) {
L = varargin_1;
} else {
L = std::round(varargin_1);
if (L == 0.0) {
w_size = 0;
trivialwin = 1;
} else if (L == 1.0) {
w_data = 1;
trivialwin = 1;
for (i = 0; i < w_size; i++) {
w[0] = w_data;
if (trivialwin == 0) {
if (iseven(L + 1.0)) {
int i1;
int loop_ub;
calc_window((L + 1.0) / 2.0, L + 1.0, w);
if (2 > w.size(0)) {
i = 0;
w_size = 1;
i1 = -1;
} else {
i = w.size(0) - 1;
w_size = -1;
i1 = 1;
trivialwin = div_s32_floor(i1 - i, w_size);
b_w.set_size((w.size(0) + trivialwin) + 1);
loop_ub = w.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
b_w[i1] = w[i1];
for (i1 = 0; i1 <= trivialwin; i1++) {
b_w[i1 + w.size(0)] = w[i + w_size * i1];
trivialwin = b_w.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < trivialwin; i++) {
w[i] = b_w[i];
} else {
int i1;
int loop_ub;
calc_window(((L + 1.0) + 1.0) / 2.0, L + 1.0, w);
if (2 > w.size(0) - 1) {
i = 0;
w_size = 1;
i1 = -1;
} else {
i = w.size(0) - 2;
w_size = -1;
i1 = 1;
trivialwin = div_s32_floor(i1 - i, w_size);
b_w.set_size((w.size(0) + trivialwin) + 1);
loop_ub = w.size(0);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < loop_ub; i1++) {
b_w[i1] = w[i1];
for (i1 = 0; i1 <= trivialwin; i1++) {
b_w[i1 + w.size(0)] = w[i + w_size * i1];
trivialwin = b_w.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < trivialwin; i++) {
w[i] = b_w[i];
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for hann.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hann.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hann.h
index e2cfbee..8846916 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hann.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/hann.h
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
// File: hann.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
#ifndef HANN_H
#define HANN_H
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
namespace coder {
void hann(double varargin_1, ::coder::array<double, 1U> &w);
// File trailer for hann.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ifft.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ifft.cpp
index bda3ff5..1357129 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ifft.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ifft.cpp
@@ -1,224 +1,224 @@
// File: ifft.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "ifft.h"
#include "FFTImplementationCallback.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include <cmath>
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : const ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &x
// ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &y
// Return Type : void
namespace coder {
void ifft(const ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &x, ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &y)
array<creal_T, 1U> b_fv;
array<creal_T, 1U> fv;
array<creal_T, 1U> wwc;
array<double, 2U> costab;
array<double, 2U> costab1q;
array<double, 2U> sintab;
array<double, 2U> sintabinv;
int N2blue;
int nd2;
int nfft;
nfft = x.size(0);
if (x.size(0) == 0) {
} else {
double nt_im;
int i;
int k;
int nInt2;
int rt;
boolean_T useRadix2;
useRadix2 = ((x.size(0) & (x.size(0) - 1)) == 0);
internal::FFTImplementationCallback::get_algo_sizes(x.size(0), useRadix2,
&N2blue, &nd2);
nt_im = 6.2831853071795862 / static_cast<double>(nd2);
nInt2 = nd2 / 2 / 2;
costab1q.set_size(1, nInt2 + 1);
costab1q[0] = 1.0;
nd2 = nInt2 / 2 - 1;
for (k = 0; k <= nd2; k++) {
costab1q[k + 1] = std::cos(nt_im * (static_cast<double>(k) + 1.0));
i = nd2 + 2;
rt = nInt2 - 1;
for (k = i; k <= rt; k++) {
costab1q[k] = std::sin(nt_im * static_cast<double>(nInt2 - k));
costab1q[nInt2] = 0.0;
if (!useRadix2) {
nInt2 = costab1q.size(1) - 1;
nd2 = (costab1q.size(1) - 1) << 1;
costab.set_size(1, nd2 + 1);
sintab.set_size(1, nd2 + 1);
costab[0] = 1.0;
sintab[0] = 0.0;
sintabinv.set_size(1, nd2 + 1);
for (k = 0; k < nInt2; k++) {
sintabinv[k + 1] = costab1q[(nInt2 - k) - 1];
i = costab1q.size(1);
for (k = i; k <= nd2; k++) {
sintabinv[k] = costab1q[k - nInt2];
for (k = 0; k < nInt2; k++) {
costab[k + 1] = costab1q[k + 1];
sintab[k + 1] = -costab1q[(nInt2 - k) - 1];
i = costab1q.size(1);
for (k = i; k <= nd2; k++) {
costab[k] = -costab1q[nd2 - k];
sintab[k] = -costab1q[k - nInt2];
} else {
nInt2 = costab1q.size(1) - 1;
nd2 = (costab1q.size(1) - 1) << 1;
costab.set_size(1, nd2 + 1);
sintab.set_size(1, nd2 + 1);
costab[0] = 1.0;
sintab[0] = 0.0;
for (k = 0; k < nInt2; k++) {
costab[k + 1] = costab1q[k + 1];
sintab[k + 1] = costab1q[(nInt2 - k) - 1];
i = costab1q.size(1);
for (k = i; k <= nd2; k++) {
costab[k] = -costab1q[nd2 - k];
sintab[k] = costab1q[k - nInt2];
sintabinv.set_size(1, 0);
if (useRadix2) {
x, x.size(0), costab, sintab, y);
if (y.size(0) > 1) {
nt_im = 1.0 / static_cast<double>(y.size(0));
nd2 = y.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < nd2; i++) {
y[i].re = nt_im * y[i].re;
y[i].im = nt_im * y[i].im;
} else {
double b_re_tmp;
double c_re_tmp;
double nt_re;
double re_tmp;
nd2 = (x.size(0) + x.size(0)) - 1;
rt = 0;
wwc[x.size(0) - 1].re = 1.0;
wwc[x.size(0) - 1].im = 0.0;
nInt2 = x.size(0) << 1;
i = x.size(0);
for (k = 0; k <= i - 2; k++) {
int b_y;
b_y = ((k + 1) << 1) - 1;
if (nInt2 - rt <= b_y) {
rt += b_y - nInt2;
} else {
rt += b_y;
nt_im = 3.1415926535897931 * static_cast<double>(rt) /
if (nt_im == 0.0) {
nt_re = 1.0;
nt_im = 0.0;
} else {
nt_re = std::cos(nt_im);
nt_im = std::sin(nt_im);
wwc[(x.size(0) - k) - 2].re = nt_re;
wwc[(x.size(0) - k) - 2].im = -nt_im;
i = nd2 - 1;
for (k = i; k >= nfft; k--) {
wwc[k] = wwc[(nd2 - k) - 1];
nd2 = x.size(0);
for (k = 0; k < nd2; k++) {
nt_re = wwc[(nfft + k) - 1].re;
nt_im = wwc[(nfft + k) - 1].im;
re_tmp = x[k].im;
b_re_tmp = x[k].re;
y[k].re = nt_re * b_re_tmp + nt_im * re_tmp;
y[k].im = nt_re * re_tmp - nt_im * b_re_tmp;
i = x.size(0) + 1;
for (k = i; k <= nfft; k++) {
y[k - 1].re = 0.0;
y[k - 1].im = 0.0;
y, N2blue, costab, sintab, fv);
wwc, N2blue, costab, sintab, b_fv);
nd2 = fv.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < nd2; i++) {
nt_im = fv[i].re;
re_tmp = b_fv[i].im;
b_re_tmp = fv[i].im;
c_re_tmp = b_fv[i].re;
b_fv[i].re = nt_im * c_re_tmp - b_re_tmp * re_tmp;
b_fv[i].im = nt_im * re_tmp + b_re_tmp * c_re_tmp;
b_fv, N2blue, costab, sintabinv, fv);
if (fv.size(0) > 1) {
nt_im = 1.0 / static_cast<double>(fv.size(0));
nd2 = fv.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < nd2; i++) {
fv[i].re = nt_im * fv[i].re;
fv[i].im = nt_im * fv[i].im;
nt_re = x.size(0);
i = x.size(0);
rt = wwc.size(0);
for (k = i; k <= rt; k++) {
double ar;
nt_im = wwc[k - 1].re;
re_tmp = fv[k - 1].im;
b_re_tmp = wwc[k - 1].im;
c_re_tmp = fv[k - 1].re;
ar = nt_im * c_re_tmp + b_re_tmp * re_tmp;
nt_im = nt_im * re_tmp - b_re_tmp * c_re_tmp;
if (nt_im == 0.0) {
nd2 = k - i;
y[nd2].re = ar / nt_re;
y[nd2].im = 0.0;
} else if (ar == 0.0) {
nd2 = k - i;
y[nd2].re = 0.0;
y[nd2].im = nt_im / nt_re;
} else {
nd2 = k - i;
y[nd2].re = ar / nt_re;
y[nd2].im = nt_im / nt_re;
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for ifft.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ifft.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ifft.h
index 3dc9488..91b31ee 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ifft.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ifft.h
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
// File: ifft.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
#ifndef IFFT_H
#define IFFT_H
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
namespace coder {
void ifft(const ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &x, ::coder::array<creal_T, 1U> &y);
// File trailer for ifft.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_api.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_api.cpp
index dd07bf2..aeafb93 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_api.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_api.cpp
@@ -1,324 +1,324 @@
// File: _coder_dereveb_c_api.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "_coder_dereveb_c_api.h"
#include "_coder_dereveb_c_mex.h"
// Variable Definitions
emlrtCTX emlrtRootTLSGlobal{nullptr};
emlrtContext emlrtContextGlobal{
true, // bFirstTime
false, // bInitialized
131611U, // fVersionInfo
nullptr, // fErrorFunction
"dereveb_c", // fFunctionName
nullptr, // fRTCallStack
false, // bDebugMode
{2045744189U, 2170104910U, 2743257031U, 4284093946U}, // fSigWrd
nullptr // fSigMem
// Function Declarations
static real_T b_emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *fs,
const char_T *identifier);
static real_T b_emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *u,
const emlrtMsgIdentifier *parentId);
static real_T (*c_emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp,
const mxArray *impulseResponse,
const char_T *identifier))[264600];
static real_T (*c_emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *u,
const emlrtMsgIdentifier *parentId))[264600];
static real_T (*d_emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *src,
const emlrtMsgIdentifier *msgId))[220500];
static real_T e_emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *src,
const emlrtMsgIdentifier *msgId);
static real_T (*emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *b_signal,
const char_T *identifier))[220500];
static real_T (*emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *u,
const emlrtMsgIdentifier *parentId))[220500];
static const mxArray *emlrt_marshallOut(const real_T u[220500]);
static real_T (*f_emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *src,
const emlrtMsgIdentifier *msgId))[264600];
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : const emlrtStack *sp
// const mxArray *fs
// const char_T *identifier
// Return Type : real_T
static real_T b_emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *fs,
const char_T *identifier)
emlrtMsgIdentifier thisId;
real_T y;
thisId.fIdentifier = const_cast<const char_T *>(identifier);
thisId.fParent = nullptr;
thisId.bParentIsCell = false;
y = b_emlrt_marshallIn(sp, emlrtAlias(fs), &thisId);
return y;
// Arguments : const emlrtStack *sp
// const mxArray *u
// const emlrtMsgIdentifier *parentId
// Return Type : real_T
static real_T b_emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *u,
const emlrtMsgIdentifier *parentId)
real_T y;
y = e_emlrt_marshallIn(sp, emlrtAlias(u), parentId);
return y;
// Arguments : const emlrtStack *sp
// const mxArray *impulseResponse
// const char_T *identifier
// Return Type : real_T (*)[264600]
static real_T (*c_emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp,
const mxArray *impulseResponse,
const char_T *identifier))[264600]
emlrtMsgIdentifier thisId;
thisId.fIdentifier = const_cast<const char_T *>(identifier);
thisId.fParent = nullptr;
thisId.bParentIsCell = false;
y = c_emlrt_marshallIn(sp, emlrtAlias(impulseResponse), &thisId);
return y;
// Arguments : const emlrtStack *sp
// const mxArray *u
// const emlrtMsgIdentifier *parentId
// Return Type : real_T (*)[264600]
static real_T (*c_emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *u,
const emlrtMsgIdentifier *parentId))[264600]
y = f_emlrt_marshallIn(sp, emlrtAlias(u), parentId);
return y;
// Arguments : const emlrtStack *sp
// const mxArray *src
// const emlrtMsgIdentifier *msgId
// Return Type : real_T (*)[220500]
static real_T (*d_emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *src,
const emlrtMsgIdentifier *msgId))[220500]
static const int32_T dims{220500};
emlrtCheckBuiltInR2012b((emlrtCTX)sp, msgId, src, (const char_T *)"double",
false, 1U, (void *)&dims);
ret = (real_T(*)[220500])emlrtMxGetData(src);
return ret;
// Arguments : const emlrtStack *sp
// const mxArray *src
// const emlrtMsgIdentifier *msgId
// Return Type : real_T
static real_T e_emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *src,
const emlrtMsgIdentifier *msgId)
static const int32_T dims{0};
real_T ret;
emlrtCheckBuiltInR2012b((emlrtCTX)sp, msgId, src, (const char_T *)"double",
false, 0U, (void *)&dims);
ret = *(real_T *)emlrtMxGetData(src);
return ret;
// Arguments : const emlrtStack *sp
// const mxArray *b_signal
// const char_T *identifier
// Return Type : real_T (*)[220500]
static real_T (*emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *b_signal,
const char_T *identifier))[220500]
emlrtMsgIdentifier thisId;
thisId.fIdentifier = const_cast<const char_T *>(identifier);
thisId.fParent = nullptr;
thisId.bParentIsCell = false;
y = emlrt_marshallIn(sp, emlrtAlias(b_signal), &thisId);
return y;
// Arguments : const emlrtStack *sp
// const mxArray *u
// const emlrtMsgIdentifier *parentId
// Return Type : real_T (*)[220500]
static real_T (*emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *u,
const emlrtMsgIdentifier *parentId))[220500]
y = d_emlrt_marshallIn(sp, emlrtAlias(u), parentId);
return y;
// Arguments : const real_T u[220500]
// Return Type : const mxArray *
static const mxArray *emlrt_marshallOut(const real_T u[220500])
static const int32_T i{0};
static const int32_T i1{220500};
const mxArray *m;
const mxArray *y;
y = nullptr;
m = emlrtCreateNumericArray(1, (const void *)&i, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
emlrtMxSetData((mxArray *)m, (void *)&u[0]);
emlrtSetDimensions((mxArray *)m, &i1, 1);
emlrtAssign(&y, m);
return y;
// Arguments : const emlrtStack *sp
// const mxArray *src
// const emlrtMsgIdentifier *msgId
// Return Type : real_T (*)[264600]
static real_T (*f_emlrt_marshallIn(const emlrtStack *sp, const mxArray *src,
const emlrtMsgIdentifier *msgId))[264600]
static const int32_T dims{264600};
emlrtCheckBuiltInR2012b((emlrtCTX)sp, msgId, src, (const char_T *)"double",
false, 1U, (void *)&dims);
ret = (real_T(*)[264600])emlrtMxGetData(src);
return ret;
// Arguments : const mxArray * const prhs[4]
// const mxArray **plhs
// Return Type : void
void dereveb_c_api(const mxArray *const prhs[4], const mxArray **plhs)
emlrtStack st{
nullptr, // site
nullptr, // tls
nullptr // prev
real_T fs;
st.tls = emlrtRootTLSGlobal;
reverberated_vc = (real_T(*)[220500])mxMalloc(sizeof(real_T[220500]));
// Marshall function inputs
b_signal = emlrt_marshallIn(&st, emlrtAlias(prhs[0]), "signal");
signal_vc = emlrt_marshallIn(&st, emlrtAlias(prhs[1]), "signal_vc");
fs = b_emlrt_marshallIn(&st, emlrtAliasP(prhs[2]), "fs");
impulseResponse =
c_emlrt_marshallIn(&st, emlrtAlias(prhs[3]), "impulseResponse");
// Invoke the target function
dereveb_c(*b_signal, *signal_vc, fs, *impulseResponse, *reverberated_vc);
// Marshall function outputs
*plhs = emlrt_marshallOut(*reverberated_vc);
// Arguments : void
// Return Type : void
void dereveb_c_atexit()
emlrtStack st{
nullptr, // site
nullptr, // tls
nullptr // prev
st.tls = emlrtRootTLSGlobal;
// Arguments : void
// Return Type : void
void dereveb_c_initialize()
emlrtStack st{
nullptr, // site
nullptr, // tls
nullptr // prev
st.tls = emlrtRootTLSGlobal;
emlrtClearAllocCountR2012b(&st, false, 0U, nullptr);
// Arguments : void
// Return Type : void
void dereveb_c_terminate()
emlrtStack st{
nullptr, // site
nullptr, // tls
nullptr // prev
st.tls = emlrtRootTLSGlobal;
// File trailer for _coder_dereveb_c_api.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_api.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_api.h
index e5b6ace..21a7303 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_api.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_api.h
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
// File: _coder_dereveb_c_api.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "emlrt.h"
#include "tmwtypes.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
// Variable Declarations
extern emlrtCTX emlrtRootTLSGlobal;
extern emlrtContext emlrtContextGlobal;
// Function Declarations
void dereveb_c(real_T b_signal[220500], real_T signal_vc[220500], real_T fs,
real_T impulseResponse[264600], real_T reverberated_vc[220500]);
void dereveb_c_api(const mxArray *const prhs[4], const mxArray **plhs);
void dereveb_c_atexit();
void dereveb_c_initialize();
void dereveb_c_terminate();
void dereveb_c_xil_shutdown();
void dereveb_c_xil_terminate();
// File trailer for _coder_dereveb_c_api.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_mex.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_mex.cpp
index 171ceea..26d046f 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_mex.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_mex.cpp
@@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
// File: _coder_dereveb_c_mex.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "_coder_dereveb_c_mex.h"
#include "_coder_dereveb_c_api.h"
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : int32_T nlhs
// mxArray *plhs[]
// int32_T nrhs
// const mxArray *prhs[]
// Return Type : void
void mexFunction(int32_T nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int32_T nrhs,
const mxArray *prhs[])
// Module initialization.
try {
emlrtShouldCleanupOnError((emlrtCTX *)emlrtRootTLSGlobal, false);
// Dispatch the entry-point.
unsafe_dereveb_c_mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs);
// Module termination.
} catch (...) {
emlrtCleanupOnException((emlrtCTX *)emlrtRootTLSGlobal);
// Arguments : void
// Return Type : emlrtCTX
emlrtCTX mexFunctionCreateRootTLS()
emlrtCreateRootTLSR2021a(&emlrtRootTLSGlobal, &emlrtContextGlobal, nullptr, 1,
return emlrtRootTLSGlobal;
// Arguments : int32_T nlhs
// mxArray *plhs[1]
// int32_T nrhs
// const mxArray *prhs[4]
// Return Type : void
void unsafe_dereveb_c_mexFunction(int32_T nlhs, mxArray *plhs[1], int32_T nrhs,
const mxArray *prhs[4])
emlrtStack st{
nullptr, // site
nullptr, // tls
nullptr // prev
const mxArray *outputs;
st.tls = emlrtRootTLSGlobal;
// Check for proper number of arguments.
if (nrhs != 4) {
emlrtErrMsgIdAndTxt(&st, "EMLRT:runTime:WrongNumberOfInputs", 5, 12, 4, 4,
9, "dereveb_c");
if (nlhs > 1) {
emlrtErrMsgIdAndTxt(&st, "EMLRT:runTime:TooManyOutputArguments", 3, 4, 9,
// Call the function.
dereveb_c_api(prhs, &outputs);
// Copy over outputs to the caller.
emlrtReturnArrays(1, &plhs[0], &outputs);
// File trailer for _coder_dereveb_c_mex.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_mex.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_mex.h
index 38924b5..c3bafcb 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_mex.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/interface/_coder_dereveb_c_mex.h
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
// File: _coder_dereveb_c_mex.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "emlrt.h"
#include "mex.h"
#include "tmwtypes.h"
// Function Declarations
MEXFUNCTION_LINKAGE void mexFunction(int32_T nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
int32_T nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]);
emlrtCTX mexFunctionCreateRootTLS();
void unsafe_dereveb_c_mexFunction(int32_T nlhs, mxArray *plhs[1], int32_T nrhs,
const mxArray *prhs[4]);
// File trailer for _coder_dereveb_c_mex.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/iseven.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/iseven.cpp
index 3e3c32b..54603e9 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/iseven.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/iseven.cpp
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
// File: iseven.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "iseven.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include <cmath>
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : double x
// Return Type : boolean_T
namespace coder {
boolean_T iseven(double x)
double r;
if (std::isnan(x) || std::isinf(x)) {
r = rtNaN;
} else if (x == 0.0) {
r = 0.0;
} else {
r = std::fmod(x, 2.0);
if (r == 0.0) {
r = 0.0;
} else if (x < 0.0) {
r += 2.0;
return r == 0.0;
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for iseven.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/iseven.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/iseven.h
index 61c629f..eff940c 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/iseven.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/iseven.h
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
// File: iseven.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
#ifndef ISEVEN_H
#define ISEVEN_H
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
namespace coder {
boolean_T iseven(double x);
// File trailer for iseven.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ixfun.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ixfun.cpp
index 2dd7da6..26a0bc2 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ixfun.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ixfun.cpp
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
// File: ixfun.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "ixfun.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include <cmath>
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &a
// const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &b
// ::coder::array<double, 1U> &c
// Return Type : void
namespace coder {
namespace internal {
void expand_min(const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &a,
const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &b,
::coder::array<double, 1U> &c)
int acoef;
int csz_idx_0;
int u0;
u0 = a.size(0);
acoef = b.size(0);
if (u0 <= acoef) {
acoef = u0;
if (a.size(0) == 1) {
csz_idx_0 = b.size(0);
} else {
csz_idx_0 = acoef;
u0 = a.size(0);
acoef = b.size(0);
if (u0 <= acoef) {
acoef = u0;
if (a.size(0) == 1) {
acoef = b.size(0);
if (csz_idx_0 != 0) {
acoef = (a.size(0) != 1);
u0 = csz_idx_0 - 1;
for (csz_idx_0 = 0; csz_idx_0 <= u0; csz_idx_0++) {
c[csz_idx_0] = std::fmin(a[acoef * csz_idx_0], b[csz_idx_0]);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for ixfun.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ixfun.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ixfun.h
index 8bc6ce5..f18544d 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ixfun.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ixfun.h
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
// File: ixfun.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
#ifndef IXFUN_H
#define IXFUN_H
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
namespace coder {
namespace internal {
void expand_min(const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &a,
const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &b,
::coder::array<double, 1U> &c);
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for ixfun.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/minOrMax.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/minOrMax.cpp
index 6e0bda8..93743cc 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/minOrMax.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/minOrMax.cpp
@@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
// File: minOrMax.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "minOrMax.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include <cmath>
// Function Definitions
-// Arguments : coder::array<double, 1U> &r2
+// Arguments : coder::array<double, 1U> &y
// const coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates
// const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M
// Return Type : void
-void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &r2,
+void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &y,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates,
const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M)
coder::array<double, 2U> r1;
coder::array<double, 1U> r;
int i;
int loop_ub;
int stride_0_0;
int stride_1_0;
int stride_2_0;
if (newEstimates.size(0) == 1) {
- i = r2.size(0);
+ i = y.size(0);
} else {
i = newEstimates.size(0);
if (i == 1) {
i = newEstimates.size(0);
} else if (newEstimates.size(0) == 1) {
- i = r2.size(0);
+ i = y.size(0);
} else {
i = newEstimates.size(0);
stride_0_0 = (newEstimates.size(0) != 1);
- stride_1_0 = (r2.size(0) != 1);
+ stride_1_0 = (y.size(0) != 1);
stride_2_0 = (newEstimates.size(0) != 1);
if (newEstimates.size(0) == 1) {
- i = r2.size(0);
+ i = y.size(0);
} else {
i = newEstimates.size(0);
if (i == 1) {
loop_ub = newEstimates.size(0);
} else if (newEstimates.size(0) == 1) {
- loop_ub = r2.size(0);
+ loop_ub = y.size(0);
} else {
loop_ub = newEstimates.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
r[i] = 1.0 - newEstimates[i * stride_0_0] /
- (r2[i * stride_1_0] + newEstimates[i * stride_2_0]);
+ (y[i * stride_1_0] + newEstimates[i * stride_2_0]);
r1.set_size(r.size(0), 2);
loop_ub = r.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
r1[i] = r[i];
loop_ub = M.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
r1[i + r1.size(0)] = 0.0;
- coder::internal::maximum(r1, r2);
+ coder::internal::maximum(r1, y);
-// Arguments : coder::array<double, 1U> &r2
+// Arguments : coder::array<double, 1U> &y
// const coder::array<double, 1U> &inputFramePower
// const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M
// Return Type : void
-void c_binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &r2,
+void c_binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &y,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &inputFramePower,
const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M)
coder::array<double, 2U> r1;
coder::array<double, 1U> r;
int i;
int loop_ub;
int stride_0_0;
int stride_1_0;
if (inputFramePower.size(0) == 1) {
- i = r2.size(0);
+ i = y.size(0);
} else {
i = inputFramePower.size(0);
- stride_0_0 = (r2.size(0) != 1);
+ stride_0_0 = (y.size(0) != 1);
stride_1_0 = (inputFramePower.size(0) != 1);
if (inputFramePower.size(0) == 1) {
- loop_ub = r2.size(0);
+ loop_ub = y.size(0);
} else {
loop_ub = inputFramePower.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
- r[i] = 1.0 - r2[i * stride_0_0] / inputFramePower[i * stride_1_0];
+ r[i] = 1.0 - y[i * stride_0_0] / inputFramePower[i * stride_1_0];
r1.set_size(r.size(0), 2);
loop_ub = r.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
r1[i] = r[i];
loop_ub = M.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
r1[i + r1.size(0)] = 0.0;
- coder::internal::maximum(r1, r2);
+ coder::internal::maximum(r1, y);
// Arguments : const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x
// ::coder::array<double, 1U> &ex
// Return Type : void
namespace coder {
namespace internal {
void maximum(const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x,
::coder::array<double, 1U> &ex)
int m;
m = x.size(0) - 1;
if (x.size(0) >= 1) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
ex[i] = x[i];
for (i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
double b;
boolean_T p;
b = x[i + x.size(0)];
if (std::isnan(b)) {
p = false;
} else if (std::isnan(ex[i])) {
p = true;
} else {
p = (ex[i] < b);
if (p) {
ex[i] = b;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for minOrMax.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/minOrMax.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/minOrMax.h
index 1b04bd0..489fa45 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/minOrMax.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/minOrMax.h
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
// File: minOrMax.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
#ifndef MINORMAX_H
#define MINORMAX_H
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
-void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &r2,
+void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &y,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates,
const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M);
-void c_binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &r2,
+void c_binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &y,
const coder::array<double, 1U> &inputFramePower,
const coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &M);
namespace coder {
namespace internal {
void maximum(const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x,
::coder::array<double, 1U> &ex);
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for minOrMax.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/pspectrogram.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/pspectrogram.cpp
index de5b733..71c15c4 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/pspectrogram.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/pspectrogram.cpp
@@ -1,124 +1,124 @@
// File: pspectrogram.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "pspectrogram.h"
#include "dereveb_c_rtwutil.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include <cmath>
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : ::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &y
// ::coder::array<double, 1U> &f
// double nfft
// const char options_range[8]
// Return Type : void
namespace coder {
void formatSpectrogram(::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &y,
::coder::array<double, 1U> &f, double nfft,
const char options_range[8])
static const char cv[128]{
'\x00', '\x01', '\x02', '\x03', '\x04', '\x05', '\x06', '\x07', '\x08',
'\x09', '\x0a', '\x0b', '\x0c', '\x0d', '\x0e', '\x0f', '\x10', '\x11',
'\x12', '\x13', '\x14', '\x15', '\x16', '\x17', '\x18', '\x19', '\x1a',
'\x1b', '\x1c', '\x1d', '\x1e', '\x1f', ' ', '!', '\"', '#',
'$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',',
'-', '.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5',
'6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>',
'?', '@', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p',
'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y',
'z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'a', 'b',
'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k',
'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't',
'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}',
'~', '\x7f'};
static const char cv1[8]{'o', 'n', 'e', 's', 'i', 'd', 'e', 'd'};
array<double, 2U> w1;
int kstr;
boolean_T b_bool;
b_bool = false;
kstr = 0;
int exitg1;
do {
exitg1 = 0;
if (kstr < 8) {
if (cv[static_cast<unsigned char>(options_range[kstr])] !=
cv[static_cast<int>(cv1[kstr])]) {
exitg1 = 1;
} else {
} else {
b_bool = true;
exitg1 = 1;
} while (exitg1 == 0);
if (b_bool) {
double freq_res;
double halfNPTS;
double half_res;
int b_y;
int i;
freq_res = 6.2831853071795862 / nfft;
if (std::isnan(nfft - 1.0)) {
w1.set_size(1, 1);
w1[0] = rtNaN;
} else if (nfft - 1.0 < 0.0) {
w1.set_size(w1.size(0), 0);
} else if (std::isinf(nfft - 1.0) && (0.0 == nfft - 1.0)) {
w1.set_size(1, 1);
w1[0] = rtNaN;
} else {
kstr = static_cast<int>(std::floor(nfft - 1.0));
w1.set_size(1, kstr + 1);
for (i = 0; i <= kstr; i++) {
w1[i] = i;
w1.set_size(1, w1.size(1));
kstr = w1.size(1) - 1;
for (i = 0; i <= kstr; i++) {
w1[i] = freq_res * w1[i];
half_res = freq_res / 2.0;
if (rt_remd_snf(nfft, 2.0) != 0.0) {
halfNPTS = (nfft + 1.0) / 2.0;
w1[static_cast<int>(halfNPTS) - 1] = 3.1415926535897931 - half_res;
w1[static_cast<int>(static_cast<unsigned int>(halfNPTS))] =
half_res + 3.1415926535897931;
} else {
halfNPTS = nfft / 2.0 + 1.0;
w1[static_cast<int>(halfNPTS) - 1] = 3.1415926535897931;
w1[static_cast<int>(nfft) - 1] = 6.2831853071795862 - freq_res;
kstr = static_cast<int>(halfNPTS);
for (i = 0; i < kstr; i++) {
f[i] = w1[i];
b_y = y.size(1) - 1;
for (i = 0; i <= b_y; i++) {
for (int i1{0}; i1 < kstr; i1++) {
y[i1 + static_cast<int>(halfNPTS) * i] = y[i1 + y.size(0) * i];
y.set_size(kstr, b_y + 1);
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for pspectrogram.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/pspectrogram.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/pspectrogram.h
index 7a8de2e..dcd1536 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/pspectrogram.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/pspectrogram.h
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
// File: pspectrogram.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
namespace coder {
void formatSpectrogram(::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &y,
::coder::array<double, 1U> &f, double nfft,
const char options_range[8]);
// File trailer for pspectrogram.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ref.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ref.h
index bae6e04..c90d290 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ref.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/ref.h
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
// File: ref.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
#ifndef REF_H
#define REF_H
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Type Definitions
namespace coder {
class captured_var {
double contents;
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for ref.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetInf.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetInf.cpp
index c28bd31..75fe773 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetInf.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetInf.cpp
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
// File: rtGetInf.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Abstract:
// MATLAB for code generation function to initialize non-finite, Inf and
// MinusInf
// Include Files
#include "rtGetInf.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
// Function: rtGetInf
// ==================================================================
// Abstract:
// Initialize rtInf needed by the generated code.
real_T rtGetInf(void)
return rtInf;
// Function: rtGetInfF
// =================================================================
// Abstract:
// Initialize rtInfF needed by the generated code.
real32_T rtGetInfF(void)
return rtInfF;
// Function: rtGetMinusInf
// =============================================================
// Abstract:
// Initialize rtMinusInf needed by the generated code.
real_T rtGetMinusInf(void)
return rtMinusInf;
// Function: rtGetMinusInfF
// ============================================================
// Abstract:
// Initialize rtMinusInfF needed by the generated code.
real32_T rtGetMinusInfF(void)
return rtMinusInfF;
// File trailer for rtGetInf.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetInf.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetInf.h
index fece781..8207991 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetInf.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetInf.h
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
// File: rtGetInf.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
#ifndef RTGETINF_H
#define RTGETINF_H
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern real_T rtGetInf(void);
extern real32_T rtGetInfF(void);
extern real_T rtGetMinusInf(void);
extern real32_T rtGetMinusInfF(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
// File trailer for rtGetInf.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetNaN.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetNaN.cpp
index fc2a00b..a9ed462 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetNaN.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetNaN.cpp
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
// File: rtGetNaN.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Abstract:
// MATLAB for code generation function to initialize non-finite, NaN
// Include Files
#include "rtGetNaN.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
// Function: rtGetNaN
// ======================================================================
// Abstract:
// Initialize rtNaN needed by the generated code.
// NaN is initialized as non-signaling. Assumes IEEE.
real_T rtGetNaN(void)
return rtNaN;
// Function: rtGetNaNF
// =====================================================================
// Abstract:
// Initialize rtNaNF needed by the generated code.
// NaN is initialized as non-signaling. Assumes IEEE
real32_T rtGetNaNF(void)
return rtNaNF;
// File trailer for rtGetNaN.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetNaN.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetNaN.h
index e20bb6d..6cc1060 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetNaN.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtGetNaN.h
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
// File: rtGetNaN.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
#ifndef RTGETNAN_H
#define RTGETNAN_H
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern real_T rtGetNaN(void);
extern real32_T rtGetNaNF(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
// File trailer for rtGetNaN.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rt_nonfinite.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rt_nonfinite.cpp
index bcc3bc1..279e4ab 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rt_nonfinite.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rt_nonfinite.cpp
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
// File: rt_nonfinite.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Abstract:
// MATLAB for code generation function to initialize non-finites,
// (Inf, NaN and -Inf).
// Include Files
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
real_T rtNaN{std::numeric_limits<real_T>::quiet_NaN()};
real_T rtInf{std::numeric_limits<real_T>::infinity()};
real_T rtMinusInf{-std::numeric_limits<real_T>::infinity()};
real32_T rtNaNF{std::numeric_limits<real32_T>::quiet_NaN()};
real32_T rtInfF{std::numeric_limits<real32_T>::infinity()};
real32_T rtMinusInfF{-std::numeric_limits<real32_T>::infinity()};
// File trailer for rt_nonfinite.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rt_nonfinite.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rt_nonfinite.h
index 0392c04..f094aa8 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rt_nonfinite.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rt_nonfinite.h
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
// File: rt_nonfinite.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern real_T rtInf;
extern real_T rtMinusInf;
extern real_T rtNaN;
extern real32_T rtInfF;
extern real32_T rtMinusInfF;
extern real32_T rtNaNF;
#ifdef __cplusplus
// File trailer for rt_nonfinite.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtwtypes.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtwtypes.h
index 523ca9d..e3bc12e 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtwtypes.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/rtwtypes.h
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
// File: rtwtypes.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
#ifndef RTWTYPES_H
#define RTWTYPES_H
* Fixed width word size data types: *
* int64_T - signed 64 bit integers *
* uint64_T - unsigned 64 bit integers *
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#ifndef INT64_T
#define INT64_T long
#define FMT64 "l"
#if defined(__LP64__) && !defined(INT_TYPE_64_IS_LONG)
#define INT_TYPE_64_IS_LONG
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#ifndef UINT64_T
#define UINT64_T unsigned long
#define FMT64 "l"
#if defined(__LP64__) && !defined(INT_TYPE_64_IS_LONG)
#define INT_TYPE_64_IS_LONG
// Include Files
#include "tmwtypes.h"
// File trailer for rtwtypes.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/spectrogram.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/spectrogram.cpp
index 5e61750..cf5ca8b 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/spectrogram.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/spectrogram.cpp
@@ -1,270 +1,270 @@
// File: spectrogram.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "spectrogram.h"
#include "computeDFT.h"
#include "hamming.h"
#include "pspectrogram.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "welchparse.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
// Type Definitions
struct cell_wrap_6 {
double f1[220500];
struct cell_wrap_22 {
double f1[264600];
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : const double x[264600]
// const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &varargin_1
// double varargin_2
// ::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &varargout_1
// Return Type : void
namespace coder {
void b_spectrogram(const double x[264600],
const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &varargin_1,
double varargin_2, ::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &varargout_1)
static cell_wrap_22 r;
array<double, 2U> r1;
array<double, 2U> xin;
array<double, 1U> win;
double b_expl_temp;
double expl_temp;
double hopSize;
double options_nfft;
int acoef;
int bcoef;
int i;
int i1;
int iCol;
char options_range[8];
boolean_T c_expl_temp;
boolean_T d_expl_temp;
boolean_T e_expl_temp;
boolean_T f_expl_temp;
boolean_T g_expl_temp;
boolean_T h_expl_temp;
std::copy(&x[0], &x[264600], &r.f1[0]);
if (varargin_1.size(0) == 0) {
hopSize = std::trunc((7.0 * varargin_2 + 264600.0) / 8.0);
hamming(hopSize, win);
} else if (varargin_1.size(0) > 1) {
hopSize = varargin_1.size(0);
bcoef = varargin_1.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < bcoef; i++) {
win[i] = varargin_1[i];
} else {
hamming(varargin_1[0], win);
hopSize = win.size(0);
hopSize, &options_nfft, &expl_temp, &b_expl_temp, &c_expl_temp,
&d_expl_temp, &e_expl_temp, &f_expl_temp, &g_expl_temp, &h_expl_temp,
hopSize = static_cast<double>(win.size(0)) - varargin_2;
i = static_cast<int>(std::trunc((264600.0 - varargin_2) / hopSize));
xin.set_size(win.size(0), i);
bcoef = win.size(0) *
static_cast<int>(std::trunc((264600.0 - varargin_2) / hopSize));
for (i1 = 0; i1 < bcoef; i1++) {
xin[i1] = 0.0;
for (iCol = 0; iCol < i; iCol++) {
expl_temp = hopSize * ((static_cast<double>(iCol) + 1.0) - 1.0);
b_expl_temp = static_cast<double>(win.size(0)) + expl_temp;
if (expl_temp + 1.0 > b_expl_temp) {
i1 = 0;
acoef = 0;
} else {
i1 = static_cast<int>(expl_temp + 1.0) - 1;
acoef = static_cast<int>(b_expl_temp);
bcoef = acoef - i1;
for (acoef = 0; acoef < bcoef; acoef++) {
xin[acoef + xin.size(0) * iCol] = r.f1[i1 + acoef];
bcoef = xin.size(0);
iCol = win.size(0);
if (bcoef <= iCol) {
iCol = bcoef;
if (xin.size(0) == 1) {
iCol = win.size(0);
} else if (win.size(0) == 1) {
iCol = xin.size(0);
} else if (win.size(0) == xin.size(0)) {
iCol = win.size(0);
r1.set_size(iCol, xin.size(1));
bcoef = xin.size(0);
iCol = win.size(0);
if (bcoef <= iCol) {
iCol = bcoef;
if (xin.size(0) == 1) {
iCol = win.size(0);
} else if (win.size(0) == 1) {
iCol = xin.size(0);
} else if (win.size(0) == xin.size(0)) {
iCol = win.size(0);
if ((iCol != 0) && (xin.size(1) != 0)) {
bcoef = (xin.size(1) != 1);
i = xin.size(1) - 1;
for (int k{0}; k <= i; k++) {
int b_bcoef;
iCol = bcoef * k;
acoef = (win.size(0) != 1);
b_bcoef = (xin.size(0) != 1);
i1 = r1.size(0) - 1;
for (int b_k{0}; b_k <= i1; b_k++) {
r1[b_k + r1.size(0) * k] =
win[acoef * b_k] * xin[b_bcoef * b_k + xin.size(0) * iCol];
computeDFT(r1, options_nfft, varargout_1, win);
formatSpectrogram(varargout_1, win, options_nfft, options_range);
// Arguments : const double x[220500]
// const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &varargin_1
// double varargin_2
// ::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &varargout_1
// Return Type : void
void spectrogram(const double x[220500],
const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &varargin_1,
double varargin_2, ::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &varargout_1)
static cell_wrap_6 r;
array<double, 2U> r1;
array<double, 2U> xin;
array<double, 1U> win;
double b_expl_temp;
double expl_temp;
double hopSize;
double options_nfft;
int acoef;
int bcoef;
int i;
int i1;
int iCol;
char options_range[8];
boolean_T c_expl_temp;
boolean_T d_expl_temp;
boolean_T e_expl_temp;
boolean_T f_expl_temp;
boolean_T g_expl_temp;
boolean_T h_expl_temp;
std::copy(&x[0], &x[220500], &r.f1[0]);
if (varargin_1.size(0) == 0) {
hopSize = std::trunc((7.0 * varargin_2 + 220500.0) / 8.0);
hamming(hopSize, win);
} else if (varargin_1.size(0) > 1) {
hopSize = varargin_1.size(0);
bcoef = varargin_1.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < bcoef; i++) {
win[i] = varargin_1[i];
} else {
hamming(varargin_1[0], win);
hopSize = win.size(0);
hopSize, &options_nfft, &expl_temp, &b_expl_temp, &c_expl_temp,
&d_expl_temp, &e_expl_temp, &f_expl_temp, &g_expl_temp, &h_expl_temp,
hopSize = static_cast<double>(win.size(0)) - varargin_2;
i = static_cast<int>(std::trunc((220500.0 - varargin_2) / hopSize));
xin.set_size(win.size(0), i);
bcoef = win.size(0) *
static_cast<int>(std::trunc((220500.0 - varargin_2) / hopSize));
for (i1 = 0; i1 < bcoef; i1++) {
xin[i1] = 0.0;
for (iCol = 0; iCol < i; iCol++) {
expl_temp = hopSize * ((static_cast<double>(iCol) + 1.0) - 1.0);
b_expl_temp = static_cast<double>(win.size(0)) + expl_temp;
if (expl_temp + 1.0 > b_expl_temp) {
i1 = 0;
acoef = 0;
} else {
i1 = static_cast<int>(expl_temp + 1.0) - 1;
acoef = static_cast<int>(b_expl_temp);
bcoef = acoef - i1;
for (acoef = 0; acoef < bcoef; acoef++) {
xin[acoef + xin.size(0) * iCol] = r.f1[i1 + acoef];
bcoef = xin.size(0);
iCol = win.size(0);
if (bcoef <= iCol) {
iCol = bcoef;
if (xin.size(0) == 1) {
iCol = win.size(0);
} else if (win.size(0) == 1) {
iCol = xin.size(0);
} else if (win.size(0) == xin.size(0)) {
iCol = win.size(0);
r1.set_size(iCol, xin.size(1));
bcoef = xin.size(0);
iCol = win.size(0);
if (bcoef <= iCol) {
iCol = bcoef;
if (xin.size(0) == 1) {
iCol = win.size(0);
} else if (win.size(0) == 1) {
iCol = xin.size(0);
} else if (win.size(0) == xin.size(0)) {
iCol = win.size(0);
if ((iCol != 0) && (xin.size(1) != 0)) {
bcoef = (xin.size(1) != 1);
i = xin.size(1) - 1;
for (int k{0}; k <= i; k++) {
int b_bcoef;
iCol = bcoef * k;
acoef = (win.size(0) != 1);
b_bcoef = (xin.size(0) != 1);
i1 = r1.size(0) - 1;
for (int b_k{0}; b_k <= i1; b_k++) {
r1[b_k + r1.size(0) * k] =
win[acoef * b_k] * xin[b_bcoef * b_k + xin.size(0) * iCol];
computeDFT(r1, options_nfft, varargout_1, win);
formatSpectrogram(varargout_1, win, options_nfft, options_range);
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for spectrogram.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/spectrogram.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/spectrogram.h
index b483cb0..02af3e4 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/spectrogram.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/spectrogram.h
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
// File: spectrogram.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
namespace coder {
void b_spectrogram(const double x[264600],
const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &varargin_1,
double varargin_2, ::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &varargout_1);
void spectrogram(const double x[220500],
const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &varargin_1,
double varargin_2, ::coder::array<creal_T, 2U> &varargout_1);
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for spectrogram.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/sum.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/sum.cpp
index 2a37a03..64d8c77 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/sum.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/sum.cpp
@@ -1,99 +1,48 @@
// File: sum.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "sum.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x
// ::coder::array<double, 1U> &y
// Return Type : void
namespace coder {
void sum(const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x, ::coder::array<double, 1U> &y)
if (x.size(0) == 0) {
} else {
int vstride;
int xj;
vstride = x.size(0);
for (xj = 0; xj < vstride; xj++) {
y[xj] = x[xj];
for (int k{0}; k < 399; k++) {
int xoffset;
xoffset = (k + 1) * vstride;
for (xj = 0; xj < vstride; xj++) {
y[xj] = y[xj] + x[xoffset + xj];
-// Arguments : const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &x
-// Return Type : double
-double sum(const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &x)
- double y;
- if (x.size(0) == 0) {
- y = 0.0;
- } else {
- int firstBlockLength;
- int k;
- int lastBlockLength;
- int nblocks;
- if (x.size(0) <= 1024) {
- firstBlockLength = x.size(0);
- lastBlockLength = 0;
- nblocks = 1;
- } else {
- firstBlockLength = 1024;
- nblocks = x.size(0) / 1024;
- lastBlockLength = x.size(0) - (nblocks << 10);
- if (lastBlockLength > 0) {
- nblocks++;
- } else {
- lastBlockLength = 1024;
- }
- }
- y = x[0];
- for (k = 2; k <= firstBlockLength; k++) {
- y += x[k - 1];
- }
- for (int ib{2}; ib <= nblocks; ib++) {
- double bsum;
- int hi;
- firstBlockLength = (ib - 1) << 10;
- bsum = x[firstBlockLength];
- if (ib == nblocks) {
- hi = lastBlockLength;
- } else {
- hi = 1024;
- }
- for (k = 2; k <= hi; k++) {
- bsum += x[(firstBlockLength + k) - 1];
- }
- y += bsum;
- }
- }
- return y;
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for sum.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/sum.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/sum.h
index 2173cdd..ede2696 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/sum.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/sum.h
@@ -1,31 +1,29 @@
// File: sum.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
#ifndef SUM_H
#define SUM_H
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
namespace coder {
void sum(const ::coder::array<double, 2U> &x, ::coder::array<double, 1U> &y);
-double sum(const ::coder::array<double, 1U> &x);
-} // namespace coder
// File trailer for sum.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/unsafeSxfun.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/unsafeSxfun.cpp
index b0cc1a5..154106b 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/unsafeSxfun.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/unsafeSxfun.cpp
@@ -1,87 +1,90 @@
// File: unsafeSxfun.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "unsafeSxfun.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include <cmath>
// Function Definitions
-// Arguments : coder::array<double, 1U> &r
-// const coder::array<double, 1U> &inputFramePower
+// Arguments : coder::array<double, 1U> &y
+// const coder::array<double, 1U> &a_tmp
// const coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates
+// const coder::array<double, 1U> &inputFramePower
// Return Type : void
-void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &r,
- const coder::array<double, 1U> &inputFramePower,
- const coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates)
+void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &y,
+ const coder::array<double, 1U> &a_tmp,
+ const coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates,
+ const coder::array<double, 1U> &inputFramePower)
- coder::array<double, 1U> b_inputFramePower;
+ coder::array<double, 1U> b_a_tmp;
int i;
int loop_ub;
int stride_0_0;
int stride_1_0;
int stride_2_0;
int stride_3_0;
- if (r.size(0) == 1) {
+ if (inputFramePower.size(0) == 1) {
i = newEstimates.size(0);
} else {
- i = r.size(0);
+ i = inputFramePower.size(0);
if (i == 1) {
- if (r.size(0) == 1) {
- i = inputFramePower.size(0);
+ if (y.size(0) == 1) {
+ i = a_tmp.size(0);
} else {
- i = r.size(0);
+ i = y.size(0);
- } else if (r.size(0) == 1) {
+ } else if (inputFramePower.size(0) == 1) {
i = newEstimates.size(0);
} else {
- i = r.size(0);
+ i = inputFramePower.size(0);
- b_inputFramePower.set_size(i);
- stride_0_0 = (inputFramePower.size(0) != 1);
- stride_1_0 = (r.size(0) != 1);
+ b_a_tmp.set_size(i);
+ stride_0_0 = (a_tmp.size(0) != 1);
+ stride_1_0 = (y.size(0) != 1);
stride_2_0 = (newEstimates.size(0) != 1);
- stride_3_0 = (r.size(0) != 1);
- if (r.size(0) == 1) {
+ stride_3_0 = (inputFramePower.size(0) != 1);
+ if (inputFramePower.size(0) == 1) {
i = newEstimates.size(0);
} else {
- i = r.size(0);
+ i = inputFramePower.size(0);
if (i == 1) {
- if (r.size(0) == 1) {
- loop_ub = inputFramePower.size(0);
+ if (y.size(0) == 1) {
+ loop_ub = a_tmp.size(0);
} else {
- loop_ub = r.size(0);
+ loop_ub = y.size(0);
- } else if (r.size(0) == 1) {
+ } else if (inputFramePower.size(0) == 1) {
loop_ub = newEstimates.size(0);
} else {
- loop_ub = r.size(0);
+ loop_ub = inputFramePower.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
- b_inputFramePower[i] =
- (inputFramePower[i * stride_0_0] + r[i * stride_1_0]) /
- ((newEstimates[i * stride_2_0] + r[i * stride_3_0]) + 1.0E-8);
+ b_a_tmp[i] =
+ (a_tmp[i * stride_0_0] + y[i * stride_1_0]) /
+ ((newEstimates[i * stride_2_0] + inputFramePower[i * stride_3_0]) +
+ 1.0E-8);
- r.set_size(b_inputFramePower.size(0));
- loop_ub = b_inputFramePower.size(0);
+ y.set_size(b_a_tmp.size(0));
+ loop_ub = b_a_tmp.size(0);
for (i = 0; i < loop_ub; i++) {
double varargin_2;
- varargin_2 = b_inputFramePower[i];
- r[i] = std::fmin(1.0, varargin_2);
+ varargin_2 = b_a_tmp[i];
+ y[i] = std::fmin(1.0, varargin_2);
// File trailer for unsafeSxfun.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/unsafeSxfun.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/unsafeSxfun.h
index f16ea61..6689188 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/unsafeSxfun.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/unsafeSxfun.h
@@ -1,28 +1,29 @@
// File: unsafeSxfun.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "coder_array.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
-void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &r,
- const coder::array<double, 1U> &inputFramePower,
- const coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates);
+void binary_expand_op(coder::array<double, 1U> &y,
+ const coder::array<double, 1U> &a_tmp,
+ const coder::array<double, 1U> &newEstimates,
+ const coder::array<double, 1U> &inputFramePower);
// File trailer for unsafeSxfun.h
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/welchparse.cpp b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/welchparse.cpp
index 48b890b..2f8eb24 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/welchparse.cpp
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/welchparse.cpp
@@ -1,127 +1,127 @@
// File: welchparse.cpp
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "welchparse.h"
#include "rt_nonfinite.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <math.h>
// Function Declarations
static double rt_powd_snf(double u0, double u1);
// Function Definitions
// Arguments : double u0
// double u1
// Return Type : double
static double rt_powd_snf(double u0, double u1)
double y;
if (std::isnan(u0) || std::isnan(u1)) {
y = rtNaN;
} else {
double d;
double d1;
d = std::abs(u0);
d1 = std::abs(u1);
if (std::isinf(u1)) {
if (d == 1.0) {
y = 1.0;
} else if (d > 1.0) {
if (u1 > 0.0) {
y = rtInf;
} else {
y = 0.0;
} else if (u1 > 0.0) {
y = 0.0;
} else {
y = rtInf;
} else if (d1 == 0.0) {
y = 1.0;
} else if (d1 == 1.0) {
if (u1 > 0.0) {
y = u0;
} else {
y = 1.0 / u0;
} else if (u1 == 2.0) {
y = u0 * u0;
} else if ((u1 == 0.5) && (u0 >= 0.0)) {
y = std::sqrt(u0);
} else if ((u0 < 0.0) && (u1 > std::floor(u1))) {
y = rtNaN;
} else {
y = std::pow(u0, u1);
return y;
// Arguments : double N
// double *options1_nfft
// double *options1_Fs
// double *options1_conflevel
// boolean_T *options1_average
// boolean_T *options1_maxhold
// boolean_T *options1_minhold
// boolean_T *options1_MIMO
// boolean_T *options1_isNFFTSingle
// boolean_T *options1_centerdc
// char options1_range[8]
// Return Type : void
namespace coder {
namespace signal {
namespace internal {
namespace spectral {
void welch_options(double N, double *options1_nfft, double *options1_Fs,
double *options1_conflevel, boolean_T *options1_average,
boolean_T *options1_maxhold, boolean_T *options1_minhold,
boolean_T *options1_MIMO, boolean_T *options1_isNFFTSingle,
boolean_T *options1_centerdc, char options1_range[8])
static const char cv[8]{'o', 'n', 'e', 's', 'i', 'd', 'e', 'd'};
double absn;
int eint;
for (int i{0}; i < 8; i++) {
options1_range[i] = cv[i];
absn = std::abs(N);
if ((!std::isinf(absn)) && (!std::isnan(absn))) {
double f;
f = frexp(absn, &eint);
absn = eint;
if (f == 0.5) {
absn = static_cast<double>(eint) - 1.0;
*options1_nfft = std::fmax(256.0, rt_powd_snf(2.0, absn));
*options1_Fs = rtNaN;
*options1_average = true;
*options1_maxhold = false;
*options1_minhold = false;
*options1_MIMO = false;
*options1_conflevel = rtNaN;
*options1_isNFFTSingle = false;
*options1_centerdc = false;
} // namespace spectral
} // namespace internal
} // namespace signal
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for welchparse.cpp
// [EOF]
diff --git a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/welchparse.h b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/welchparse.h
index 07d1a8f..a84c34f 100644
--- a/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/welchparse.h
+++ b/dereverbrate/dereveb_c/welchparse.h
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
// File: welchparse.h
// MATLAB Coder version : 5.3
-// C/C++ source code generated on : 29-Mar-2023 11:20:55
+// C/C++ source code generated on : 31-Mar-2023 11:34:29
// Include Files
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "omp.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
// Function Declarations
namespace coder {
namespace signal {
namespace internal {
namespace spectral {
void welch_options(double N, double *options1_nfft, double *options1_Fs,
double *options1_conflevel, boolean_T *options1_average,
boolean_T *options1_maxhold, boolean_T *options1_minhold,
boolean_T *options1_MIMO, boolean_T *options1_isNFFTSingle,
boolean_T *options1_centerdc, char options1_range[8]);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace signal
} // namespace coder
// File trailer for welchparse.h
// [EOF]

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Jan 12, 08:29 (1 d, 11 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(221 KB)

Event Timeline