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diff --git a/AutoCoverTool/online/ b/AutoCoverTool/online/
index 8113e10..a73d87d 100644
--- a/AutoCoverTool/online/
+++ b/AutoCoverTool/online/
@@ -1,688 +1,689 @@
---src.mp3 // 源数据,需要提前放进去
---vocal.wav // 分离之后产生
---acc.wav // 分离之后产生
---vocal_32.wav // 分离之后产生
---song_id_sp1.wav // 合成之后产生
---song_id_sp2.wav // 合成之后产生
---song_id_sp2_d.wav // 降噪之后生成
---song_id_sp2_dv.wav // 降噪+拉伸之后产生 [占比太高的不产生]
---song_id_sp2_dve442.wav // 手动调整之后产生
---song_id_sp2_dve442_replace.wav // 替换之后产生
---song_id_sp2_dve442_replace_mix.wav // 人声+伴奏混合之后产生
--acc.mp3 // 44k双声道320k
--vocal.mp3 // 44k双声道320k
--src.mp3 // 44k双声道320k
--song_id_sp2_dv.mp3 // 44k单声道320k
---song_id_out // 对外输出
--src.mp3 // 原始音频
--song_id_sp2_dv_replace_mix.mp3 // 制作完成的音频
conda create -n auto_song_cover python=3.9
# 安装demucs环境[进入到ref.music_remover 执行pip install -r requirements.txt]
# 安装so_vits_svc环境[进入到ref.so_vits_svc 执行pip install -r requirements.txt]
pip install librosa
pip install scikit-maad
pip install praat-parselmouth
pip install matplotlib
pip install torchvision
pip install madmom
pip install torchstat
export PATH=$PATH:/data/gpu_env_common/env/bin/ffmpeg/bin
export PYTHONPATH=$PWD:$PWD/ref/music_remover/demucs:$PWD/ref/so_vits_svc:$PWD/ref/split_dirty_frame
import os
import time
import shutil
import random
import logging
import librosa
logging.basicConfig(filename='/tmp/inference.log', level=logging.INFO)
gs_err_code_success = 0
gs_err_code_no_src_mp3 = 1
gs_err_code_separate = 2
gs_err_code_trans_32 = 3
gs_err_code_encode_err = 4
gs_err_code_replace_err = 5
gs_err_code_replace_trans_err = 6
gs_err_code_mix_err = 7
gs_err_code_mix_transcode_err = 8
gs_err_code_no_src_dir = 9
gs_err_code_volume_err = 10
gs_err_code_trans2_442 = 11
gs_err_code_reverb = 12
gs_err_code_no_good_choice = 13
gs_err_code_preprocess_vocal = 14
gs_err_code_replace_except_err = 15
gs_denoise_exe = "/opt/soft/bin/denoise_exe"
gs_draw_volume_exe = "/opt/soft/bin/draw_volume"
gs_simple_mixer_path = "/opt/soft/bin/simple_mixer"
gs_rever_path = "/opt/soft/bin/dereverbrate"
from ref.music_remover.separate_interface import SeparateInterface
from ref.so_vits_svc.inference_main import *
from ref.split_dirty_frame.script.process_one import ReplaceVocalFrame, construct_power_fragment
class SongCoverInference:
def __init__(self):
self.work_dir = None
self.cache_dir = None
self.cid = None
self.src_mp3 = None
self.vocal_path = None
self.vocal_32_path = None
self.acc_path = None
self.speakers = [
1125899914308640, # 以下为男声,包括这个
self.speakers2gender = {
10414574138721494: 2,
10414574140317353: 2,
1688849864840588: 2,
3634463651: 2,
5629499489839033: 2,
5910973794723621: 2,
6755399374234747: 2,
8162774327817435: 2,
8162774329368194: 2,
1125899914308640: 1, # 1是男
12384898975368914: 1,
12947848931397021: 1,
3096224748076687: 1,
3096224751151928: 1,
5066549357604730: 1,
5348024335101054: 1,
6755399442719465: 1,
7036874421386111: 1
self.speakers_model_path = "data/train_users/{}/logs/32k/G_2000.pth"
self.speakers_model_config = "data/train_users/{}/config/config.json"
st = time.time()
self.separate_inst = None"post process ... ReplaceVocalFrame init sp={}".format(time.time() - st))
self.replace_vocal_frame_inst = None"SongCoverInference init sp={}".format(time.time() - st))
def separate(self, cid, src_mp3, vocal_path, acc_path):
:param cid:
:param src_mp3:
:param vocal_path:
:param acc_path:
st = time.time()
if self.separate_inst is None:
self.separate_inst = SeparateInterface()
if not self.separate_inst.process(cid, src_mp3, vocal_path, acc_path):
return gs_err_code_separate
if not os.path.exists(vocal_path) or not os.path.exists(acc_path):
return gs_err_code_separate
# 转码出一个32k单声道的数据
cmd = "ffmpeg -i {} -ar 32000 -ac 1 -y {} -loglevel fatal".format(vocal_path, self.vocal_32_path)
if not os.path.exists(self.vocal_32_path):
return gs_err_code_trans_32
print("separate:cid={}|sp={}".format(cid, time.time() - st))
return gs_err_code_success
def get_start_ms(self, vocal_path):
:param vocal_path:
audio, sr = librosa.load(vocal_path, sr=16000)
audio = librosa.util.normalize(audio)
# 帧长100ms,帧移10ms,计算能量
power_arr = []
for i in range(0, len(audio) - 1600, 160):
power_arr.append(np.sum(np.abs(audio[i:i + 160])) / 160)
# 将能量小于等于10的部分做成段
power_arr = construct_power_fragment(power_arr)
fragments = []
last_pos = 0
for idx, line in enumerate(power_arr):
start = round(float(line[0]) * 0.01, 3)
duration = round(float(line[1]) * 0.01, 3)
fragments.append([last_pos, start - last_pos])
last_pos = start + duration
if last_pos < len(audio) / sr:
fragments.append([last_pos, len(audio) / sr - last_pos])
# 合并数据,两者间隔在50ms以内的合并起来
idx = 0
while idx < len(fragments) - 1:
if fragments[idx + 1][0] - (fragments[idx][0] + fragments[idx][1]) < 0.05:
fragments[idx][1] = fragments[idx + 1][0] + fragments[idx + 1][1] - fragments[idx][0]
del fragments[idx + 1]
idx -= 1
idx += 1
# out_file = vocal_path + "_power.csv"
# with open(out_file, "w") as f:
# f.write("Name\tStart\tDuration\tTime Format\tType\n")
# for fragment in fragments:
# start = round(float(fragment[0]), 3)
# duration = round(float(fragment[1]), 3)
# strr = "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format("11", start, duration, "decimal\tCue\t")
# f.write(strr)
# 筛选出开始的位置
# 1. 连续时长大于10s,当前段长度大于3s
# 2. 不可用
# 从0到fragments[idx], 包含idx其中人声段的总和
tot_vocal_duration = [fragments[0][1]]
for i in range(1, len(fragments)):
tot_vocal_duration.append(tot_vocal_duration[i - 1] + fragments[i][1])
# 计算出任意两段之间非人声占比
for i in range(0, len(fragments)):
if fragments[i][1] >= 3:
now_tot = 0
if i > 0:
now_tot = tot_vocal_duration[i - 1]
for j in range(i + 1, len(fragments)):
cur_rate = tot_vocal_duration[j] - now_tot
cur_rate = cur_rate / (fragments[j][1] + fragments[j][0] - fragments[i][0])
if cur_rate > 0.1:
return fragments[i][0]
return -1
def inference_speaker(self):
st = time.time()
out_speakers = random.sample(self.speakers, 15)
out_songs_dict = {}
for speaker in out_speakers:
model_path = self.speakers_model_path.format(speaker)
config_path = self.speakers_model_config.format(speaker)
song_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "{}_{}.wav".format(self.cid, speaker))
inf(model_path, config_path, self.vocal_32_path, song_path, "prod")
except Exception as ex:"cid={}, inference_speaker err={}".format(self.cid, ex))
if os.path.exists(song_path):
if self.replace_vocal_frame_inst is None:
self.replace_vocal_frame_inst = ReplaceVocalFrame(
rate = self.replace_vocal_frame_inst.get_rate(song_path)
if rate < 0.3:
out_songs_dict[song_path] = rate
# 从内部选择占比最低的
out_songs = []
if len(out_songs_dict.keys()) > 0:
st_sec = self.get_start_ms(self.vocal_path)
song_msg = sorted(out_songs_dict.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1])[0]
out_songs = [song_msg[0]]"GetRate:cid={},song={},rate={},st_tm={}".format(self.cid, song_msg[0], round(song_msg[1], 2),
round(st_sec, 3)))
print("GetRate:cid={},song={},rate={},st_tm={}".format(self.cid, song_msg[0], round(song_msg[1], 2),
round(st_sec, 3)))
#"inference_speaker len = {} finish sp = {}".format(len(out_songs), time.time() - st))
print("inference_speaker len = {} finish sp = {}".format(len(out_songs), time.time() - st))
return out_songs
def get_new_vocal_rate(self, songs):
:param songs:
st = time.time()
need_to_process_song = []
for song in songs:
if self.replace_vocal_frame_inst is None:
self.replace_vocal_frame_inst = ReplaceVocalFrame("data/models/split_dirty_frame_v5_3_epoch3_852.pth")
rate = self.replace_vocal_frame_inst.get_rate(song)"{} {} replace_rate={}".format(self.cid, song, rate))
if rate < 1.0:
"get_new_vocal_rate belen = {} len = {} finish sp = {}".format(len(songs), len(need_to_process_song),
time.time() - st))
return need_to_process_song
def preprocess_vocal(self, songs, vocal_path):
1. 降噪
2. 拉伸
:param songs:
:param vocal_path: 参考的音频信号
st = time.time()
dv_out_list = []
for song in songs:
denoise_path = str(song).replace(".wav", "_d.wav")
cmd = "{} {} {}".format(gs_denoise_exe, song, denoise_path)
if not os.path.exists(denoise_path):
print("{} {} ERROR denoise".format(self.cid, song))
# 拉伸
volume_path = str(song).replace(".wav", "_dv.wav")
cmd = "{} {} {} {}".format(gs_draw_volume_exe, denoise_path, vocal_path, volume_path)
if not os.path.exists(volume_path):
print("{} {} ERROR denoise".format(self.cid, volume_path))
"preprocess_vocal belen = {} len = {} finish sp = {}".format(len(songs), len(dv_out_list),
time.time() - st))
return dv_out_list
def output(self, dv_out_list):
:param dv_out_list:
st = time.time()
out_dir = os.path.join(self.work_dir, self.cid)
if os.path.exists(out_dir):
# 拷贝数据
dst_mp3_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "src_mp3")
dst_acc_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "acc.mp3")
dst_vocal_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "vocal.mp3")
shutil.copyfile(self.src_mp3, dst_mp3_path)
cmd = "ffmpeg -i {} -ab 320k -y {} -loglevel fatal".format(self.acc_path, dst_acc_path)
if not os.path.exists(dst_acc_path):
return gs_err_code_encode_err
cmd = "ffmpeg -i {} -ab 320k -y {} -loglevel fatal".format(self.vocal_path, dst_vocal_path)
if not os.path.exists(dst_vocal_path):
return gs_err_code_encode_err
# 将所有数据放到out_dir中,用于给人工标注
for dv_wav in dv_out_list:
dv_wav_name = str(dv_wav).split("/")[-1].replace(".wav", "_441.mp3")
dst_dv_path = os.path.join(out_dir, dv_wav_name)
cmd = "ffmpeg -i {} -ar 44100 -ac 1 -ab 320k -y {} -loglevel fatal".format(dv_wav, dst_dv_path)
if not os.path.exists(dst_dv_path):
print("{} encode err!".format(cmd))
"preprocess_vocal output sp = {}".format(time.time() - st))
def process_one(self, cid, work_dir, enable_output=False):"\nstart:cid={},work_dir={}----------------------->>>>>>>>".format(cid, work_dir))
self.cid = cid
self.work_dir = work_dir
# 所有不对外交付的,全部放到这里
self.cache_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "cache")
if os.path.exists(self.cache_dir):
self.src_mp3 = os.path.join(self.work_dir, "src.mp3")
if not os.path.exists(self.src_mp3):
return gs_err_code_no_src_mp3
self.vocal_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "vocal.wav")
self.vocal_32_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "vocal_32.wav")
self.acc_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "acc.wav")
if not os.path.exists(self.vocal_32_path):"start separate ... {} {} {}".format(self.src_mp3, self.vocal_path, self.acc_path))
err = self.separate(cid, self.src_mp3, self.vocal_path, self.acc_path)
if err != gs_err_code_success:
return err, None, None"start inference_speaker ...")
out_songs = self.inference_speaker()
dv_out_list = self.preprocess_vocal(out_songs, self.vocal_path)
if len(dv_out_list) == 0:
return gs_err_code_no_good_choice, None, None
mix_mp3_path = None
gender = -1
if enable_output:
# 默认全部处理一遍
for dv_out_path in dv_out_list:
src_path = dv_out_path.replace("_dv.wav", ".wav")
err, mix_mp3_path = self.after_process(self.cid, self.work_dir, src_path, dv_out_path, self.vocal_path,
True, False)
if err != gs_err_code_success:"after_process err {}".format(err))
# 取出性别属性
if err == gs_err_code_success and mix_mp3_path is not None:
gender = self.speakers2gender[int(str(os.path.basename(mix_mp3_path)).split("_")[1])]"finish:cid={},work_dir={}----------------------->>>>>>>>".format(cid, work_dir))
return gs_err_code_success, mix_mp3_path, gender
def reverb_by_vocal(self, file):
st = time.time()
file_442 = file.replace(".wav", "_442.wav")
if not os.path.exists(file_442):
cmd = "ffmpeg -i {} -ar 44100 -ac 2 -y {}".format(file, file_442)
if not os.path.exists(file_442):
return gs_err_code_trans2_442, None
file_dst = file.replace(".wav", "_442_dr.wav")
cmd = "{} {} {} {}".format(gs_rever_path, self.vocal_path, file_442, file_dst)
if not os.path.exists(file_dst):
return gs_err_code_reverb, None
print("cid = {}, reverb_by_vocal sp={}".format(self.cid, time.time() - st))
return gs_err_code_success, file_dst
def after_process(self, cid, work_dir, in_file, effect_file, vocal_file, acc_file, need_draw=True,
if need_reverb:
# 抓取混响
err, effect_file = self.reverb_by_vocal(in_file)
if err != gs_err_code_success:
return err, None
if need_draw:
# 增加一个拉伸的步骤
volume_path = str(effect_file).replace(".wav", "_dv.wav")
cmd = "{} {} {} {}".format(gs_draw_volume_exe, effect_file, vocal_file, volume_path)
if not os.path.exists(volume_path):
print("{} {} ERROR draw volume".format(self.cid, volume_path))
return gs_err_code_volume_err, None
effect_file = volume_path
st = time.time()
self.cid = cid
self.work_dir = work_dir
self.src_mp3 = os.path.join(self.work_dir, "src.mp3")
if not os.path.exists(self.work_dir):
return gs_err_code_no_src_dir
self.replace_vocal_frame_inst.process(in_file, effect_file, vocal_file)
dst_path = effect_file + "_replace.wav"
if not os.path.exists(dst_path):
return gs_err_code_replace_err, None
print("replace_vocal_frame_inst sp = {}".format(time.time() - st))
# 转码
dst_path_442 = dst_path.replace("_replace.wav", "_replace442.wav")
cmd = "ffmpeg -i {} -ar 44100 -ac 2 -y {} -loglevel fatal".format(dst_path, dst_path_442)
if not os.path.exists(dst_path_442):
return gs_err_code_replace_trans_err, None
# 合并转码后再做一次拉伸,保证响度
volume_path = str(dst_path_442).replace(".wav", "_dv.wav")
cmd = "{} {} {} {}".format(gs_draw_volume_exe, dst_path_442, vocal_file, volume_path)
if not os.path.exists(volume_path):
print("{} {} ERROR draw volume".format(self.cid, volume_path))
return gs_err_code_volume_err, None
dst_path_442 = volume_path
# 混合
mix_path = dst_path_442.replace("_replace442.wav", "_replace442_mix.wav")
cmd = "{} {} {} {}".format(gs_simple_mixer_path, dst_path_442, acc_file, mix_path)
if not os.path.exists(mix_path):
return gs_err_code_mix_err, None
# 编码为mp3
output_dir = os.path.join(self.work_dir, self.cid + "_out")
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
name = str(mix_path).replace("_replace442_mix.wav", "_replace442_mix.mp3").split("/")[-1]
mix_path_mp3 = os.path.join(output_dir, name)
cmd = "ffmpeg -i {} -ab 320k -y {} -loglevel fatal".format(mix_path, mix_path_mp3)
if not os.path.exists(mix_path_mp3):
return gs_err_code_mix_transcode_err, None
# 拷贝src到output_dir
# shutil.copyfile(self.src_mp3, os.path.join(output_dir, "src.mp3"))
#"after_process sp = {}".format(time.time() - st))
return gs_err_code_success, mix_path_mp3
def prepare_env(self, cid, work_dir, create_dir=False):
self.cid = cid
self.work_dir = work_dir
# 所有不对外交付的,全部放到这里
self.cache_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "cache")
if create_dir:
if os.path.exists(self.cache_dir):
self.src_mp3 = os.path.join(self.work_dir, "src.mp3")
if not os.path.exists(self.src_mp3):
return gs_err_code_no_src_mp3
self.vocal_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "vocal.wav")
self.vocal_32_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "vocal_32.wav")
self.acc_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "acc.wav")
return gs_err_code_success
def generate_svc_file(self, cid, work_dir):
:param cid:
:param work_dir:
:return:err_code, 生成出的svc的文件名称
err = self.prepare_env(cid, work_dir, create_dir=True)
if err != gs_err_code_success:
return err, None
# 音源分离
if not os.path.exists(self.vocal_32_path):
st = time.time()
err = self.separate(cid, self.src_mp3, self.vocal_path, self.acc_path)"cid={},separate,sp={}".format(self.cid, time.time() - st))
if err != gs_err_code_success:
return err, None
# 生成svc,只保留一个最佳的
st = time.time()
out_songs = self.inference_speaker()
if len(out_songs) == 0:
return gs_err_code_no_good_choice, None"cid={},inference_speaker,{},sp={}".format(self.cid, out_songs[0], time.time() - st))
return gs_err_code_success, out_songs[0]
def effect(self, cid, work_dir, svc_file):
st = time.time()
err = self.prepare_env(cid, work_dir)
if err != gs_err_code_success:
return err, None"cid={},effect_and_mix,{},sp={}".format(self.cid, svc_file, time.time() - st))
# 预处理人声
dv_out_list = self.preprocess_vocal([svc_file], self.vocal_path)
if len(dv_out_list) == 0:
return gs_err_code_preprocess_vocal, None
svc_file = dv_out_list[0]
# 做音效
st = time.time()
err, effect_file = self.reverb_by_vocal(svc_file)
if err != gs_err_code_success:
return err, None"cid={},reverb_by_vocal,{},sp={}".format(self.cid, svc_file, time.time() - st))
return err, effect_file
def mix(self, cid, work_dir, svc_file, effect_file):
:param cid:
:param work_dir:
:param svc_file:
:param effect_file:
:return: err_code, 完成的mp3文件
st = time.time()
err = self.prepare_env(cid, work_dir)
if err != gs_err_code_success:
return err, None"cid={},effect_and_mix,{},sp={}".format(self.cid, svc_file, time.time() - st))
# 拉伸
st = time.time()
volume_path = str(effect_file).replace(".wav", "_dv.wav")
cmd = "{} {} {} {}".format(gs_draw_volume_exe, effect_file, self.vocal_path, volume_path)
if not os.path.exists(volume_path):
print("{} {} ERROR draw volume".format(self.cid, volume_path))
return gs_err_code_volume_err, None
effect_file = volume_path"cid={},draw_volume,{},sp={}".format(self.cid, svc_file, time.time() - st))
# 替换
st = time.time()
if self.replace_vocal_frame_inst is None:
self.replace_vocal_frame_inst = ReplaceVocalFrame("data/models/split_dirty_frame_v5_3_epoch3_852.pth")
self.replace_vocal_frame_inst.process(svc_file, effect_file, self.vocal_path)
except Exception as ex:"{},replace_vocal_frame_inst, {}", self.cid, ex)
return gs_err_code_replace_except_err, None
dst_path = effect_file + "_replace.wav"
if not os.path.exists(dst_path):
return gs_err_code_replace_err, None"cid={},replace_vocal_frame_inst,{},sp={}".format(self.cid, svc_file, time.time() - st))
# 转码
st = time.time()
dst_path_442 = dst_path.replace("_replace.wav", "_replace442.wav")
cmd = "ffmpeg -i {} -ar 44100 -ac 2 -y {} -loglevel fatal".format(dst_path, dst_path_442)
if not os.path.exists(dst_path_442):
return gs_err_code_replace_trans_err, None"cid={},transcode,{},sp={}".format(self.cid, svc_file, time.time() - st))
# 合并转码后再做一次拉伸,保证响度
st = time.time()
volume_path = str(dst_path_442).replace("_replace442.wav", "_replace442_dv.wav")
cmd = "{} {} {} {}".format(gs_draw_volume_exe, dst_path_442, self.vocal_path, volume_path)
if not os.path.exists(volume_path):
print("{} {} ERROR draw volume".format(self.cid, volume_path))
return gs_err_code_volume_err, None
dst_path_442 = volume_path"cid={},draw_volume2,{},sp={}".format(self.cid, svc_file, time.time() - st))
# 混合
st = time.time()
mix_path = dst_path_442.replace("_replace442_dv.wav", "_replace442_dv_mix.wav")
cmd = "{} {} {} {}".format(gs_simple_mixer_path, dst_path_442, self.acc_path, mix_path)
if not os.path.exists(mix_path):
return gs_err_code_mix_err, None"cid={},mixer,{},sp={}".format(self.cid, svc_file, time.time() - st))
# 编码为mp3
st = time.time()
output_dir = os.path.join(self.work_dir, self.cid + "_out")
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
name = str(mix_path).replace("_replace442_dv_mix.wav", "_replace442_dv_mix.mp3").split("/")[-1]
mix_path_mp3 = os.path.join(output_dir, name)
cmd = "ffmpeg -i {} -ab 320k -y {} -loglevel fatal".format(mix_path, mix_path_mp3)
if not os.path.exists(mix_path_mp3):
return gs_err_code_mix_transcode_err, None"cid={},encode,{},sp={}".format(self.cid, svc_file, time.time() - st))
return gs_err_code_success, mix_path_mp3
def get_gender(self, svc_file):
return self.speakers2gender[int(os.path.basename(svc_file.replace(".wav", "")).split("_")[1])]
def process_one_logic(self, cid, work_dir):
1. 分离数据+5次推理,获取最佳结果,并保存
2. 利用最佳结果做音效以及合并
err, svc_file = self.generate_svc_file(cid, work_dir)
gender = -1
if err != gs_err_code_success:
return err, svc_file, gender,
gender = self.get_gender(svc_file)
err, effect_file = self.effect(cid, work_dir, svc_file)
if err != gs_err_code_success:
return err, svc_file, gender
err, mix_mp3_path = self.mix(cid, work_dir, svc_file, effect_file)
return err, mix_mp3_path, gender
def test():
arr = [
# "611752105020343687",
# "611752105023532439",
# "611752105030419688",
# "611752105030485748",
- "611752105030485685"
+ # "611752105030485685",
+ "dzq",
base_dir = "/data/rsync/jianli.yang/AutoCoverTool/data/test"
s_inst = SongCoverInference()
for cid in arr:
st = time.time()
# err, mix_mp3, gender = s_inst.process_one(cid, os.path.join(base_dir, cid), False)
err, mix_mp3, gender = s_inst.process_one_logic(cid, os.path.join(base_dir, cid))
print(mix_mp3, gender)
print("cid={} RealFinish err={} sp={}".format(cid, err, time.time() - st))
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/AutoCoverTool/script/ b/AutoCoverTool/script/
index 81b3e60..b3496d2 100644
--- a/AutoCoverTool/script/
+++ b/AutoCoverTool/script/
@@ -1,263 +1,429 @@
import librosa
import soundfile
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
def local_maxium(x):
:param x:
d = np.diff(x)
l_d = len(d)
maxium = []
loc = []
for i in range(l_d - 1):
if d[i] > 0 and d[i + 1] <= 0:
maxium.append(x[i + 1])
loc.append(i + 1)
return maxium, loc
def Formant_Cepst(u, cepstL):
:param u:输入信号
:param cepstL:🔪频率上窗函数的宽度
:return: val共振峰幅值
:return: loc共振峰位置
:return: spec包络线
wlen2 = len(u) // 2
u_fft = np.fft.fft(u) # 按式(2-1)计算
U = np.log(np.abs(u_fft[:wlen2]))
Cepst = np.fft.ifft(U) # 按式(2-2)计算
cepst = np.zeros(wlen2, dtype=np.complex)
cepst[:cepstL] = Cepst[:cepstL] # 按式(2-3)计算
cepst[-cepstL + 1:] = Cepst[-cepstL + 1:] # 取第二个式子的相反
spec = np.real(np.fft.fft(cepst))
val, loc = local_maxium(spec) # 在包络线上寻找极大值
return val, loc, spec
def get_ref_stft():
sr = 44100
audio, sr = librosa.load(
"/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal_ref.wav", \
sr=sr, mono=True)
stft = librosa.stft(audio, n_fft=2048)
stft = stft.transpose()
data = np.mean(np.abs(stft), axis=0)
data = data / np.max(data)
return data
def test(in_vocal):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sr = 44100
audio, sr = librosa.load(in_vocal, sr=sr, mono=True)
stft = librosa.stft(audio, n_fft=2048)
stft = stft.transpose()
new_stft = np.zeros_like(stft)
w1 = get_ref_stft()
data = np.mean(np.abs(stft), axis=0)
data = data / np.max(data)
w = w1 / data
for ii in range(0, len(stft)):
# 第一种,整体向上+3
# for i in range(0, 3):
# new_stft[ii][i] = stft[ii][i]
# for i in range(0, len(stft[ii]) - 3):
# dst_i = i + 3
# new_stft[ii][dst_i] = stft[ii][i]
# 第二种,整体向上拉伸1.12倍[2个音高]
# for i in range(0, 1):
# new_stft[ii][i] = stft[ii][i]
# for i in range(1, len(stft[ii])):
# dst_i = int(i * 1.12 + 0.5)
# if dst_i >= len(stft[ii]):
# break
# new_stft[ii][dst_i] += stft[ii][i]
# 第三种,第一共振峰部分不移动,其他部分移动
# power = np.abs(stft[ii])
# power = power / (np.max(power))
# x = np.array(list(range(0, len(stft[ii]))))
# y = power
# new_x = []
# new_y = []
# for i in range(1, len(x) - 1, 1):
# if y[i - 1] < y[i] > y[i + 1] and y[i] > 0.01:
# new_x.append(x[i])
# new_y.append(y[i])
# # 前后100hz的合并
# x = new_x
# y = new_y
# new_x = []
# new_y = []
# for i in range(1, len(x) - 1, 1):
# if y[i - 1] < y[i] > y[i + 1]:
# if x[i] - x[i - 1] > 5:
# new_x.append(x[i - 1])
# new_y.append(y[i - 1])
# new_x.append(x[i])
# new_y.append(y[i])
# if x[i + 1] - x[i] > 5:
# new_x.append(x[i + 1])
# new_y.append(y[i + 1])
# if len(new_x) <= 1:
# new_stft[ii] = deepcopy(stft[ii])
# continue
# # 从第一共振峰开始向上加
# st_freq_idx = new_x[1]
# for i in range(st_freq_idx, len(stft[ii])):
# dst_i = int(i * 1.12 + 0.5)
# if dst_i >= len(stft[ii]):
# continue
# new_stft[ii][dst_i] = stft[ii][i]
# new_stft[ii][0] = stft[ii][0]
# for i in range(0, st_freq_idx):
# new_stft[ii][i] = stft[ii][i]
- new_stft[ii] = stft[ii] * w
+ # new_stft[ii] = stft[ii] * w
+ pass
new_stft = new_stft.transpose()
istft = librosa.istft(new_stft)
soundfile.write(str(in_vocal).replace(".wav", "_out.wav"), istft, 44100, format="wav")
def test_v5(vocal, vocal_ref, vocal_ref2):
sr = 44100
audio, sr = librosa.load(vocal, sr=sr, mono=True)
stft = librosa.stft(audio, n_fft=2048)
stft = stft.transpose()
new_stft = np.zeros_like(stft)
audio_ref, sr = librosa.load(vocal_ref, sr=sr, mono=True)
stft_ref = librosa.stft(audio_ref, n_fft=2048)
stft_ref = stft_ref.transpose()
audio_ref2, sr = librosa.load(vocal_ref2, sr=sr, mono=True)
stft_ref2 = librosa.stft(audio_ref2, n_fft=2048)
stft_ref2 = stft_ref2.transpose()
w1 = np.ones(len(stft[0]))
for i in range(0, 800):
w1[i] = i / 800
w2 = 1.0 - w1
for i in range(0, min(len(stft), len(stft_ref2), len(stft_ref))):
# new_stft[i] = stft_ref2[i] * w2 + stft[i] * w1
w = np.abs(stft_ref2[i]) / np.abs(stft[i])
new_stft[i] = w * stft[i]
new_stft = new_stft.transpose()
istft = librosa.istft(new_stft)
soundfile.write(str(vocal).replace(".wav", "_out5.wav"), istft, 44100, format="wav")
def ttt(path):
from scipy.signal import lfilter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# path="C4_3_y.wav"
# data, fs = soundBase('C4_3_y.wav').audioread()
data, fs = librosa.load(path, sr=44100, mono=True) # sr=None声音保持原采样频率, mono=False声音保持原通道数
# 预处理-预加重
u = lfilter([1, -0.99], [1], data)
cepstL = 7
wlen = len(u)
wlen2 = wlen // 2
# wlen = 256
# wlen2 = 256//2
# 预处理-加窗
u2 = np.multiply(u, np.hamming(wlen))
# 预处理-FFT,取对数 获得频域图像 取一半
U_abs = np.log(np.abs(np.fft.fft(u2))[:wlen2])
# 4.3.1
freq = [i * fs / wlen for i in range(wlen2)]
# print(freq)
# val共振峰幅值 loc共振峰位置 spec包络线
val, loc, spec = Formant_Cepst(u, cepstL)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(freq, U_abs, 'k')
plt.xlabel('频率/Hz') # 设置x,y轴的标签
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(freq, spec, 'k')
plt.xlabel('频率/Hz') # 设置x,y轴的标签
for i in range(len(loc)):
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot([freq[loc[i]], freq[loc[i]]], [np.min(spec), spec[loc[i]]], '-.k')
plt.text(freq[loc[i]], spec[loc[i]], 'Freq={}'.format(int(freq[loc[i]])))
# plt.savefig('images/共振峰估计.png')
def main(path):
import numpy as np
import pyworld as pw
from scipy.signal import freqz
import librosa
import math
base_rate = 1.05946
pitch = 0
fs = 44100
x, sr = librosa.load(path, sr=fs, mono=True)
x = x.reshape(-1).astype(np.float)
f0, t = pw.dio(x, fs)
f0 = pw.stonemask(x, f0, t, fs)
sp = pw.cheaptrick(x, f0, t, fs)
sp2 = np.zeros_like(sp)
cur_rate = 1
for i in range(sp.shape[1]):
sp2[:, i] = sp[:, min(int(i * 1 / cur_rate), sp.shape[1] - 1)]
ap = pw.d4c(x, f0, t, fs)
rate = math.pow(base_rate, pitch)
out = pw.synthesize(f0 * rate, sp2, ap, fs).reshape(-1, 1)
soundfile.write(path.replace(".wav", "_out2.wav"), out, fs)
+def test_v4(in_file, ref_file):
+ freqs = get_pitch_freq(in_file)
+ # 将其转变为每毫秒一帧
+ new_freqs = np.zeros(len(freqs) * 5)
+ for i in range(0, len(new_freqs)):
+ new_freqs[i] = freqs[int(i / 5)]
+ freqs_ref = get_pitch_freq(ref_file)
+ # 将其转变为每毫秒一帧
+ new_freqs_ref = np.zeros(len(freqs_ref) * 5)
+ for i in range(0, len(new_freqs_ref)):
+ new_freqs_ref[i] = freqs_ref[int(i / 5)]
+ sr = 44100
+ audio, sr = librosa.load(in_file, sr=sr, mono=True)
+ stft = librosa.stft(audio, n_fft=2048)
+ stft = stft.transpose()
+ new_stft = np.zeros_like(stft)
+ sr = 44100
+ audio_ref, sr = librosa.load(ref_file, sr=sr, mono=True)
+ stft_ref = librosa.stft(audio_ref, n_fft=2048)
+ stft_ref = stft_ref.transpose()
+ # 按照上面的频率段找到基频,然后先打印出来看看
+ for i in range(min(len(stft), len(stft_ref))):
+ cur_tm = int(i * 11.61)
+ cur_pitch = max(new_freqs[cur_tm], new_freqs_ref[cur_tm])
+ # # 方案1
+ new_stft[i] = stft_ref[i]
+ if cur_pitch < 10:
+ continue
+ # cur_pitch = int(cur_pitch / (44100 / 2048) * 1.5 + 0.5)
+ # # 保证前后总能量基本一致
+ # rate = np.sum(np.abs(new_stft[i][:cur_pitch])) / np.sum(np.abs(stft[i][:cur_pitch]))
+ # new_stft[i][:cur_pitch] = stft[i][:cur_pitch] * rate
+ # 方案2
+ vocal_pitch = int(new_freqs[cur_tm] / (44100 / 2048) * 1.5 + 0.5)
+ ref_vocal_pitch = int(new_freqs_ref[cur_tm] / (44100 / 2048) * 1.5 + 0.5)
+ base_vocal_pitch = vocal_pitch
+ base_ref_vocal_pitch = ref_vocal_pitch
+ # 穿插,第一共振峰用vocal,第二用ref,第三用vocal,第四用ref,第五用vocal,之后全用ref
+ # 第一共振峰
+ new_stft[i][vocal_pitch - 5:vocal_pitch + 5] = stft[i][vocal_pitch - 5:vocal_pitch + 5]
+ new_stft[i][ref_vocal_pitch - 5:ref_vocal_pitch + 5] = stft[i][ref_vocal_pitch - 5:ref_vocal_pitch + 5]
+ # 第二共振峰
+ vocal_pitch = base_vocal_pitch * 2
+ ref_vocal_pitch = base_ref_vocal_pitch * 2
+ new_stft[i][vocal_pitch - 5:vocal_pitch + 5] = stft[i][vocal_pitch - 5:vocal_pitch + 5]
+ new_stft[i][ref_vocal_pitch - 5:ref_vocal_pitch + 5] = stft[i][ref_vocal_pitch - 5:ref_vocal_pitch + 5]
+ # 第三共振峰
+ vocal_pitch = base_vocal_pitch * 3
+ ref_vocal_pitch = base_ref_vocal_pitch * 3
+ new_stft[i][vocal_pitch - 5:vocal_pitch + 5] = stft[i][vocal_pitch - 5:vocal_pitch + 5]
+ new_stft[i][ref_vocal_pitch - 5:ref_vocal_pitch + 5] = stft[i][ref_vocal_pitch - 5:ref_vocal_pitch + 5]
+ # 方案3
+ # 第五共振峰
+ # vocal_pitch = int(vocal_pitch / 3 * 5)
+ # ref_vocal_pitch = int(vocal_pitch / 3 * 5)
+ # new_stft[i][vocal_pitch - 5:] = stft[i][vocal_pitch - 5:]
+ # new_stft[i][ref_vocal_pitch - 5:] = stft[i][ref_vocal_pitch - 5:]
+ new_stft = new_stft.transpose()
+ istft = librosa.istft(new_stft)
+ soundfile.write(str(in_file).replace(".wav", "_out7.wav"), istft, 44100, format="wav")
+def get_pitch_freq(in_file):
+ # 1 转码到16k单声道
+ # 2 提取音高
+ import os
+ gs_ffmpeg = "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg"
+ in_16k_wav = in_file + "_16k.wav"
+ cmd = "{} -i {} -ar 16000 -ac 1 -y {}".format(gs_ffmpeg, in_file, in_16k_wav)
+ os.system(cmd)
+ if not os.path.exists(in_16k_wav):
+ return np.array([])
+ gs_pitch_exe = "/Users/yangjianli/linux/opt/soft/bin/dpitch"
+ out_path = in_file + ".cache"
+ cmd = "{} {} {}".format(gs_pitch_exe, in_16k_wav, out_path)
+ print("exec:{}\n".format(cmd))
+ os.system(cmd)
+ if not os.path.exists(out_path):
+ return np.array([])
+ midi_arr = []
+ with open(out_path, "r") as f:
+ while True:
+ line = f.readline()
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ freq = float(line)
+ midi_arr.append(freq) # 5ms一帧
+ return np.array(midi_arr)
+def test_v5(in_file):
+ sr = 44100
+ audio, sr = librosa.load(in_file, sr=sr, mono=True)
+ stft = librosa.stft(audio, n_fft=2048)
+ stft = stft.transpose()
+ w = np.ones(1025) * 0.1
+ for mid in [23, 23 * 2, 23 * 3, 23 * 4]:
+ for i in range(0, 5):
+ rate = i / 5
+ w[mid + 5 - i] = rate * (10 - 0.1) + 0.1
+ w[mid - 5 + i] = rate * (10 - 0.1) + 0.1
+ stft = stft * w
+ stft = stft.transpose()
+ istft = librosa.istft(stft)
+ soundfile.write(str(in_file).replace(".wav", "_out8.wav"), istft, 44100, format="wav")
+def test_v6(in_file, ref_file):
+ sr = 44100
+ audio, sr = librosa.load(in_file, sr=sr, mono=True)
+ stft = librosa.stft(audio, n_fft=2048)
+ stft = stft.transpose()
+ sr = 44100
+ audio_ref, sr = librosa.load(ref_file, sr=sr, mono=True)
+ stft_ref = librosa.stft(audio_ref, n_fft=2048)
+ stft_ref = stft_ref.transpose()
+ # 由A映射到B的情况
+ new_stft = np.zeros_like(stft)
+ step = 85
+ new_stft[:step] = stft_ref[:step]
+ a1 = np.mean(np.abs(stft), axis=0)
+ a2 = np.mean(np.abs(stft_ref), axis=0)
+ w = a2 / a1
+ print(np.max(w), np.min(w), np.mean(w))
+ for i in range(step, min(len(stft_ref), len(stft))):
+ a1 = np.mean(np.abs(stft[i - step:i]), axis=0) # 原声
+ a2 = np.mean(np.abs(stft_ref[i - step:i]), axis=0) # 变调之后
+ # w = a2 - a1
+ w = a2 / a1
+ # w[w > 2] = 2
+ # w[w < 0.5] = 0.5
+ # 微调,乘以幅度谱
+ new_stft[i] = (np.abs(stft[i]) * w) * np.exp(1j * np.angle(stft[i]))
+ new_stft = new_stft.transpose()
+ istft = librosa.istft(new_stft)
+ soundfile.write(str(in_file).replace(".wav", "_out8.wav"), istft, 44100, format="wav")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# vc = VoiceChanger()
# vc.process("/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal.wav",
# "/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal_out1.wav")
+ #
# test(
- # "/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal.wav")
+ # "/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal.wav")
- vocal_pp = "/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal_p1.wav"
- vocal_p2 = "/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal.wav"
- vocal_p3 = "/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal_p2.wav"
- test_v5(vocal_pp, vocal_p2, vocal_p3)
+ # vocal_pp = "/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal_p1.wav"
+ # vocal_p2 = "/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal.wav"
+ # vocal_p3 = "/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal_p2.wav"
+ # test_v5(vocal_pp, vocal_p2, vocal_p3)
# main("/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal_p2.wav")
# ttt("/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal_02_01.wav")
+ # vv = "/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal.wav"
+ # vref = "/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/vocal_p2.wav"
+ # # test_v4(vv, vref)
+ # test_v5(vv)
+ vv = "/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/out1/vocal.wav"
+ vref = "/Users/yangjianli/starmaker-work/research/tmp_code/消音相关/test_out/ins_main_out/test2/tot/3/out1/vocal_p2.wav"
+ test_v6(vv, vref)

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Jan 12, 08:29 (1 d, 15 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(45 KB)

Event Timeline